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Posts posted by SubjectL

  1. [DE]ar santa


    I would like nezha


    I am poor, I used my plat on other things, and then a day later nezha came out,and its a 1/17 chance to get daily, 


    It was a let down when nezha only came in a sortie


    so it would be nice to have nezha for this Christmas


    thank you


    from subjectL


    P.S. My kubrow ate the Orokin chocolate i was going to give you

  2. 1) Cheaper as you can get them now, meaning people can farm for it, so wait untill its unavailable, then you can sell it for a little bit more


    2) Not sure, i say around 20-30p


    3)I just used Bullet jumps

    Bullet jump for the win


    4) I would keep 1, To use Then rest i would sell, like so its up to you. Its around 30-120p each one.

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