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Posts posted by SubjectL

  1. Alt tab rarely kills the game, i have it Borderless full screen, But the Only problem i have with alt tab is the mouse dpi bug, it would be normal, alt tab in warframe, and its gone around 2x slower, which then makes me have to reload warframe.

  2. I can't read it, i have my warframe theme on a dark background,


    Edit: Nvm, i can just see it


    "    Dear developers, today I've bought Mantis cause I liked this insect-style ship and what I found? It has the same interior as standard Liset! I think it's obvious that narrow and slim Mantis can't be so wide and deep inside especially with a Liset style screen (or front windshield? I don't know how to call it properly). Of course it's not a tragedy but it's kind of logically and aesthetically wrong.

      Sincerely your (a bit dissapointed) Warframe player."
  3. Like so, When in hysteria, Valkyr can have different energy colours while channelling, For example


    i just did a mission, When i noticed, It had 2 different colours.


    It started off as this




    And then on the next mission, it became this..




    And then this one is a old picture that still had the energy bug, around 3 weeks ago




    Edit: Notice how the left hand is the original energy colour it should have, and the right side is the weird bugged colour, e.g. Yellow, green and Very light blue.


    Edit Edit: Woah, look at the first picture, The channelling colour is blue and light blue, and the claws are orange, Same with the last picture. So really its a 3 colour bug ._.

  4. You dont need to use a emote, you can easily press esc, then go back


    in normal pvp(Dojo pvp) your pet will try to kill you


    as vauban, if you place all your bastille or bounces when the fight is going to end, it stays there untill you leave


    As mesa, go into peacemaker, then go down, when you get back up, Your only weapon is peacemaker, and your able to run around with it

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