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Posts posted by SubjectL

  1. 4035710-in-before-the-lock.gif


    How about instead of making this thread, remove it, and make a new one saying "Snipes vs nullifers" with suggestions to improve it, instead of sarcasm everywhere

    (sorry if that sounded a bit mean, i don't mean to insult anybody)

    On topic - I would prefer nullifier bubbles to act like shields, meaning the more damage the more it goes down, instead of number of shots, like snipers would one hit remove the shield, where as auto rifles would need 20 hits or so to remove it all.

  2. *snip*



    Also Hysteria and Exalted Blade already deal a lot of damage, do they really need more?

    Yes.. We need more.. A lot more, But remember, its a 10 rank mod, it falls into a critical category, it would be nice if it effected it in some way.

  3. Awwww I got this mod this morning and I was gonna try it out on my Val when I got home from work but I guess you answered my question for me... Sad Face :(

    well, I wasted 67 gold r5's on it, to only find out it did not work on hysteria ;-; but i'm not sure about Excalibur sword :o

  4. On the wiki, Blood rush Does not effect hysteria ("Melee weapons will get red crits but Hysteria doesn't, although regular crits do seem to become more common when using this mod)


    Since its a melee mod, And it only effect's crit, Surly it would be nice for it to effect hysteria,


    what do you think?

  5. No point making these types of threads, Please just wait, Thats all you can do. Their are people with bigger problems with you, hence warframe crashing, account's being removed for no reason, so please don't be so rude!

  6. 7 vaubans 1 EV trin raid

    4 vaubans 1 boss nothing but bounce

    Mirage dance off, 4 mirages, all fist weapons

    Banshee scream, press 4 for sounds

    Quanta spam, with mirage

    Jat krittag PvP

    4 EV trins, 3 frosts 1 limbo

    Limbo raid

    4 limbos Max duration fight/defence

    Let Clem do all the work

  7. Yes the game is MADE to eat your money and you get nothing in return.

    Don't make false statements like that, ( i know its a joke,)


    Anyway, this is not meant to happen, please head to warframe support and request help their, they will give you your plat their

  8. never used it, replace it with a search, 

    Lets say, I'm looking for the player vamist (my old account) which i wanted to friend him, 

    I would look on region chat and oh look, i have to scroll past 100 people, Or press that button V, which then i have to search every person with the name V for "vamist"


    Search would be easier, lets say i lost somebodys name, but i knew a part of it, so i typed "Vam" and it linked up with vamist, which would help a lot more, instead of the "V" or "a" button


    tl;dr? Add search, i never used the "A" or "b" bar

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