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Posts posted by SubjectL

  1. Yup,, 4 vauban's 95 large energy pad, max efficiency What could go wrong


    *Note my normal fps is 72 (I set the max framerate to that o.O)*



    *Give youtube some time, it should get up to 1080p in about 20 mins*



  2. I agree, but would you agree as well to the following sentences: "Skill in this game comes also time dedication. MR20 shows more time dedicated to the game as MR10. The probability that an MR20 is more skilled as an MR10 is higher"


    It´s stupid, but it´s a measurement. On the bright side: If someone rejects to play with you because of MR, then it is a good indicator that you maybe wouldn´t like to play with this person nontheless.

    I agree 10/10 ^-^

  3.  I'm interested by this clan, I'm a mr 10, I play warframe normally, instead of building weapons to grind them to max to get higher mr >.<


    I have a lot of resources free, since i rarely build weapons, I've played a lot of warframe, around 700 hours on steam time, My mains are valkyr, and jat kittag, along with quanta vandal,


    I Play warframe for the fun, i'm active, well on every day, i'm 15, currently taken my GSCE's right now, but i'm interested in being in your clan


    (damn, I have to rebuild my nikana's now >.<(I wish i never sold them ;-;))

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