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Posts posted by hjalli3

  1. 3 minutes ago, Grimlar said:

    Not all of the quests are replayable, and it looks like Vors Prize is one of those that is not.

    However, whilst it is a little frowned on, you could start a new account, with a new email address and ditch it once you have gone through the first quest.

    Or you could turn to youtube, there are videos by many peope showing you how to play, some have created entire series of tutorials.

    For example:


    You may also find the wiki useful:


    The best help will be to find someone to help you out and explain things, perhaps a friendly guild.

    Thank you, I've decided to just create a new account. will definitely watch that youtube series you linked :)

  2. Ok, so it's propably been 2 years since I played this game and I want to get back into it but I'm really lost, I don't understand the map and all the different missions or really how the game works in general and I can't find a tutorial anywhere. If the tutorial isn't replayable is there a way to just wipe my account clean? start all over again so I can understand the game?

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