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  1. Update to this: When this duplication glitch occurs, sometimes I am able to repeatedly duplicate the item until it duplicates correctly. The minimum amount of times is 3 but sometimes it takes up to 5-7 duplications to get it to show correctly.
  2. Hi there, I'm writing this post to call out an issue about decorations in general sometimes not duplicating correctly. This issue only happens occasionally for me and some of my friends in other clans. This happens between a ton of different objects at random, but I noticed it the most with the Duviri decorations the first time I used them. As I type this out they duplicate fine, but an hour ago they didn't. The issue is that when I duplicate an object, sometimes it will not have the same scale/rotation as the object I'm copying which can be frustrating with objects sized up manually rather than with the preset sizing ticks. When an object gets bugged like this, it usually won't resolve itself unless I leave the dojo and come back, but other times it will just randomly start duplicating correctly again. I can't exactly make a list of the items that it's happened with for me because sometimes they duplicate normally, sometimes they don't. I'm playing on Xbox Series X with a solid internet connection, so I know it's mostly likely not lag. Other friends have had this same issue in their own dojos. I'm almost always solo when decorating and I'm in a clan of 2 people so there is never anyone in the dojo with me while decorating. I can provide whatever other details you request for this issue. Thanks for your help!
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