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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. What makes a gun good for you?

    So many people on the forums look at DPS charts like god and all I see on the forums is "soma prime or boltor prime or nothing".

    It blows my mind because there are so many good weapons but I feel as a huge majority only looks at paper DPS and does not actually test the guns

    What makes a gun good for you?

    I'll give an example

    Synoid gammacor is still nuts for instance, with volt I can extend the beam and go 90 minutes with no ammo issues yet I hear so many people complain that syn GAM was nerfed to hell

    Another example is braton prime. It actually has higher DPS than anything unless you use a frame that expands raw DPs to a higher level or if you use 4 cp which makes braton pointless to begin with. (Because armor scaling makes raw DPs pointless)

    What makes a gun amazing to you?

    Head shot crits?

    Status to abuse blast?

    Status and slash procs?

    Raw puncture DMG?

    Ridic ammo economy?

    I see so many people only care about burst and sustained DMG that I'm amazed we have so many people complain that we don't have enough " end game guns".

    What do YOU think?

    Do we have enough end game guns?

    Because I must say that we really do, and I think most people are too lazy to try them out themselves.

  2. Synapse beats soma prime in DMG per bullet yet has less fire rate thus resulting in soma prime having more burst fire

    Soma prime has a larger mag thus resulting in soma prime having more over sustained

    Synapse does not need to wind up, allowing it to benefit overall when strafing in corners

    Synapse does not shake your screen and heavy cal allows you to get random headshots without trying when aiming for body which is amazing in close quarters

    Synapse will deals nearly the same burst and sustained AGAINST ARMORED UNITS due to synapse being able to use either radiation or corrosive to either destroy alloy or ferrite respectively

    Synapse can deal red crits which is nuts and red shots are too real (red crit head shots)

    Soma prime can burst fire in the head allowing for more DMG from farther away while synapse has a terrible kick for the first second of firing which reduces accuracy further for a second or two

    In conclusion: synapse may look like nothing compared to soma prime if you believe in paper DPs like the bible but between the easy strafing, red head shots, ease of head shots when close up, and inherent element dmg


    Please stop saying to buff synapse, I have a 6 forma Amprex and synapse and 5 forma soma prime and synapse still competes against soma prime for single target dps

  3. look in the nicest possible way I'm sure it happens occasionally but that person is robbing themselves as well as you. This game is notoriously glitchy so could it be its just dc you all?

    I'm aware that they robbed themselves as well but it was not an accidental DC, he purposely turned his system off out of anger because nobody hit life support

    All DE has to do is allow host migration even when the host of the void key leaves

    Until they do this the host of the void key can ruin the squad whenever they want

  4. salt?

    I mean you couldve called it salt a year ago

    Now its just annoying.. So you disagree?

    Do you believe that host of void key should be able to DC after any length of time and completely screw the squad?

    By DC I mean the host turns his system off on purpose just to make the squad lose everything

  5. I am sick and tired of the host of void keys just DCing after 35 minutes and making me waste my time

    Inb4 warframe wastes time

    Literally the only thing that makes me play the star chart is I can play grineer and corpus endless and HAVE A CHANCE to not get screwed because its not a key being hosted

    If you disagree then please state why the host of a void key should be able to simply turn his/her system off simply in order to prevent the squad from getting all rewards.

  6. If I fire anywhere from 4-5 bullets in succession, rapidly, my ammo will go from 15-14-13-9

    Or another example 9-8-5-3

    I'm not sure if they messed it up while nerfing all semi-auto weapons but I haven't played with my Latron Wraith in SO LONG BECAUSE THIS BUG IS STILL APPARENT

  7. EDIT: No noticeable travel time. I know the Amprex is strong with the shield but I think it should keep it's pin point accuracy for the sake of ammo efficiency.

    Isn't it 75m? Iirc

    Also the Amprex never has pin point accuracy whether you shoot through an eletric shield or not

    Amprex isnt a 100 accuracy beam gun.

    With heavy cal it has like 9.5 accuracy and without 12.6 or something a long those lines

  8. Yes, i have . And get the delayed damage... dunno if it was laggy or bug or etc

    That would be due to beam mechanics in general.

    Ever since they've been changed they have been buggy and sometimes lag numbers

  9. Yeah augment the weapons that actually need it.

    Hek's augment is a great example as the gun gets a huuuge buff from this mod but still is not op

    Acrid augment really helps to make it feel like the DMG 1.0 acrid and is beneficial to use over another DMG mod because of this

    Not all augments should be DMG based and augments should not be used to band aid weapons

    In reality (a perfect world) augments should be used as choice and not necessity in order to make a weapon good.

    But until then I'll enjoy mods like hek multi shot and cleaver augment

    If augments are band aids for the time being then I will accept it, but I would like to eventually see a huge change in how they work

  10. Actually I'm pretty pretty sure they nerfed punch through recently. The only weapons of mine that can punch through sliding doors are the Latron series now.

    I used to do all kinds of technical play with my soma prime due to its awesome fire rate with punch through and now its impossible.

    All my other weapons are unable to go through walls as well, other than what I stated before; Latron Prime and Latron Wraith (I'm sure regular Latron still can as well)

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