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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. I understand bows perform well because of red crits, but do you understand that status builds can carry weapons farther into end-game territory than raw damage builds?

    Not to mention the crazy damage it already has at base.

    Yeah Status-based Dread with the slash event mod will rip the highest level enemies apart with bleed procs ignoring the enemies massive armor.

  2. "I don't like to camp so no one should be able to camp."

    Thanks for the valuable feedback OP!

    I camp most of the time in endless

    So you've just stated that by getting rid of energy pulling from Mag's Greedy Pull, we will not be able to camp anymore..

    I hope everyone sees how terrible this post is, we now have players that cannot imagine camping in the game of Warframe without Greedy Pull Mag giving them energy ..

  3. Have you tested this recently? I wanted to know this as well, because I remember hearing that they added diminishing returns or something but I wasn't able to confirm.

    I have tested this since PS4 obtained the update

  4. That's not Limbo's only synergy.

    You are correct, synergy comes quite easily in Warframe between frames. However, I believe this to be the only combo that actually makes Limbo worth it in higher level play.

    Even in lower level play/star chart he's sub par

    I apologize if I'm coming across as if Limbo has absolutely no synergy with any other frames

  5. Please allow Limbo to pick up ammo if its in the rift

    Please allow Limbo to pick up his gun if its in the rift when a drank lord disarms us

    The fact that Limbos abilities force him to hard camp make it so hard for him to actually camp since he can't pick up ammo

    Personally I would love for a set rework but just because I don't like how he plays doesn't mean he should be changed, but this simple change would REALLY HELP HIM

    Only volts electric shields give limbo an amazing niche and hes subpar outside of this combo

  6. Sure, even a heavily forma'd lato can kill 20 level 1 heavy gunners, but after the 30 minute mark in a t4s, the synoid can barely kill a bombard with a single clip. And firing the synoid in short bursts is a waste of ammo because of the laser's mechanics.

    I have been repeatedly saying that I would like the synoid to be usable in conjunction with a primary and not have it be an overpowered stand alone weapon, and in the state that it is now, it simply does not work with that even with a mutation. The way the synoid works now, once your primary is out of ammo, the synoid only has 12.5 seconds of being fired before it runs completely dry, during which you simply will not be able to refill your primary anywhere near a desirable amount. And the same happens in reverse, when the synoid runs out and you swap to your primary, you have to collect 600 bullets to fully restock it, and with how fast it eats ammo, your primary simply will not hold out while you amass the ammo back.

    Also, ammo restores are a crutch, plain and simple. They reduce gameplay effecience, the only exception where they are useful is during a defense, or a campy survival where enemies die right in front of you and drop loads of ammo nearby. The fact that a weapon would need you to use these at all is a sign that DE dun goofed at some point while designing (or in this case) that weapon.

    I mean idk what to say, except that you're very wrong IMO

    Do you hold the trigger down?

    The gun needs to be used in Bursts and you can't hold down even when moving between targets as the travel time will eat ammo

    I just see so many people (not saying you) that state syn GAM isn't good anymore yet they only use 2-3 formas

    I also laugh when they say it is not good but don't have rank 10 primed pistol mutation and heated charge

  7. I use volt prime with my 7 forma syn GAM and literally never run out of ammo unless I'm stagnant and do not move at all during the mission

    If you don't have a rank 10 primed heated charge AND a rank 10 Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation AND at least 6 formas on this gun then yes it will suck

    But at max potential it is still better than 90% of secondaries and is equal to all the other "best" secondaries

  8. Nyx is endgame viable...

    Volt isn't

    that's what I can say for sure.

    Got plenty of experience with both frames.

    Gotta love nyx' skills.

    how is a warframe that can set 12-20 turret shields for 40 seconds+ not "end game"? (mine last 1 minute)


    dont get me started on crit head shots either

  9. Thanks for NOT reading! -.-


    1.) The effect described in the thread that was linked in the patch notes, had nothing to do with the general mechanic of the shield!

    (And was likely introduced with the patch before, something like that would not go unnoticed for long!)

    THAT... was a bug, that should have been fixed!


    2.) The general mechanic of the shield was changed (nerfed to nigh zero), too, which was totally unrelated to that massive exploit damage.

    (Therefore its a nerf, not a fix, it used to work this way (stacking electric damage, non-stacking crit bonus) for a VERY long time.


    3.) THIS was NOT mentioned in the patch notes, therefore it is legitimate to call it a stealth nerf.



    There are only two possible reasons for this:

    a.) DE is as bad as they look when it comes to coding, and it was an accident, or the only way they could do it, or both.

    b.) DE is as bad as they look when it comes to game design decisions, and it was intentional, the stealth part of that nerf would then be intentional, too.



    I just can't believe someone with a halfway sane mind would do such a thing in such a way, there is nothing bad with nerfs they are needed sometimes, but this just does not look right.


    Any word from DE about this?

    Or any proven verification of how the shield now works?

    thank you

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