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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. I main Volt myself, but lets not lose our cool over this. They have a ton of bugs to deal with, and are trying to satisfy people with new content as well. They'll fix it.

    They shouldn't create new content when we have issues like this

    Even all lasers don't have punch through ATM yet DE decides to make newer content

    I'm cool lol, its simply frustrating that DE ALWAYS does this

  2. Then, shouldn't this be in the Bug section ?

    it is and as DE spits out new content they arent doing a thing about CURRENT CONTENT so it is my duty as a tenno to speak out against such shenanigans until IT IS FIXED



    i'm on console but i keep up with PC and i see all these hot fixes that do nothing about volt and all i can do is laugh at how ridiculous this all is

  3. sorry op not all guns can be like boltor prime and work really well with 2 formas max, this gun is amazing and you might just want to re-evaluate your own beliefs in what you think is good and bad

  4. the accessibility of our friend's list is so terrible that I never even bother to use it


    I don't understand why our friend's list can't just be added to our chat menu


    the fact that we have to go to communications and sacrifice our entire interface just to see our friends list is really dumb imo





    PLEASE DE, I would like the friend's list to actually be easy to access 

  5. Well, and if you would just remove the stamina cost for sprinting, as suggested by OP, you wouldn't have to do these things all the time.

    If we no longer need stamina at all, what happens to blocking? Will we be simply invulnerable now while we are in melee?

    that's why you would put a limit on blocking, it's dumb that stamina is tied to so many things atm and we have such little stamina

  6. hammer shot? what?


    considering braton prime kills heavy gunners faster than soma prime and boltor prime for the most part if the enemies reach lv 50+ and you're not using 4 CP i think it fills a nice niche


    dont touch my braton prime that gun is amazing as is

  7. How exactly is it bad logic? OP asked if Excal was likely to get passives when he's changed, and i pointed out that there have been 2 frames that have been changed since Mesa arrived, and started the 'passives' craze, and neither of them got passives. The odds are not in favour of Excal getting any either.





    it's bad logic because order means nothing in the case of what gets a passive and what does not


    excal may very well get a passive, nobody knows, probably not even DE lol

  8. As much as I'd like to see him get some passive stat bonuses, I doubt it'll happen. Ember didn't get any with her changes, nor did Nekros. Chroma was also released without any passives as well (I'm counting the changing elements as a feature, not a passive bonus).

    that's bad logic, since mesa and zephyr got passives. it's quite clear DE will just decide whenever/whoever they want to have passives whenever they desire

  9. kestrel is best for throwing thanks to syndicate augment


    glaive is best for dmging yourself if youre trinity and like abusing 99% dmg reduction


    Halikar is meh, i only use it on vauban since screw it and i like being able to disarm a single target due to his frailty if they somehow dodge his god-like cc

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