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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. So I'm not complaining, but vets were aware that a lot of guns didn't need to reload like latron wraith, soma prime, Boltor prime, amprex, etc

    Basically you would tap reload while shooting and your ammo would be refilled, and you would simply swing melee or use an ability in order to reload for "free"

    I just don't understand why DE can't post these in the patch notes. I'm getting tired of always having to find out more myself rather than reading the patch notes

    Yes it was op but it was also skill oriented. It is what it is but I just wish they'd be more on their patch notes information

  2. I disagree with you


    If you said to increase stamina then I'd say okay


    But atm parkour is stupid, many of my friends have tried getting into the game and one of the biggest issues is stamina and parkour


    however, unlike you I believe that a big issue is indeed the fact that we have stamina, or at least because we have such little stamina

  3. Are you really pretending smite doesn't have a 100% proc chance, seek out and spread to other enemies, and have basically no cast time and reckoning doesn't produce health orbs and do damage? That's sad.


    If you have to selectively ignore things, I don't think you should be talking about truth. But, hey, it's the dogmatism I expected.


    Here are the facts:

    Radial disarm disarms enemies. Sacrificing another mod to put on the augment makes it cause confusion. This confusion effect does not have a timer and will end without warning. Irradiated enemies will still attack players and objectives. It costs 100 energy unmodded and has a long cast time. Corrupt efficiency mods hurt the duration and duration mods (which are required for loki's invisibility and survivabilty) hurt the range. It can be recast while active, but spamming it is not advisable due to the cost.


    Chaos has greater base range and lower base energy cost, so mods that improve those things are more effective. It has faster cast time than radial disarm. It has a much greater base duration, so efficiency mods hurt it less. It does not disarm enemies, which allows them to do full damage to each other. Enemies under its effect get increased threat levels so uneffected enemies are more likely to attack them (I did not find any evidence of radiation increasing threat level). Chaos does have a timer that indicates exactly when it will run out so it can be recast without spamming.Maxing duration isn't advisable so there is no reason not to max efficiency. Chaos works without sacrificing a mod slot.


    Smite has a 100% radiation proc, takes no duration penalties, spreads between enemies and efficiency makes it nearly free to cast.  It does damage, knocks down enemies, and can be spammed. Reckoning does the same (except for spreading) and also produces health orbs. It knocks down all the enemies it grabs, blinds enemies in a radius around them, regardless of them being picked up by it or not, which can be expanded with range mods. The range is more limited, but comes with healing, damage and bonus CC.


    Three frames can cause a similar status effect, each has some powerful aspects and some drawbacks. One disables enemies, one has greater range with lower cost and faster cast, one provides healing and damage.


    Also, your radial disarm suggestion just makes it unusable or useless. I'm sure that was the intent, but I feel like I shouldn't go without mentioning that it's terrible.




    Your OP doesn't need to be disproven because it has no points. It makes a claim and fails to prove it.

    i'm sorry I didnt think my op needed to explain how Irradiating Disarm which is able to be recasted, disarms forever, and causes radiation proc is better than Chaos, which only causes radiation proc

  4. I think range multipliers would complicate the game too much if you implement it for all weapons.

    But I do think it would be nice on shotguns, however simply buffing their DPs would already be the same thing as the closer you are, the more pellets will hit

    Pellet spread alone is already a sort of "range multiplier"

    If shotguns had high DPs then you wouldn't need range multipliers as getting close up and smacking them will all pellets will be the same thing

    Its just a matter of shotguns getting DMG buffs

    Maybe fall off could remain on a few if they have ridic DPs but fall off is out dated for the most part

  5. No. It shouldn't be nerfed. It shouldn't even exist.

    Irradiating disarm is just the most easily explained case of DE once again shooting themselves in the foot with their shortsighted "balance" decisions.


    You and people like you are part of the problem.

    People like you, and people worse than you, who whine at the mere mention of the n-word, are the reason DE is too afraid to ever go back on their bad decisions(that and the fact that they monetize those bad decisions, and would have to issue millions of platinum in refunds, whenever they want to fix something and make a good game).

    You need to understand that this is why I'm saying this can never happen again.

    What if I said to get rid of ID? Do you have any idea how many people would flame this thread?

    Instead I have your side against me now.

    No matter what side you choose, there will be a lot of confliction AND THAT IS WHY we can never EVER have another mod like Irradiating Disarm.

    If I could personally nerf it, would I? Probably, but the damage is done and I'm pretty sure irradiating disarm is here to stay.

    Yes it is op

    It makes nyx obsolete on top of it being op

    I hope DE never makes a mod that does such damage ever again (damage meaning too op/making other frames obsolete)

  6. I still use both, mind control and absorb are good powers and chaos is still good imo

    Don't get me wrong, I love my nyx and use her as well. The issue however is that in a perfect world our community would be striving for balance and if I have a new player join the game, how will I explain to them that Loki is the real "manipulator of minds" when that is nyx' actual description/theme

  7. This is more so to simply say that Irradiating Disarm has made Chaos "obsolete"

    However, I feel that Loki's augment should not be nerfed. The biggest issue is how will DE make Nyx the true manipulator of minds again? Because Loki has that crown now.

    You really screwed yourselves on this one DE and I hope you learn to NEVER make an augment again that takes one warframe and makes them better in the same aspect as another (made Loki the better mind manipulator warframe)

    I really think they've put themselves between a rock and a hard place. Honestly I have no suggestion to chaos, all I can say is to look at our community and how split they are because Irradiating Disarm runs into Nyx territory.


    no I do not have any suggestions, my thread is to simply state how DE has put themselves in a really bad position because of this

  8. But we dont want him to be a CC bot/machine


    Which is why I made suggestions to his abilities.

    I didn't say anything about charge but I feel that needs an entire rework.

    I'm all for rhino no longer being stomp bot but he is definitely great for lv 50+ due to stomp and shall continue to be a great warframe in end game as stomp bot

    Basically, whether they fix him or not rhino is amazing for end game but it would be nice to increase his options with more than just rhino stomp

  9. If I don't play with 4 CP I will usually try and bring a corrosive primary and a radiation secondary (kudos to primed heated charge)

    I had been using all radiation for the void until I realized that heavy gunner eximi are everywhere in end game while bombards cannot be eximus so in the end corrupted heavy gunners are much larger bullet sponges than bombards

  10. I know full well that efficiency of 190% would make most abilities cost next to nothing. I'm just saying that if DE are gonna keep it at 175% then they should fix the stat on Fleeting so we don't get a full duration loss.

    You're right we should have 175% efficient with with only like 20% duration loss so that the duration loss means absolutely nothing and we can spam ALL abilities rather than just ultimates more easily.


  11. I don't care what the excuse is

    - PC has stated in 16.5 that melee range is nerfed to hell. If there is a confirmation from DE that this is a mistake please post it, maybe I missed it.

    - Strun Wraith nerf in PvP has trickled down to PVE

    DE if you're going to stick with PvP (lol) then please check your stuff!!

    As a ps4 player, all I have to look forward to in next update is a nerf to an ENTIRE SERIES OF WEAPONS and a nerf to the weapon I finally obtained.


  12. I'm sorry, what? A gun that outputs 10K can wipe the map up to level 40-50 units with zero problem, almost on a per-bullet basis. The "50K" mentality is the "Endless" mentality, which should only exist in Clicker Heroes, and not a coop shooter.


    You basically instantly invalidate all content other then content that won't actually even exit unless you stay inside a single endless mission for over an hour, and by then, we use stupid tricks by just cycling abilities anyway.


    The only reason people can use 50K damage is to ONLY make the interval between wave 1 and wave 50 go faster, so they can start the ability mash fest that is "higher level content" and start farming for multi core bundles and so on.


    This broken mentality is what is causing all the damn problem with "balance", and you want it to be the norm?


    I'm sorry, what? A gun that outputs 10K can wipe the map up to level 40-50 units with zero problem, almost on a per-bullet basis. The "50K" mentality is the "Endless" mentality, which should only exist in Clicker Heroes, and not a coop shooter.


    You basically instantly invalidate all content other then content that won't actually even exit unless you stay inside a single endless mission for over an hour, and by then, we use stupid tricks by just cycling abilities anyway.


    The only reason people can use 50K damage is to ONLY make the interval between wave 1 and wave 50 go faster, so they can start the ability mash fest that is "higher level content" and start farming for multi core bundles and so on.


    This broken mentality is what is causing all the damn problem with "balance", and you want it to be the norm?

    you are literally the reason shot guns suck because you look at paper dps like it is god, if shotguns have 50k burst that means all pellets must hit and you truly believe that will happen enough to be op?


    go back to warframe builder you must be joking..


    by your logic then the braak should already break the game with 77k burst, oh wait.....


    it doesnt....


    do you know what sustained dps is?


    do you know what pellet spread is?

  13. Rhino is really good IMO, they just need to make casting time for roar so that its faster and they need to change his 1 to make it better.

    Additionally they could also make it so iron skin is a one-hand ability in order to make it easier to use. There's not really any other way to make it better, for endless any EHP is pretty pointless and abilities need to either prevent you from getting hit or make you invincible.

    Rhino doesn't need to be the juggernaut, many players get these misconceptions of what a frame should be when in reality they are what they are and simply that.

    Not bashing op, I'm not including him in this but I think many players use rhino through the star chart and when they realize that end game means "do not get hit or die", iron skin loses a lot of its utility.

    Preventing knock downs again would be something that could also help it..


    Make charge better

    Make roar's animations faster

    Make Iron Skin a one-hand ability and allow it to prevent knock down like it used to

  14. So chaos isn't good anymore because you can't recast it?

    You don't NEED negative duration for chaos, that just seems to be the opinion of many here.

    Do I also believe negative duration is the way to go? Yes, yes I do but that's my opinion. You can argue that you don't need negative duration and can sit in absorb if you need to until chaos wears off.

    Psychic bolts need a fix and that is obvious.

    Mind control is amazing.

    It seems like people are complaining because they believe you NEED negative duration for chaos and this is probably because it was deemed an op ability when it was recastable and because of this belief people are stating that her abilities conflict.

    Yes I understand absorb was changed a lot too but I guess that's just my opinion, nyx is really good still.

  15. Puncture does not act as 'armor-ignore' since Damage 2.0

    It may have a % damage boost against Ferrite(50%) and Alloy Armor(15%).(I'm unsure if it provides a boost to Swarm armor-boosted infested)

    it does act as armor ignore to an extent simply because puncture has a nice bonus against armor units. obviously it does not literally ignore armor

  16. I mean I guess we could do this far in the future but I love my ladies

    6/7 of my main frames are females

    Warframe is the first game where I actually enjoy playing female characters

    I'm not sexist but I've always wanted to play as males

    Warframe and DE changed that for me ;)

  17. I use a 8x Forma Blast/Corrosive Torid, but ive found that Heavy Caliber impacts performance way too much to be considered reliable. The numbers look great, but the application of said damage, not so much

    Heavy cal is amazing on Torid, with multi shot it increases the range by a ton.

    Yeah you can't shoot the Torid with more precise aim with heavy cal but the way heavy cal and split chamber interact together on the Torid is too good IMO

  18. I'm sorry, what? A gun that outputs 10K can wipe the map up to level 40-50 units with zero problem, almost on a per-bullet basis. The "50K" mentality is the "Endless" mentality, which should only exist in Clicker Heroes, and not a coop shooter.

    You basically instantly invalidate all content other then content that won't actually even exit unless you stay inside a single endless mission for over an hour, and by then, we use stupid tricks by just cycling abilities anyway.

    The only reason people can use 50K damage is to ONLY make the interval between wave 1 and wave 50 go faster, so they can start the ability mash fest that is "higher level content" and start farming for multi core bundles and so on.

    This broken mentality is what is causing all the damn problem with "balance", and you want it to be the norm?

    So.. Assault rifles like soma prime have around 25-26k burst, Braak has like 76k burst as a hand cannon..

    How is giving shot guns amazing burst fire a bad thing..?

    Would you rather them not be good at anything when compared to rifles?

  19. Recastable chaos was already deemed op

    Now you can build for low duration to spam it more. Or you can use a high duration build and have to use absorb more in between chaos casts.

    Absorb and chaos are so powerful. I can't see why anyone would want to buff those abilities.

    Mind control is awesome now and I can't see anyone complaining about that either.

    Fix psychic bolts.

    I can't believe all the nyx hate recently, she's amazing

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