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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. WHAT.... i left Sy Gammacor when it got nerfed, now after 2 months approx im back to it adn MAN OH MAN its still the MOST OP weapon EVER. i do 4k pre tick damage, and i have corrosive and blast damage on it, dude it WRECKS stuff up, the only thing u need is to get its MAG size as much as u can so u dont feel that reload


    Primed Heated Charge

    Ice Storm

    Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation

    These are your best friends for synoid gammacor

  2. Just make shotguns have ridic DPS, its dumb that rifles can out dmg shotguns even at close range

    If we had shotguns with like 40-50k burst and 17-20k sustained we would have viable shotguns

    Maybe they should get rid of fall off on most shotguns but I feel fall off can balance shotguns with super powerful dps

  3. Nyx is really amazing, especially since you can pretty much ignore power str and duration

    Yeah psychic bolts needs to be worked on but that's the only issue I see nyx having. She's still one of the best warframes in the game.

  4. actually, it would be 165%, a rank 10 split chamber was leaked on PS4...somehow..

    It wasn't leaked

    A DEV was careless and somehow a rank 10 split chamber was put into circulation.

  5. If we take the bleeding factor out, KW should be better since it's well rounded against every faction but Infesteds.

    Anyway, 6 seconds.

    Thing is, this:

    Multiple instances of Bleed may be stacked on the same target. [verify–concurrent or timer stacking?]

    The stack is about duration or damage?

    That would make the bigger difference, but anyway, 35% of only slash damage? per second?

    I wonder if it would be a noticeable damage.

    - - -

    Side question:

    See the video of KW...

    the guy went Radiation/Viral even against Corpuses up to Lv 80.

    Is that combination better even against High Lv Corpuses?

    Magnetic/toxic is better

  6. I've been a maining Trinity since the first week I began playing.

    I paid plat for her too because I didn't know how to unlock new frames back then.

    I've got $80 set aside for the moment her primed version is released.

    Good, good man..

    Nice to see some Trin mains

  7. Expense does not matter for end game. Best builds manage 26k burst and 21k sustained which is the stats of primaries. If you want to complain about that then please leave warframe, syn GAM has amazing DPs in all ways, STILL.

  8. Preach!

    Seriously it's like people need to be told that desecrate isn't the only absolute way to get LF.

    Do you all understand how spawns work?

    Obviously any 4 frames can get to 40 minutes

    Did I say they couldn't? No? I didn't? Okay so please be quiet

    Nekros is a must if you want to play "endless"

    Please notice I said "endless" and not "40 minutes"

  9. well that's cute.

    because l00t farming Abilities haven't been 'needed' in Survival for a good few months now.

    Survival has had more than 8 or 9 months of changes to make sure that Players have no absolute need for l00t farming to be able to play the Mission.


    so, you already don't need it. if no Member wishes to play a l00t farming Ability, then, don't. just play whatever.

    Hmmm your jackassery is cute

    You're cute

    Do you even play endless t4s?

  10. Uh... Boar prime?

    Boar Prime can get 100% status on EVERY pellet, making it the most superior status weapon.

    Can it get ridic slash procs?

    Can it be shot from more than 10m?

    I'm sorry op, I seem to be derailing the discussion

    Boar loses out on DPs when using status mods, braton prime will actually reverse scale and will end up dealing more DPs WITH status mods than without status mods

  11. There's no status build, those are raw dmg builds.

    So basically, BP wins when it comes to make them bleed extreme levels?

    Until then, at least ammo capacity favors KW?

    Even if you're not using a status build, braton prime will beat it because of slash procs

    And I'm talking in general, I'm not even talking about how slash procs ignore armor

  12. There's no status build, those are raw dmg builds.

    So basically, BP wins when it comes to make them bleed?

    Yes sir

    Braton Prime suffers from "paper DPs"

    Nobody actually tries the gun and would rather not use it

    Without 4 CP braton prime will eventually deal higher DPs than anything, and this is due to an 85% chance to proc with all 4 status/DMG mods and thanks to those beautiful slash procs

    And if anyone says "well you can throw status on anything then"..

    Find me another weapon that can abuse slash procs and high status as well as the braton prime

  13. I was poor. Got a bulky sunika lotus and made 500p. I used said 500p to trade my way to over 1500p. Buy low, sell high.

    Ah so you merchant?

    I've been trying to continually breed lotus kubrow and gaining more imprints off the 2 that you can copy from each kubrow

    At one point I had 7 imprints all from a specific linage and now I only have 2 imprints because I keep wasting lotus imprints and getting non-lotus babies

  14. This is a gold mine but I've done 4 eggs, each with 1 lotus and 1 non-lotus imprint

    Ive only successfully hatched 1 lotus kubrow from the 4

    I actually thought the chances were quite high as long as 1 of the imprints is a lotus but its starting to feel impossible for me to actually increase my overall lotus imprints

    Can some amazing breeders come in here and lift my spirits with their stories of platinum-raking?

  15. What makes guns good for me is practicality, the ability to kill level 40 Eximus units in at least 3 seconds, and of course the visual appearance.

    Not saying you're wrong but do you see your reasoning?

    You want a gun with high burst DMG

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