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Posts posted by EzraEtc

  1. Well congratulations on it working for you, I guess?

    For me, it is literally - as in, the actual definition of literally, not figuratively for emphasis but actually and truly the literal meaning of the words - impossible to see the ground at more than directly on top of me. No changes to graphics except to disable motion blur. It is not a matter of practice. It is a matter of I am physically incapable of seeing the course.

  2. I'd like to personally thank whatever monkey coded the lighting engine.

    I'm sorry, that's rude of me. I just attempted the MR 11 test, and I failed because I couldn't see the course. Everything was white, and foggy, and I could just barely see where the ground was, keeping me from being able to navigate the course in any way. Since it was a timed course, this ate up many precious seconds and caused me to fail. From guides, I learned that this was not, in fact, a test of my (poor) colour vision, but meant to be a straightforward obstacle course (with an incredibly high bias to M&K players over controller users, by the by - "great" design having the timer so tight). While I can, apparently, adjust my graphics settings to compensate, the fact that this is what I got when the only setting I have ever changed before is turning off the (frankly eye-bleeding levels of) motion blur means that, by default the lighting puts MR 11 in an unplayable state. A technical issue which means that I must now wait 24 hours to see if I have indeed been able to brute force the graphic settings into a state where I can even make a real attempt at the test (yet another "wonderful" mechanic that absolutely does "not" make my blood boil with how arbitrary and unnecessary it is - I definitely "love" forced padding that makes it harder to learn from my mistakes due to not having them fresh in my mind...when they're even my fault in the first place).

    ...ahem. Needless to say, I'm pretty pissed off right now.

  3. On 2019-07-06 at 9:49 PM, BlackRoseAngel said:

    That's funny, that you'd think they'd invest money in making the chat less of a mess.

    They don't even do that in game, they have a bot do it.

    I would be perfectly happy if they would have a bot do it on Twitch.

    A bot could handle this kind of spam better than a human, and would take hardly any effort to set up.

  4. I want to illustrate to you why I loathe going to your Twitch events.


    This is what the chat looks like. At all times. Somebody starts a stupid rumor that if you spam !whateveritisthisweek into the chat, you'll get the thing, and the chat explodes into nothing but people spamming it over and over again. All. The. Time.

    These screenshots of the chat section I took? These aren't even from during the stream. They're from almost 20 minutes after the stream ended. As I type this, it's going on a half hour since the stream ended, and the "!necrosprime" spam still shows no sign of stopping. It's not even spelled right!

    Isn't it about time to do something about this? I don't mean just putting the chat in slow mode, either. All that's managed to do is give me an accurate timer of how long it's been since my message as the stream was ending to be able to see how long this idiocy will keep going. Isn't it about time to start taking an active role in stopping this?

    Put a big bold message on the screen that says that people don't need to put anything in the chat. Say it out loud every few minutes. Start banning/muting people who spam this stuff, with the message "Spamming doesn't work. Knock it off." or something like that. It wouldn't take more than a glance at the chat to tell an auto-mod what it needs to filter. Hell, create a rule that people who spam the chat with this stuff are disqualified from getting their drops.

    Just do something, instead of leaving the chat to be complete garbage where any and all messages are instantly buried under a mountain of spam.


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  5. The wonky animation fails really suck.

    Can I just add, though, seriously screw this test anyway? Even with a weapon that works right, the detection is overzealous, and it goes on for WAY too long. Not to mention that I have watched videos of people taking the test getting away with literally the exact same things that cause me to fail, with a weaker weapon and slower frame.

  6. I think there's purpose in dwelling on it, ntyd1s. Even if not for my own sake, if I can at least raise awareness of the fact that the system sucks, there's a chance of it being changed. Even just a listing of what the ability does and a preview of a Tenno using it would be enough to keep most players from making a pick that they would regret.

  7. Just now, Ryunokage said:


    I'm not sure i can agree with your comment. All the schools when they initially start out haven't got access to anything other then the base activated manifestation of the operator. As a whole, the schools don't really provide ground breaking benefits that vastly alter your play style till you've invested some time and effort into them.


    I think that you are grossly misunderstanding my position.

    I don't want the later abilities. I'm fine with not having them. However, the base ability of the school I picked is not a power I would have chosen, had I known that was what I was agreeing to. I would have selected Vazarin or Naramon, whose base abilities are more appealing to me, and fit better with my play style. I am disappointed that what I chose is not what I would have chosen. This doesn't mean I want to change the ability. It means that I find it unfair that I wasn't able to make a better choice.

    If there were an option that deactivated my school, removed all my focus, sealed off the Operator compartment and let me do the Second Dream over from the beginning, with the chance to pick a different school at the end, I would select it in an instant, even if all other quest rewards were denied me along the way.

  8. Just now, Ryunokage said:

    I'm not sure i understand, are you complaining that the school's don't provide their full rewards, immediately right out the door?

    I am complaining that there is no indication as to what you are picking when you choose your initial school. Had I known how the system worked, and what the skill trees were, I wouldn't have chosen Unairu as a starting school. I would have picked something that better complimented my play style, and that I would find fun to use out the gate. Then I could always have gotten the lens for Unairu and started building focus for it later, and switched to it once I had the abilities that would make it worthwhile, but still had something I could actually use in the mean time.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ryunokage said:

    Unairu's passive is an armor buff that does make heavily armored frames even more tanky then they already are, its pretty much what it was advertised as.

    That's lovely, but I have to work my & off to get what I thought I was picking to begin with, and that's my point. Schools have horrible conveyance, and the system is quite punishing if you make a bad initial pick. It's an unfun combination.

    6 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    just get a new foxus school, farming up focus isnt hard... just dedicate a few runs per day to it and you will have all schools in no time.

    I believe I posted in Feedback, and not the help forum. I already know that I can change schools. I wouldn't need to if the system didn't stick me with something I wouldn't have picked had I known better.

  10. After completing the Second Dream, I went through the nice little personality quiz which, like anyone would, I completely ignored. I read the descriptions and picked one of the schools that sounded most like it would support/improve my play style. I knew from my friends that my choice of school would unlock a fifth ability. However, I elected to go through it spoiler-free.

    Words cannot express how much I detest my focus power.

    I chose the Unairu school, which has this beautiful description, "They pushed themselves to Outlast the Enemy, to withstand all aggression without retreat. They believed that if the enemy could not match their endurance, then a battle could be won without having even commenced."

    I expected some kind of super-armour. Maybe an aura that would protect my team and/or redirect damage to me. Something that would suit a slower, more methodical player like myself, who was looking for a way to be useful to friends who can out-damage and outmanoeuvre me on most maps. ...what I got was a face-laser, a face-laser that is awkward to control, doesn't even hurt the enemies, and can't always even proc its effect. It basically takes all the things I was bad at before, and makes me even worse at them.

    Now, that's not to say that the Unairu School power is a bad ability. There have been times when I've been able to use it to great effect for sure. In general, though, I never feel like it's making me more effective...because I feel like I have to go out of my way to create situations where I can get a little utility out of it. In other words, it's just not right for me. It doesn't fit my play style.

    Finding out that I not only need to get a different focus lens, but then build up 50k focus for said lens to pick a new school frustrates me to no end. I feel tricked into taking the one I did, I'm not happy with it, but now I'm stuck with a power I don't want to use that doesn't make the game fun for me. All of that because I got locked into a choice without being told what I'd be picking until I'd decided. Why? It might have been acceptable at the beginning of the game, when I didn't have an established play style, but I'm nearly 300 hours in, now. My play style is well established by now. Not only that, but at the start of the game, I didn't have to make nearly as blind a choice. What Mag, Volt, and Excalibur did was perfectly clear. Why now, well into my experience, would you lock me into an inescapable choice without telling me what I was picking? Why not let me make an informed decision? Why punish me for choosing wrong?

  11. I see a lot of complaining about how hard it is to go undetected with a full crew. Well...a thought occurs. In fact, I almost don't want to say it, because it would make a hillarious entry. However, I don't see myself actually doing the editing for this, so I lose nothing sharing my thoughts. So, here goes...

    Can anyone tell me where it says you have to be undetected in the rules?
    The contest just says "your best run". "Best" is subjective.
    You could totally have a video where you abandon all pretense of stealth and go full-on smash and grab halfway through, and it could be your best.

  12. I'm not sure exactly how to categorize this one. When sliding or attempting to vault over an obstacle, it's possible to get stuck on certain aspects of stage geometry in such a way that the character freezes in a forward-lunging animation. I find that this happens most frequently on the railings in the void tileset. Once stuck, hitting the crouch button again causes the player to be teleported, "resetting" their position, but often more to the center of the map than near the location that they got stuck at.

    While running a Mobile Defense with a friend, I encountered this bug as I was carrying the payload. I, and the payload, wound up warped onto a small ledge outside the map boundries. I was able to get respawned into the map by falling, but the payload was lost.

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