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Posts posted by nms.

  1. Yeah I do agree that adding the filter will pretty much make matchmaking harder


    @OP: How would you divide the rank?  K:D Ratio?

    Something similar to elo. Generic K/D is one of the worst metrics to measure skill. Anyone can arrange a bunch of noobs and own them, not to mention that k/d from killing people with less experience counts for nothing to show what you are actually capable of. At least with elo-like, you gain very little from killing less experienced players, a normalized value when killing your own ranks and gain a lot when killing higher ranks.


    But for as long as people remain hosting matches in their home connections and home computers, latency, heavy lag compensation and lack of tick will triumph over anything else. I envy those who can actually get a good lag-free experience out of the current pvp. And when you have mods that give you auto aim with melee + lag = everyone has super primed reach.

  2. And after all, just to show it desing be useless at all, you set the time of construction for one hour. It even useless for emergency now

    Sup human, care to elaborate what kind of emergency you are going to have in warframe that requires a neural sensor in less than a minute?

    What is going to happen if you don't get it in less than an hour? are you going to have a impatience stroke?


    DE please, this mans suffers constant impatience seizures. Please make the build time in one minute or less. You don't want fake hospital bills to pile up in the forums.

  3. It uses the kronen, and boltor. I understand that it might look like it makes sense, but truth is, it makes no sense at all.  It's supposed to be a 'set' weapon to go with boltor, the problem? It uses the boltor, so what you're saying is that I need to make a boltor to make the boltace, then I need to make ANOTHER boltor to complete the supposed 'set'. See where I'm going with this? Why does it use the kronen? I understand that it's a tonfa weapon, but that should have nothing to do with it. By that logic, boltor should use the bolto, or dual raza should use the soma, etc.


    And my final problem with it. Anyone else remember that Day of the dead skin for kronen? Yeah, I essentially wasted platinum on that, because now we have a new tonfa that uses the kronen, which forces me to have to build another kronen, just so I can actually use the skin I paid real money for.


    Anyone else agree with me? If you don't, then please provide a valid argument for why it should remain the way it is.



    "Kronen isn't that hard to build" - Your point is? What I'm saying has nothing to do with the kronen being hard to build, just that it makes no logical sense for a weapon that very clearly goes in a set, to require a duplicate of a weapon in that set.

    And to all you people that will refuse to agree with me no matter what, think for a bit, if the kronen and boltor were removed from the building requirements, does it really affect you negatively? No, it doesn't.

    Maybe stop making duplicate threads about the same topic? Deal with it. It uses these two guns. Stop crying and making threads just to get attention on something that is not even an issue.




    You have already been answered your concerns in that one. The point about it being easy to build is that it only requires waiting time in the foundry. Nothing more. No excessive farming, not doing overly difficult maps, nothing. If you can't understand that, it is clear your problem is with the build times and having patience issues. Also, you have already been answered with respect to the skin. Just craft another kronen and use that one to craft the boltace. You didn't waste platinum, if you craft another kronen you can still use your old kronen with the skin. How the f*ck did you even come up with that logic that by having a boltace is a waste of platinum on the kronen you can still use? My god...


    How does being the Boltace "being a set weapon" prevent you from making an extra boltor and an extra kronen?...


    And how does making a Boltace make you loose your "PAID WITH REAL CASH!" skin?...

    It doesn't and it doesn't. Worthless repeat thread with worthless logic and assumptions, with the inherent point that people can't wait for stuff in the foundry so they have to complain about irrelevant sh*t just to make it look like it is a problem. You know, like that 6 year old that started crying at the mall the other day because his mom told him he would get an ice cream when they leave and not right now? yeah, that one.

  4. I hate concept with every fiber of my being, the end result won't guarantee better weapon.

    I am still salty about using my kronen to build boltace (even with fury the speed is atrocious on that thing).

    You didn't have to use your kronen to build the boltace, which I assume, given your saltiness, you had it either forma'd or catalyzed. Instead, you could have used a bit of something called patience, built another kronen and used that one to build the boltace. You know you can select which weapon to consume in the foundry right?

  5. People, the blueprints are not meant to be for mass production unless you want to throw away all your resources. They are meant for that moment where you are only missing a few or one and you are too lazy to farm it. Neither are they supposed to supplant farming for the given resource. In the amount of time it takes you to farm the resources needed for one, you would have farmed more than one of the rare resource.

  6. this is... often not the case. Primaries that are Crit Monsters or focus on immense Damage per Shot can certainly eek out, but Secondaries do a good job of dealing a lot of Damage quickly.

    The damage per total ammo will nearly always be larger on primaries than secondaries. Some secondaries need an increased fire rate to do so, therefore they will run out of ammo much faster than a primary with a fire rate increase. If you put in any ammo mods then you lose damage output on the secondary.


    DPS by DPS, some top tier secondaries are certainly better than the top tier primaries. But primaries in the equivalent tier will be able to shoot for longer periods of time. Or at least that is the general idea and concept of primary/secondary pairings. Some secondaries did and may still violate this.

  7. Just found this thread through search because I wanted to make one suggesting a similar idea. But I'll bump this one to see if it gets notice.


    This is my idea. Be able to schedule items in the foundry to build for as long as resources are available, or build for a given number. In other words, be able to specify i want to build formas for as long as I have resources and blueprints or schedule 10 in a row without me having to manually go in to claim and start build again. Once a resource is exhausted, the building stops obviously, or it can pause, in a manner that if go into a mission to farm the resources, it starts automatically after I get back to the liset and receive the said resources, perhaps with a small pop up indicating that X item is going to resume building in, let's say, 1 minute. Then either of these two options for when they finish, either send them to our inventory automatically as they are built. Or, give the foundry a claim basket, where finished items are placed and you can claim them in bulk.


    This is without change to the build items, I just want to be able to schedule rebuildable items continuously and automatically, which includes formas, restores, derelict keys, ciphers, specters, power cores, and the new rare resources.

  8. And to think, the max rank will be 30... They have a looong way to go.

    And to think there is nothing of high value between MR 8 and MR 19 other than loadouts and syndicate rep, they now have to not only build for the 11 up to 30, but the 11 from 8. And, you would need 1,347,500 exp points to go from 19 to 30, which is more than what you need to go from 1 to 19. You will need at least/more than double the amount of content you already have, which includes stuff from weapons to kubrows and sentinels. Or change the mechanics of mastery ranks, because at the pace they release stuff, Russia will probably have nuked the entire world and itself by then.


    But then again, as you can simply get carried or do spy missions until your eyes bleed, mastery ranks will never translate to weapon skill or knowledge of the game in its entirety, including the trivial irrelevant sh*t that nobody needs to know to enjoy the game, but people like to call out high MRs for. Instead of mastery rank, it should be called "inventory progress".

  9. Why Nef Anyo supporter try hard?Cmon guys you saw what happen when there are equal rewards.You saw what happen even when the rewards are a little bit better on Nefs side.Only when they are alot better on Nefs side he got points.

    Most people want that Alad wins and they dont care what the other side is talking.They called us hitscan noobs,traitors,idiots.

    Stop it.People want the Karak so stop try to manipulate them.They already decided. :P .So respect that.

    It's funny they say "hitscan noobs" when there are people complaining about the recoil of pistols. DE needs to put more serious and better recoil mechanics into the game that requires actual skill to control. I will enjoy seeing the typical mmo players fail at shooting miserably the first month as they get used to the taste of fps.

  10. I almost hate to suggest normalizing movement, since it kind removes some of the flavor from the game. But the problem is the flavor is strongly that of...rancid kimchee.


    This weekends' events have brought it home once again that rushtards are a plague on the game and make the goal oriented missions extremely painful to run in PuGs. I usually run captures and exterminates solo and three games in the sealab bring it home in spades why that decision was originally made.


    It's all the usual crap. Can't keep up, don't want to keep up with senseless rushrushrush. Rushrushrush types frequently die in out of the way places, then $#*(@ because no one revives (can't fiiiiiiiiind you...and don't want to). Then they $#*(@ when they inevitably have to wait at extract, and...just not worth the effort dealing with this stuff.


    Guess we'll see that Parkour 2.0 brings, but...guess we'll see.

    Not everyone has the need or desire to play metal gear solid 100 times over the same tiles for the same goal over and over and taking 10 minutes doing so. Hence why people rush. Even more so when the mission needs to be repeated 3 to 5 times depending on the type. Look at the tubemen event, there is very very very little variation between each run, its the same tiles, with the same purpose, with the same paths. They put a good reward, which not only you have to do it 3 times per node session, but also keep repeating it for each one to ensure your side wins, so you get the weapon you want at the end. What do you think happens? after people have run the same map more than 40 times since the event started. It was fine and dandy the first 6 runs, new map, exploration, discovery etc etc. After that what? they already know it like the palm of their hand and the enemies are not difficult, so that new players get a chance to play it without a hardcore build. But those with their overpowered builds chew through it.


    Blame DE for not making more variation of maps, different things, many more different routes that randomize. Not the players for learning it 3 runs. Sometimes it's not even that people rush because they want to be first, it's that they already know the paths, which way it is and what to do. They run it efficiently. If you love playing the same maps repeatedly and taking 10+ minutes to finish a sabotage, then yes, play with your friends or solo, or deal with people that have already played that same map more than 50 times.


    The same exact thing happens with vaults in spy missions, only like 6 versions exist per faction.

  11. Can we get scarves too? for those missions where there is a cryogenic leakage and we get freezing temperatures, so we can retain our shields. Yamako scarf. Maybe we can sacrifice our kubrows and make coats out of their fur, then sell it in the black market for plat. I'm pretty sure the corpus dudes will be all over it.


    YESSS yeSS


  12. Excavation and survival share the same drop tables. Triton just moves them faster because each excavator is one rotation and only takes 1 minute and 40 seconds to complete. They can also be run concurrently. The downside is that you have to defend the damn thing, whose defenses do not scale with enemy level.


    It's all rng, in one run you can get full cores, in others nothing, for both modes. We need a survival mode where we can shorten the rotation at the expense of higher and faster enemy escalation >:)

  13. Meh, screw it.


    *disclaimer - I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm just confused by this. Sorry if there's something obvious that I'm missing.

    Maybe looking at the floor regenerates your hp? It makes total sense, out of sight, out of mind. Pain is in your mind. If you ignore hits, they don't affect you and you get your health back. Right guys? right?

  14. Corrosive + blast might be a bit problematic for weapons with limited mod space (crit focused weapons)




    Still leaves the question open. Is Corrosive + cold better than pure stacked corrosive?

    Lets see, from what I know.


    90% Elec, 90% toxin, 60% elec = 180+60 = 240% corrosive.

    75% bonus on ferrite over the damage number of corrosive = 240*1.75 =  420% corrosive damage on ferrite

    No bonus on alloy = 240% corrosive dmg on alloy

    No bonus on shields = 240% corrosive dmg on shield

    75% bonus on fossilized = 420% corrosive dmg on fossil


    90% elec, 90% toxin, 90% cold = 180% corrosive, 90% cold.

    75% bonus corrosive on ferrite, no bonus from cold = 180*1.75 + 90*1 = 315+90 = 405% combined on ferrite

    No bonus on alloy from corrosive, but 25% from cold = 180*1 + 90*1.25 = 180+112.5 = 292.5% combined on alloy

    No bonus on shield from corrosive, but 50% from cold = 180*1 + 90*1.5 = 180+135= 315% combined on shield

    75% bonus corrosive on fossil, 25% negative from cold = 180*1.75 + 90*0.75 = 315+67.5 = 382.5% combined on fossil


    Either full on one, or balanced on others. Not a status build, no CP.

    That's just elemental. Take in count that if you remove an element, it probably means you are replacing it with a physical damage mod which may turn better for a given weapon. Like for example, heavy caliber. This would probably net more damage than with a 60% mod, but would lose accuracy, status and proc.


    edited for the three elements example you asked

  15. Corrosive and cold will give you, over the respective elemental damage, 75% bonus corrosive to ferrite, 25% bonus for alloy, 25% bonus on shields, and 75% corrosive bonus to fossilized (ancients) with 25% withdrawn from cold.


    I find corrupted heavy gunners more damaging and harder to kill. They have more than double the hp of corrupted bombards. Relatively, cold on alloy kills a bombard faster than toxin or anything single element on ferrite in heavy gunners. For corrosive, a status build will help you even further towards both types as the proc will decrease the armor on both. Corrupted ancients also heal their bros, so it is imperative that these are taken out, specially at high levels as you won't be taking out gunners or bombards in 1 to 5 shots, but they dont have damage reduction. Butchers are too easy to take out, even at high levels, same goes for lancers, that although have somewhat decent damage reduction, their hp is low. The shield dudes are hitpoints, cold helps with that. It also helps against the drones which increase shields of enemies. You build to take out the hardest to kill that does a lot of damage (corrosive or radiation), if the dude is easy to kill, you don't primarily focus on it. Hence, I don't know the purpose of heat at high levels without full CP, for which, if available, you would build for viral, and perhaps heat to accompany it, but viral is more important. Radiation and viral is another good combination for status builds, it will hit alloy hard, and even though it does not have any bonus on armor with viral, it can decrease the max health of the enemy by 50%. It will retain the damage reduction, but the health will be lower.

  16. One arguement I see coming up is that there is nothing in this game to separate old players from new to give them bragging rights to say 'Yes, I was here!'


    Do you guys think that giving the weapons unique decals for those obtained before would solve this? A cosmetic change only.


    There you go.New players can enjoy the weapon's re-release anf Old players have bragging rights.



    DO you think something like this should be implemented? Is it fair? Or is it not?

    What should differentiate an old player from new is aim and knowing how to move with a given frame, which at the same time differentiates good from new or bad. Instead, the meta is differentiating by knowing irrelevant game niche factoids and having pixels that no one else can get, hence all the p*ssiness about the weapon returning. Then you see these lovely videos of 'experienced' players using zoom 95% of the time for trivial short and mid range shots on autos, or complaining about the recoil of guns, or calling a frame crap on a random build.

  17. Um.... For the kubrow event you fet something called "score." The first time I did the mission I got 47, second time 58. Have no idea how this works because after the second time my total score was only 58, do you have to like get 100 of this "score" in 1 mission?

    Mission score means the overall event score you have so far, not the single mission you just ran.

  18. On equal rewards from both sides, the majority of the warframe community as a whole, not including just the dweeb threads on the forums that give the appearance that nef is the most popular guy, weigh in towards alad v by a huge margin. Which means, alad v, by nature, would win. If it weren't for the constant increases in rewards from nef's side. The warframe population is already clear on what they want as long as it is not obstructed.


    People will move in towards the most valuable items, which does not include credits, as credits have the same value as an oberon piece. But move towards potatoes and R5s. U5s being not that great as there have been cases where nef offered 25 U5s and alad still won by offering just credits.

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