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Posts posted by nms.

  1. No. All of the utility mods do very little in terms of actually changing how your frame functions in terms of actual game play. Natural Talent is a game changer. Seeing where enemies are on the minimap or bullet jumping with a higher velocity are not game changing, just convenient.

    Yeah, radar hacks are convenient. Aimbotting and triggerbotting are convenient too, same goes for wallhacks and ESP. Yeah, convenience, only "when i choose to accept them".

    I suppose increased sprint speed doesn't change warframe mechanics at all, after all, its not like sprint speed helps against enemy bullets with flight speed right?. Or getting up in 0.1 seconds after a knockdown is not game changing whatsoever by preventing deaths while on the ground, nope.


    The reason why natural talent is not an exilus mod is because of the stigma from ability spam from the gracious warframe userbase. It would only cause a spamclusterfuck in the forums with threads capslocked to full glory on how X frame is now even more "OP" 2015, because they can equip natural talent plus Y mod and spam N key into infinity.

  2. This is it. Your respective damage numbers for your elemental damages determines the chances of one or the other proccing. If a weapon has much more magnetic damage than gas, it'll tend to proc magnetic. That said, the actual DAMAGE from those elements (magnetic and gas) are still applied to your shots. 


    So in the case of a gun have 300 impact, 500 magnetic, and 100 gas, you'll be seeing 1100 damage (in the form of impact, magnetic, and gas), with magnetic procs more often.

    Physical damage procs have 4x the weight over those of elements. You will not be proccing magnetic more often in your example, instead, it will be impact. This is the reason why a lot of people that understand the advantage of status effects and want to build for it will nearly always favor weapons without physical damage over those with it, as long as the weapon itself is good compared to other physical alternatives.

  3. Most "melee specialysts" actually already think MM has to go, but melee combat needs a lot of fixes or even a revamp because currently it's very clumsy, ineffective or both.

    Think about this: Without MM most melee weapons are useless or WAY WEAKER than ranged weapons, blocking is almost pointless, channeling is kinda ok, melee is stuck in ground combat vs bulletjumping ninjas firing bullets, rockets, arrows, frikin' lasers and (presumably) flaming puppies. If DE remove MM, they also need to fix the melee system to put it on par with ranged combat, either via a range mod (ranged will complain to this also) and/or  releasing a melee 3.0 with more mobility and power (and ranged players will complain about this too)

    One could argue that melee is supposed to be used when you get up to actual close range, either on purpose by sneaking on the other player, or by surprise by slamming against one around the corner, etc. Not to be used 24/7 to compensate for sh*t aim and complain how you don't have a 20-30 meter pole. I don't see why melee needs to be put on par with ranged combat, damage-wise, yes why not, melee should hit hard, not one shot, but hard. But mechanic-wise? by increasing their range? why?. Melee is close combat, not ranged, if you are at a range disadvantage use your damn primary or secondary, or get closer to the target. Are we supposed to buff up regular rifles, shotguns and secondaries to make them up to par with snipers in long range simply because of the fact that snipers have a range advantage? are you serious?


    Melee is close range, period. It is not supposed to be equal in terms of range with guns. You don't come with a sword into a rifle or bow fight and b*tch about how they have range advantage. Man truly, either learn PVP strats or don't play PVP. Pure PVE tactics have no place in PVP. You are expected to know how to use the weapons and when to use them, not play like you do in a level 20 grineer survival by jumping in the center of the field with melee, with 360 degree openings, and expect to get out without damage.

  4. so this has been an ongoing issue for a while now?

    It's not a "warframe" issue per se. It's a peer to peer issue, i.e the almost infinite variability in home computers setups and home provisioned networks. The issue can range from your service provider, down to your firewall settings. When you press on analyze network in WF, does it say all systems are nominal? Check the outbound and inbound settings in the firewall, check if you have any IP blocking software installed. Check your router to make sure the ports warframe uses are open, check the router to make sure there is no IP blocking going on.


    Although your inbound connection may seem to work fine (host), you can't discard whether it is only a few people that can join you, or anyone. I don't know which country you are from, but some ISPs implement IP range blocking and that would be out of your reach.

  5. Trinity overall looks good with her shiny new prime parts. The helm looks stunning and her skirt is beautiful.


    But I was also dissapointed she didn't get her own unique prime skin. All other primes got her own skin but Trinity is using her vanilla skin.


    I'm also dissapointed that her alternative skin/body isn't applying on her prime but rather its replacing it. On other primes the alternative skins merge with the prime. But not on Trinity.


    Overall I'd say Trinity prime is okay. It could've been a lot better.

    I'm actually glad the immortal skin replaces the cockroach butt syandana and will pray to the old gods and the new so that it stays this way. The new helmet with the immortal skin without the cockroach and an orokin color scheme looks epic.

  6. What is PBR??

    Purely Blingbling Rapper treatment. It's when you take something that's matte/satin or standard-toned and make it overly shiny with a lot bling and chromed tones that screams "overdone". Similar to what pr0rappers and reggaetoners do with their accessories, vehicles and teeth.

  7. I thought I got rid of this when I abandoned Path of Exile.



    "Hi I need natural talent"

    "I have it"

    "how much"



    I don't do offers, not only because I'm new and don't know economy well, but because of principle. You are the seller, you are setting the price. Imagine if I came to a grocery store "hey that's nice loaf of bread, I tell you what, I'll give you dollar for it! Dumb, ain't? 


    Offer mentality needs to finally die. Especially in WF when most of people actually put prices when they sell things. You really want me to offer when 3 guys before you already have their prices displayed? Not gonna happen bro. 

    These offers are bids, and bidding is not a mentality, it's a way to sell items. Don't believe me? www.ebay.com.

    Sellers may have a reserve price, but still, you would be bidding on an item. If they ask you for an offer, just reply that you dont have a point of reference and you would prefer if they told you the price they had in mind, to start from there.


    Again, you are blaming people's behavior, when you should be blaming the system that implements the mechanism/or lack of thereof.

  8. Everyone on this thread talking about it being too easy to survive, stay longer it's that simple. Survival is not just end game, it's at the beginning of the game as well where the new players are still trying to figure out how to play and often times struggling to do so. If anyone wants a challenge on any endless mission type then all they have to do is stay longer. You're lying to yourself if you think you will last forever, you will either be killed or run out of life support.

    People don't want to last forever, that's the god damn point. They want to join, play 10-20 minutes of epic hard S#&$ and be done, or continue a tad longer with more insanity. Not wait 30+ minutes until it starts to get good for their 1245389 forma'd weapon and frame, then play for another 20/30 wasting out at least an hour in a single session half of which is picking their noses. Wasting 30 minutes only to be able to properly use the firepower we are given is lame and only creates boredom before that point.

  9. Speed Nova has no continuos abilities, how is she affected?

    I think anti nova means anti matter nova, either way, anti matter drop is not a channeling ability with a drain per second so this does not affect that. It doesnt affect MP either or any other ability from her. It needs to have a drain per second for it to benefit from duration, as far as all the testing goes.

  10. 260% power range, you think im going to roll around on a ~60m radius looking for drops? right... it's a bye bye gpull or bye bye range.


    I'm all up for preventing gpull from pulling things through doors and walls from fully closed locations, because that's kind bullS#&$y when it comes to human interpretation. But if it's an open area, like the big maps of triton, it should at least alter the path of the item to allow curves, instead of being a straight line pull. In the current state, if a box or a measly fence is blocking the view of the item, you can't pull it. At least let it curve out and allow the pull.


    Basically, gpull is redundant in almost all situations. You need to see the item to pull it, if you can pull it, then you can go get it. The entire point of gpull was to get the loot that you were not aware of its location. I.e shield polarize in elara (neural sensors example), enemy can probably be a level (or two) above me or below, or in small storage rooms. I'm probably not going to get it, by the time the affinity numbers are gone the location can be estimated too inaccurately, thus, gpull is not needed.


    The only place where I can see the current gpull being used is in kiste and to partial efficiency, even on defense missions, it will not pull anything if there is a container in front, or a tree, or a box, or a stair frame.

  11. Free market, i could charge you 30k plat for a ammo drumm, i have it, i price it.

    You just have to pay it, or find someone else selling cheaper.

    It's not a free market when there is a reigning entity controlling the generation of resources at its own whim. Maybe you havent heard, but DE controls the drop tables and purposely creates artificial rarity to make people buy more plat. Your free market is almost as free as the US government nationalizing and shutting down 50% of the american oil producers to increase the price of oil, or imposing heavy tariffs on it. Almost like saying the OPEC is a free market oriented organization. Or also, heavily taxing the primary sector to create an artificial scarcity. That's not a free market, free market is not just simply "i can price it any way I want".


    Surely, you can price it any way you want, but 1. its not a free market and 2. the only reason you can do that is because of a lack of transparency in the trade system where ripping off is rather easy. You can call it, the system is simply corrupt and shady. Something similar to trying to sell a $10 stock for $100 simply because the buyer is being deprived of access to real time market information, because the system is designed to prevent him from doing so, i.e the sole wonderfully cancerous trade tab. Thus a buyer, not knowing the actual equilibrium price of a resource/item and being restricted from the information, has two options, either fall for it, or just pass on it. But since the trade tab is filled with a bunch of salesmen wannabes, persuading noobs is not hard. Persuasion succeeds not because of the free market concept, but because buyers have 0 capacity on determining the equilibrium price of the item. Be very sure, that if they could go in a window where all sale posts for ammo drum are, your 30k asking price will be on the last page and at the bottom.



    The plat trading is the worst thing to happen in this game (my humble opinion or course). Trade should be something in game for something in game, not plat. If there is an economy in game, people will abuse it. I don't buy anything for high prices, but i feel sorry for noobs who get taken advantage of... my 2cents

    Plat trading is not at fault, it's the fact that players are relegated to using something "straight outta the early 20th century" to exchange items. Imagine if ebay was just a simple chat room where you had to post WTS/WTT/WTB, just imagine.

  12. Triton Neptune, only efficient way to farm R5x5 packs. Not sure where the surprise is, I suppose you completely decided to flat out ignore that fact. That node is overplayed probably more than any other grineer node. Simply because no rare resource is anywhere close to being in the same demand as R5s. You are not comparing shield polarize being overused, you are completely ignoring the fact that triton is overplayed and mag rules corpus. If there were no R5s on triton, mag wouldnt be anywhere these charts. If it were the other way and the R5s were rewarded in a grineer excavation, saryn and mesa would be at the top. Currently, there is no tier 3 grineer excavation for R5s, thus leaving triton as the only viable way. The rest of the starchart is a god damn joke. Draco and kiste used for rankers and leechers, dark sectors in pluto and ceres up to wave 5 for credits, lua for keys and the here and there nodes for rare resources, get a couple and not play them anymore for a while. Triton still crowns them all.


    Instead of complaining about mag like any other nerf-vermin, how about you make thread for a star chart rebalancing? hmm...

  13. Blast with electric, 98% status, reach/primed reach, one of the best cc quick melee ever, touch the enemy and is rendered tame, then proceed to pulverize with damage dealer of choice

  14. Never sure why most people here recommend specialised/more expensive mouses, when a simple mouse from a computer store would do well and potentially last much longer. 



    I've been using a $15-$20 mouse (can't remember the exact price) for well over 5 years now. Still works like a charming young princess and still play shooter as awesome as the day she was brought. I don't see the need to pay over $20 for a mouse, really. Some people just really really want a cool mouse and think it's cool but are completely clueless when asked about 'em. Like a lot of Apple's iPhone users.

    Here's the deal, any mouse can be "good enough" when you are playing with a high cpi and high sensitivity since it is not moving that much inside the mousepad. Problem comes for low cpi users, i.e ~400 cpi, and the lowest sensitivity you can set on warframe. In addition, some people do not play only warframe, but play other fps games that are more competitive and properly executed for pvp and use a low sensitivity to pull more precise shots. Some cheap mice apart from having a sensor that can't track, they also have either positive or negative acceleration, or have angle snapping. Thus the need for a mouse with a better sensor than some cheap $15 from bestbuy or walmart. Sadly, the $15 when using 400 dpi and a sensitivity of less than 1.7, for example let's say on counter strike, will lose track of the surface during hard flicks/swipes and will put the crosshair looking either to the sky or to the ground, instead of where you intended. Other people although not requiring a sensor may need extra buttons, maybe they play "X" mmorpg and want to bind them to mouse instead of the keyboard, or whatever. Hence, they are willing to pay more than $20 for a mouse that can do the job they need.


    You don't have to believe me, you can keep thinking a $15 mouse is as good as a, let's say, a logitech 502, g402, or g303, or ss rival, or some zowie, for every task and for every purpose. For that, there's google. Plenty of threads detailing the importance of a mouse sensor with graphs and numbers. Some people didn't even have to read anything online, they experience it themselves, and its frustrating when a cheap mouse loses track. If I had a dollar for every person I've spectated or seen in demos that have lost track of the surface, I could probably buy the 4300 plat package every month without using my own money.

  15. Tested some other skills against Ancient Healer and Disruptor:



    Slash Dash: deals about 50% of expected damage against Ancient Healer, and deals about 5% of expected damage against Disruptor.

    Javelin: deals about 100% of expected damage for both.

    E.Blade: deals about 100% of expected damage for both. (without melee weapon or mod equipped, 100% power strength)



    Fireball: deals about 50% of expected damage for both.

    World on Fire: deals about 50% of expected damage against Ancient Healer.

                         And deals 5% of damage against Disruptor (direct damage is 5, heat proc is 200 per tick, weird enough).



    Venom: deals about 100% of expected damage against Ancient Healer, but deals "ZERO" damage against Disruptor.

    Miasma: deals about 100% of expected damage for both. (100% power strength and 100% duration)



    Stomp: always deals about 150% of expected damage against Ancient Healer, and deals about 15% of expected damage against Disruptor.

    *Ancient has no weak spot that takes 150% damage, this is BS.


    So I tested impact damage again, this time

    Loki's Disarm: deals about 100% of expected damage against Ancient Healer, but deals about 10% of expected damage against Disruptor.


    There is no rule at all.



    Shuriken: This is a tricky one since you can not aim it freely... most of the time it hit on ancient's helm gear and deals 50% of expected damage for all ancients.

    But if the Shuriken does hit the body, it deals about 100% correct damage for all ancients.

    And headshot got 2x damage correctly.


    Blade Storm: deals about 50% of  expected damage against Ancient Healer, and deals about 5% of expected damage against Disruptor.


    Welp, even FinishHer Finisher damage is not reliable.


    Blade Storm hit Ancient healer. It is supposed to deal 2000 damage, but deals 998 damage instead.


    It can not take proc damage in this picture because level 1 ancient is killed by 998 damage directly.

    I have to test blade storm on low level enemies otherwise the chain effect and the camera is way too hard to handle.


    Blade Storm hit Ancient Disruptor. It is supposed to deal 2000 damage, but deals only 100 damage.

    But it's proc deals 350 damage per tick (supposed to be 700).




    Conclusion: (All these are tested as U17.2.2)

    1.All Ancients takes half expected damage from certain skills.

    2.Disruptor's aura reduces certain skills' damage by 90% further. But some skills still deal correct damage.

    3.Other fossilized enemies (Boiler and Brood mother) have no such issues.

    4.Ancient Healer + Disruptor can cover each other perfectly now...

    5.I don't believe this is intended, it need to be fixed.

    Yeah that's f*cked up.

  16. From the wiki: "Casts an aura that reduces radial and power damage received by nearby allies", aura may work on himself. It kinda fits your power table up to frost only, icewave and avalanche are radial attacks (not sure on icewave, seems areal), while freeze isn't. What I find odd is that miasma and radial javelin worked fine. May be a bug though, on either case, perhaps its damage reduction was intended but is bugged.

  17. Loki can put up a decoy, disarm all the enemies, switch spots with a person, go invisible and run away. None of that has killed anyone along the way. Please change his abilities!!! Give him something offensive and maybe he'll be a useful asset in the game. My loki sits benched unless I need to run a capture. Unless you just wanted to create a warframe specifically for capture mission then he is garbage.



    Oh babydoll, someone stinks big time at aiming, pulling flick shots and having any decent wrist control. That's what playing with a controller stick gets you, complaining about being unable to tap buttons and kill everything. Keep aiming down sights to make basic shots bra. Maybe complain about the cestras, vastos, marelok and grakata recoil while you are at it too, you get bonus points.

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