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Posts posted by (PSN)Yugureki

  1. Even if you choose to spend plat over resources farming there is literally no other way to get Nitain other than Reactor Sabotage and Alerts.

    It's probably better to just speak with your wallet at this point and not buy anything if you're not happy with an addition to the game. Oxium farming while annoying is on the other hand doable unlike farming Nitian give it to a specific enemy type with a chance to drop it giving it a actual chance to farm, doesn't have to be easy at all but at least a enemy does drop it or give it a higher drop rate in RS.

    A alert for a single Nitain just isn't worth the time to a busy player, and even if they did buy plat in order to get pass the time wall they meet the resource requirements leaving them the only choice but to buy the Prime Access which is not a permanent package.

    I honestly don't mind spending money on Warframe, I do so often but poor additions to the game for the working player base/college students of the game are practically punished for not being able to be on 24/7 in order to get the alerts.

  2. I honestly don't see the hate towards Oberon. His abilities could use a rework altogether but he's a fairly decent Warframe but he's far from useless.


    But that skin is forcing DE's hand. At this point he needs a buff; he drops off at end game.


  3. Oberon by literature is a King of Fairies so no, he should not be female Titania on another hand is the Queen of Fairies and it'd be cool to see her I made a post about this awhile back but hopefully DE decides "Hey! A theme"



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