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Posts posted by Bibliothekar

  1. I think it would be nice if the Dojo - like any other mission or relay - had a short timer when entering, instead of loading immediately once you click the button. The current behaviour is especially annoying when you're in a squad and one player decides to take you all to the dojo, interrupting whatever else they might be doing.

  2. vor 2 Stunden schrieb D20:

    How would such a change destroy Nyx ?

    I can't figure out how Saryn's stacks works, and it made her unplayable for me. She basically became the too small favourite t-shirt that you only look at when you clean up your wardrobe, and get sad remembering those times when you wore it a lot. I don't want the same thing to happen to Nyx.

    /e: Yes, I should have written "ruin" instead of "destroy", but can't be that hard to understand what I meant, can it?

  3. vor 32 Minuten schrieb Abs0lute-Zlr0:

    Similar to Saryn’s spore count, Nyx would have a “Mind Degrading” counter that would increase the more the enemies are affected by the Mind Control (increasing the counter gain with Chaos effects on controlled enemies)


    I already hate that with Saryn and can't really play her any more since the rework. Please don't destroy my other favourite frame. Not every frame needs a stupid stacks counter.

  4. A thought I had the other day: it would be really nice if we could choose the colour for certain Orbiter decorations (either from all owned palettes, or from a defined set). This is mostly for items like the rugs or spices, where you have one item in different colours. Technically, it could work the same way as with Glyph displays or picture frames - you place the item and then can select the colour it should have.

    The reason I had this idea: The spices vendor in Cetus has them in at least five different colours and three different containers - yet we can only buy a pot of blue spice or a flat bowl of red spice as decoration. What if I want a pot of green spice and a flat bowl of yellow spice instead, or the other way around? Instead of having to make a decoration item for all possible variants, we'd just have one flat bowl of spice, with the spice being customizable in colour. And if I change my Orbiter's colour scheme from red to yellow, I just need to change the colour on the placed spices, instead of having to buy them all over again and swap them out one by one. Same for the rugs - you could buy a pack of five rugs and put any colour you want on them. If I want to have five blue rugs leading down the stairs in my living room, I have to buy five packs at the moment, and have 20 non-blue rugs left over. Which is more than I'm willing to spend, so I just don't buy them at all.

  5. I wouldn't even argue with survivability, I just don't see any justification in the mechanics of the abilities why Trinity isn't allowed to be an awesome space ninja, and instead has to take the bus.

    /e: Not to mention that the detection whether you're on the ground or in the air isn't 100% reliable.

  6. Exploding barrels have a bright red colour that sticks out almost everywhere. Cryo-barrels on the other hand are the exact same grey as the decorative ones standing around everywhere and can only be told apart by the tiny health bar when you point directly at them. So please, could we have them painted in a bright blue that clearly marks them?

    And while we're on it, how about green barrels with toxic sludge that sprays all over the area when you destroy them? :)

  7. It makes absolutely no sense that Trinity can't cast her first three abilities, which are literally nothing more than pointing at an enemy, while on the move or in the air. Other frames, like Mirage, don't have that problem (and I think they're even sharing the animation). Meanwhile Blessing, which has her punch the ground, can be cast on the move and even in the air with no problem. Please show some love for everybody's favourite Trinity, Trinity, and allow her to do the same with Well of Life, Energy Siphon and Link.

  8. vor 8 Stunden schrieb (XB1)happy snappy34:

    It is important to remember that not everyone use money on F2P games.

    But any plat that you trade with has been bought at some point (you can't trade with your starter plat). And I'm pretty sure DE has to hand over a percentage of plat sales to the respective platform holders, no matter if you buy it on the XBox Store or the website.

  9. vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Magnusthewarrior:

    [...] that you dont have to particapate in.

    But I do have to, whether I want it or not. Because there is no toggle to display other tenno's warframes with the default skin and colours and without any cosmetics. Bright pink Rhinos is bad enough, I don't want to see Nova in flannels or Saryn sporting a trenchcoat as well.

  10. I'm completely fine with what we have in terms of armor and syandanas. I don't need my Tenno or - even worse - warframe to run around in jeans and t-shirt. None of the things you suggested really fits the aesthetics of Warframe.

  11. Because the console holders (Microsoft and Sony) don't want it. Transferring accounts from PC to console was okay for a short window after the initial launch (and even that was quite a struggle to get greenlit, IIRC), but the other way around is not wanted, and could possibly lead to Warframe being banned from the respective platform if they tried it.

  12. Am 20.7.2018 um 10:17 schrieb (XB1)B1ueKarou:

     or is it the exact same boot that you can obtain with terrible aim while fishing?

    Not quite. The ones you gather while fishing can only be used as decoration after mounting them, while the bought one can be placed as you want.

  13. Quoting myself from the last time:


    I have my ping limit set to 150ms for a reason. It would be nice if matchmaking respected that and didn't load me into missions where I get a minimum ping of 500ms right from the start. If that means I'll have to host the mission myself because there is no open squad within my ping limit, then so be it. But please respect my settings.

    Playing Elite Onslaught with 400ms ping is quite deadly, I can tell you. I don't know why we even have that setting if it gets ignored ...


    Previous threads:


  14. vor 7 Stunden schrieb (Xbox One)MadAsmodeus:

    Banshee's resonating quake should not be touched.

    As an avid Banshee player: It should very much be touched. I fully agree with DE that Resonating Quake and - by extension - Sound Quake in general is boring as drek. HOWEVER! I don't think that simply changing the numbers on the augment is the solution to this problem. What they should do instead is take the augment, or perhaps even the whole ability back to the drawing table and see if they can't change it into something entirely different.

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