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  1. i know op might be trolling but i kinda get it, Excalibur is pretty weak compare to even mid frames that do damage despite being the face of the game
  2. my brother in christ you get huge buffs in circulus...
  3. have you used atlas on steel path? he struggles when theres armor\shields and yea i did huge number punch builds and he really needs it
  4. why i laughed at this out loud 1 his ability already has invincibility while hes dashing (you also have augment that gives combo meter on each target which gives crit chance) 2 you literally have augment that gives 300% damage bonus on affected enemies 3 okay 4 no he needs his sword to do instant hit slash like any Slasher game with extended range of a melee, but this time he would send energy waves with that wide massive angle with almost instant projectile (which also should match the wide angle melee hit) i did adressed that in my own post better tbh.
  5. im not sure what you mean is it the joke that you get your kavat in the way of her whip? yea that sounds reletable, whip should go through casted in objects or pets\teammates
  6. my only complain about ash is how painfully slow his ult is and how teleport is basically usless without augment and how invisibility is way too short for a stealth based frame, his shurikens also are very mediocre, they could`ve let us increase amount of them thrown by strengh mods but no its always 2. My suggestion would be making shurikens increase with the amount of strengh invisibility increased two or three times duration teleport should have finishing move by default just like augment gives you but change augment to the 25 m a slash wave that casts bleeding depending on ult damage so it would make so much use if you cast teleport during ult, jumping on every target. Also for the love of god make it so you dont need to mark targets and THEN activate ult and watch how slow Ash`s spectors go, make it real time? like mesa does, you activate ult and every marked enemy gets attacked instantly while ult and mana going and give spectors twice or three times faster attack speed? its god awful slow, i used banshe`s Silence with augment that gives finishing damage and it works great but ITS TOO SLOW you have to mark targets, send spectors and wait till bleeding tick kicks in at least once but the time its all happen the enemies die instantly from someone`s mediocre guns, like seriously! MAKE ULT INSTANT.
  7. Mag`s third ability use to snap almost any level and the higher the level the bigger damage she dealt because of amount of armor and shields and not DE just took that away and she doesnt even strip armor or shields properly it works like 10% of the time, ive only noticed shields but armor? nah they walk it off, her third ability is completley usless now
  8. Give the Petrify ability to strip armor at least during the time enemies are in stone form or just permament, i dont mind any ways, he needs it
  9. Hai, first of all sorry bout my english its not my native language but bear with me. Its not about damage wise that i complain about in fact he does an okay amount with right builds (even tho baruuk literally does what excalibur should do, better, using not even blades just fists but i diagress) my complaint is about his sword waves, theyre too slow, lack range a lot and no mods can even help it, the ult must`ve been designed for coridor maps like corpus or greneer ships but open spaces? hes basically toasted unless the rest of his kits even tho they kinda lack a lot on Steel path (dont tell me about getting better build i tried many they just janky and work less than half of the time). My suggestion: what if we leave ult as it is but instead of small slow waves we give him instant extend slash waves kinda like Baruuk does? i know but hear me out, what if he had fast slashing waves that go wide angle an instant, maybe have similar Baruuk range? i dont mind, for those that gonna say "just pick baruuk" or "its just same as baruuk then" well its not he still does the same but his slashes gonna be 100% consistent and at least on bigger range, also please give his sword much wider range? its painful, i rather take any sword with good crit chance, thats how weak the excalibur sword is in overhaul performance. Honestly other abilities are okay, but id give his second ability a buff, armor strip maybe? maybe im asking too much.
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