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  1. what about deep archimedia? the loadout restrictions fly in the face of what high level players want (to use their high level builds somewhere that actually challenges them), and promotes public lobby leeching.
  2. firstly, is it forced?: I know, some will say its not technically required, but to get rewarded better than a base netracel, it is mandatory to do this making it functionally forced, by costing you more and giving you the same thing if you do not. So, yes, it is forced. why is the bad?: One of the coolest things about warframe is the choice to play how you like, and the fact you are required to play some arbitrary way, is not fun for everyone. Some people enjoy a randomizer challenge (heck, websites exist for that exact thing for selecting warframe weapons/frames), but not everyone does. Some people want to play with their new build, some want their meta, others want their favourite frame - and you are not allowing them to play the way they want to. This is bad game design to force a player to play a specific way for the sake of playing that way. (i do emphasize for the sake of it) This also removes most of the point in building with synergy in mind, because the random nature completely removes the ability to do that - again, a really cool part of warframe endgame. how to fix it: What i thought the plan was from the devstream was that the research points would be cumulative, allowing playing outside the restrictions giving less research points, but you must repeat the mission more times to get all the rewards, as opposed to a one-and-done with all restrictions enabled. I think making the research points cumulative across the week would be a significantly more inclusive way to handle the system, still giving a benefit for those that take the restrictions (their time, bragging rights, and possibly the final reward tier) personal thoughts: Hearing about it, I was super excited for new end game content, high levels, harder missions, being forced to build team-comps again like raids, and really pressing my over-kill builds to their limits. With the restriction of being forced to go play stuff I don't like, or have no interest in, I just don't have any desire to play it at all, which is a shame given its the single highest starting level mission the game offers. Frankly, the random nature of it reads more like a noob tutorial mission, to force a player to branch out and learn whats on offer, so they find the things they like... but its been shoe-horned into endgame content for players that know what they like and dislike. It's just like nightwave1 all over again: pushing high mr players to do chores (level3 missions) instead of playing the game. Personally, if nothing changes, I am just not going to do them, just like nightwave. The last time i took a several year break from warframe was because of endgame stuff forcing me to do things that were not fun, and served minimal purpose other than padding my playtime. (nightwave1/2) Looking at it honestly, if I forced myself to do these (which i could, the levels are really not that difficult), I see myself burning out again.
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