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Posts posted by AtoKitsune

  1. 14 minutes ago, JoJoshuee_DesK said:

    For me, the combos counter doesn't matter, the issue is that not even the dash that has the game cancels you those seconds that you lose waiting for the animation to end and I don't have to explain what it means a few seconds without doing anything loading the strike with enemies level 300, right?

    I apparently don't use weapons that take a few seconds to use a charge attack, my charge attacks generally take less than one second to happen.

  2. I can't tell if this is a troll post or not, so I'll just say that for 99% of people, maybe more, it does not matter at all that the Lotus has a slightly Canadian accent.

    I am also American and don't care, and never have had a friend even say "It's weird that she's Canadian." xD

  3. So basically "I'm angry that this amazing thing is being given to everyone including me even though it hasn't infringed on any previous agreements presented by the developers."

    Sure you are a founder. Founders kept the game alive and they have the mark to show for it. Excalibur Prime has been yours for half a decade now, and he will remain that way forever. Not to mention Lato and Skana Prime. The people who play Warframe and keep it alive in the present deserve something, too. Without today's players, this game couldn't exist. Excalibur Prime isn't about being the best, he's about being there.

  4. This is not very good, I would save your money and buy a better computer. This thing will barely start Warframe, let alone play it properly. A cost effective alternative is this: https://www.amazon.com/Alienware-Machine-ASM100-6980BLK-Desktop-Console/dp/B015XK1O6K/ref=dp_ob_title_ce

    Note however that these were discontinued a while ago, so you probably won't get much support if something goes wrong.

  5. 2 minutes ago, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

      Critical Headshot damage = Damage * Critical Multiplier (aka Critical Damage Multiplier of ur weapon) * Headshot Multiplier(Most mobs got x2 some x3) * Headcrit Multiplier (always x2)

    So it's not double damage.

    Ah. e-e Didn't realize there was three levels of multipliers on that.

  6. Kinda expensive to build it this way, but the Sobek with Acid Shells and any reliable way to strip armor outperforms the Tigris Prime. It can clear whole rooms in a single Sonic Fracture or Seeking Shuriken and a couple blasts of the shotgun. The standard Hek, Tigris, Kohm are really good. If you can manage to get your hands on the Strun Wraith, that thing tears and has no Mastery Rank requirement. Pretty sure its parts drop from invasions.

  7. Just now, Linisti said:

    You "can" use it sure, you can use anything you feel like, but why would you when there's so many other weapons that do its job better.

    >-> Because it's fun, it looks cool, and it performs well enough to be used in place of those other often unnecessarily powerful weapons. I use extremely powerful weapons myself, but having extremely powerful weapons doesn't make weapons that are less powerful but still effective into ineffective weapons. Not being top tier doesn't make something bottom tier. Being bottom tier makes a weapon bottom tier.


    3 minutes ago, Linisti said:

    End of the matter is, Dual Swords need a buff.

    Dual Swords are one of the strongest weapon categories. Dual daggers have the Okina and that's pretty much it. Yes, Dual Daggers need a buff, Fang Prime is a joke.

  8. Just now, Linisti said:

    "Dual Daggers still aren't usable compared to the other weapons we have."

    Except, you can use it, and have it perform in a sufficiently effective manner for the starchart and beyond. So yeah, it is usable. Just because it's not broken like a Naramon Atterax build or a Gas Lesion build doesn't mean it's unusable.

  9. Just now, Linisti said:

    You can't use condition overload as the reason for something being good, You can literally take any weapon and kill corrupted bombards with a status build and that mod. Even if that was a valid reason, you can kill entire groups with Lesion in less time. Dual Daggers still aren't usable compared to the other weapons we have.

    It's in the game, it's been in the game a long time, the weapon can make use of it with a sufficient status chance. It's valid. I also never said it was the best, I'm saying it's not bad. What is your point, even?

  10. 9 minutes ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    Thanks, appreciated. It surely appears to be the best of the dual daggers but that's like winning paralympics, in the end it's still a pretty lacklustre melee, cannot even remember if the stances or basic combos make up for all that with actual hitrate.

    Spinning Needle is decent. It's not that fast, but it's a lot faster than the other two stances and has good mobility.

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