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Everything posted by Kelshiso

  1. A client visiting a host's orbiter can use a controller to hijack the host's operator/drifter if using the transference action early since loading into the host's orbiter. Client's transference ability seems completely blocked on keyboard, partially blocked on controller (possibly blocked after operator room is loaded? unable to test due to unknown load conditions of room and possible randomness from domestik drones). Client spamming transference with a controller while the orbiter is loading appears to have a near 100% bug activation rate. Host and Client both play on PC, unknown if relevant. Occasionally also possible for client to trigger host into operator while attempting to repeat bug, with different results of the bug. This is my experience as testing host, communicating with testing client. Typical consequences of hijacked operator/drifter: Initially host is played the transference animation, however is shown back at the frame after the black screen transition. Desync starts here. Frame is in transference out standing pose, unable to move position. Can access menu, accessing menu unlocks animations and host is mostly unaffected from this point. Desync is apparent by client's location not matching between host and client, host typically sees their own operator getting trapped in various geometries as client moves it around. Host can cause various hiccups to client's interaction and animation access depending upon accessing main menu or operator related menus. Client is in control of Host's operator initially, regardless of hosts' operator/drifter setting. Full movement capability, but no menu access. Host interacting with the operator's chair changes client controlled operator to sitting position, but still has movement. Host swapping between operator and drifter reflected on Client's side. Upon disbanding the party, host is forcibly set to their operator as they saw it, in my case sitting position on top of the railjack access point, and unable to move but could access menu. Unable to unlock animations and movement until using menu to travel back to the operator chair and standing up as normal from it. Bug can be self fixed by players by effected client leaving the orbiter, either by their own ability or host disbandment of party. Likely also by entering any mission/relay node. Previous post alluding to hijacked operator found here; suspect blocking clients from using transference in someone else's orbiter is the applied patch and using a controller under incomplete load is not completely blocked. Personally unaware if transference block of clients is intentional or not at any point in time, as I rarely joined other's orbiters.
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