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Posts posted by Layanti

  1. Why y'all complaining about a delay? It's not like we're missing out on anything, we're STILL getting the update. Just go about your day and it'll launch when it's ready

    We are complaining because they themselfs, maked a DATE of release, but like almost always, its delayed.

    So they should just ADD some days, for testings and bug repair.

    If I'm doing something I my self add some days, in case if something could happend. Or I have in pocket 1000euros for Electric guitar and AMP but in the shop I said I have 800 euros. In case if something could add to what I need for my guitar.

  2. To make this possible to survive, Devs should add limits to how much enemies can deal DMG. For example after lvl 60 they dont deal more more and more damage. the higher levels of them will just give them more Health and Shield. Armor with lvl 60 limitation should be maked too, because on higher levels Corrossive projection x3 is must have to beat it a lot easier.

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