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Posts posted by Trickst3rGawd

  1. 3 hours ago, (PS4)ArsArcanumPS said:

    He needs a buff, or rework, or both. Nobody uses him, and all the youtube "builds" are just bullS#&$ speed builds...

    Firewalker - S#&$

    Blazing Chakram - S#&$

    Warding Halo - AKA Iron Skin

    Divine Spears - meh

    "So, someone was trying to argue that Nezha doesn't need a buff/I am bad at Warframe.


    To give some context, I pointed out how Ember is still severely broken even "post-nerf" and they said that me playing Nezha (whilst trying to protect this same person with Warding Halo) was funny and that I am pretty much bad.

    They point out a lot of things that I already know, probably to try and make themselves look smarter.

    They tell me what mods to use, as if I have them and make it seem like the mods that I have are weak. They also said that I need better efficiency, which, while it is true, Nezha's Warding Halo consumes too much energy anyways. I shouldn't NEED to use Fleeting Expertise to make Nezha's Halo cost less.

    Then to finish everything off, they claim that I am just complaining about other frames being broken and not trying to "find a way to solve it".

    See, when most people try to say that Nezha doesn't need a buff, they make it a skill thing. "youre just bad, git gud" "your mods are bad"

    You get the point. The thing is, however, when I use the best possible mods I can, my damage absorption is around 5-6k. Not very much for protecting other people with, by the way.

    When I am swooping, diving, and shooting through the playing field, even if I am killing enemies at a very efficient rate, I will most likely be dead in 5 minutes.

    Warframe isn't really a skill based game, it's all about "what's the most broken frame can I get?" So with that being said, Nezha is NOT BROKEN AT ALL. He's probably one of the squishiest frames without his Halo and even with his Halo he can be killed pretty quickly. This just means that Nezha needs a buff, but just ignore all of that, "I am complaining instead of looking for a way to solve it".

    This person also started ignoring me, by the way. It's just ignoring the truth, and that makes you ignorant.

    Thanks for listening to my little rant there."

  2. 44 minutes ago, Nacond said:

    but Warding Halo is really good for Infested - because no-one next to one can hit you ;)

    But that's just one faction. Use nezha is MOT for an endurance run and warding halo breaks in two or three hits. I literally like nezha and wanna make him stronger so I'd say buff halo. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Nacond said:

    to be honest, I use him quite often and I really like him. maybe there are some things that need to change but there are no big changes needed. I really dislike the long animations, they nearly force me to use Natural Talent and Speed Drift - so two mods are already set.  I totally rely on Warding Halo (only using Power Strength, Armored Agility and Steel Fiber), but nowadays it seems bugged somehow - like bleeding out with an active 14% warding halo... The second animation of the spears is unnecessary, but all in all it's a great frame that I really enjoy to play.


    I also would like to make blazing charm work a little different, but maybe because I play with a controller and somehow it's really hard to control the teleportation. maybe staying at the maximum of range for 2 seconds, or staying at an enemy when it gets hit so you can teleport to them.

    He may be a funny frame but even warding Halo isn't that good..rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

  4. The Ideas I had for him:

    1. Fire Walker : This skill is pretty good as it is. CC, cleanses status, and has potential to deal damage with its augment. The only issue I have is that the width is too skinny and the energy cost is too high.

    Request: As well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

    2. Blazing Chakram: This is where most of Nezha's issues lie. Blazing Chakram can inflict a heat proc, knock down an enemy, heal nearby allies if enemies hit are killed, and Nezha can teleport to his Chakram while it's mid-flight, causing a fire explosion if Firewalker is active. Sadly, almost every part of this has issues.

    • The heat proc/Knockdown is okay CC, but a lot of times the Chakram just becomes impossible to aim. It seems to just bounce off enemies without doing anything at times, and other times an ally being a little too close will cause it to bounce off of them and go anywhere else. 
    • If Nezha does manage to hit an enemy, allies have to be within (a small) range of the enemy to receive the heal
    • When Nezha hits an enemy with Chakram, they often ragdoll a bit, often moving out of range for a heal
    • There's no indicator of what enemies are hit by Blazing Chakram other than the heat proc, but when Firewalker is a thing is becomes hard to tell.
    • Pretty much nobody enjoys Firewalker being turned off when teleporting. It then costs more energy to turn Firewalker back on
    • The Teleport explosion doesn't really do much other than a heat proc. The damage is pitiful.

    Request: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range. Hold 2 to mark enemies and release to launch it. This will allow for fun, cc, and mass healing once allies kill the targets.

    3. Warding Halo: Another good skill. While not as strong as Iron Skin, it has some CC and can be put on allies with the augment. It'd be nice if there were a way to restore it's health though. Rhino is already tankier than Nezha, but he also has a way to restore his Iron Skin. Nezha has to wait for his Halo to run out (if running out of bounds is not an option), then use a decently long cast time to regain Warding Halo. This makes Nezha much more vulnerable, and in higher levels he gets shredded easily. 

    Request: make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods. This would give him a good bit of survivability because his health and shields are already low. This will also serve to make him a better supportive player with his wading halo augment.

    Why change that ability so much? Well rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

    4. Divine Spears: Pretty good CC, even if the casting time is a bit long. However, that ending animation...either remove it or make it a 1-handed action. Too many times has it been a nuisance. It stops the player from firing their weapons and reloading, which can leave them a sitting duck and force them to restart their reload timer. Also I find it hard to keep up the cc when another enemy enters the vicinity.

    Request: scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

  5. 16 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    yeah sorry u right, u right

    id be fine with redundant considering how absolutely bonkers splinter storm currently is, no DR skill can match it due to being share-able, refreshable and the infinitely scaling dmg, its just too good, only things that can light a candle to it is str8 up becoming invulnerable with valkyr/harrow or hundreds of thousands of iron skin HP


    i still cant help but feel like DR would benefit nezha better, but u make me think that safeguard switch should just give the full effect to allies or smth very close instead of around half and up the max DR to 95% instead of 90%

    I agree with you TK. DR would fit nezha way better then an iron skin like ability, why give a frame that barely has shields and health that kind of ability when he isn't tank. They need to either buff his Halo and make the stun scale with range or scrap it and make it DR.

  6. The Ideas I had for him:

    1. Fire Walker : This skill is pretty good as it is. CC, cleanses status, and has potential to deal damage with its augment. The only issue I have is that the width is too skinny and the energy cost is too high.

    Request: As well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

    2. Blazing Chakram: This is where most of Nezha's issues lie. Blazing Chakram can inflict a heat proc, knock down an enemy, heal nearby allies if enemies hit are killed, and Nezha can teleport to his Chakram while it's mid-flight, causing a fire explosion if Firewalker is active. Sadly, almost every part of this has issues.

    • The heat proc/Knockdown is okay CC, but a lot of times the Chakram just becomes impossible to aim. It seems to just bounce off enemies without doing anything at times, and other times an ally being a little too close will cause it to bounce off of them and go anywhere else. 
    • If Nezha does manage to hit an enemy, allies have to be within (a small) range of the enemy to receive the heal
    • When Nezha hits an enemy with Chakram, they often ragdoll a bit, often moving out of range for a heal
    • There's no indicator of what enemies are hit by Blazing Chakram other than the heat proc, but when Firewalker is a thing is becomes hard to tell.
    • Pretty much nobody enjoys Firewalker being turned off when teleporting. It then costs more energy to turn Firewalker back on
    • The Teleport explosion doesn't really do much other than a heat proc. The damage is pitiful.

    Request: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range. Hold 2 to mark enemies and release to launch it. This will allow for fun, cc, and mass healing once allies kill the targets.

    3. Warding Halo: Another good skill. While not as strong as Iron Skin, it has some CC and can be put on allies with the augment. It'd be nice if there were a way to restore it's health though. Rhino is already tankier than Nezha, but he also has a way to restore his Iron Skin. Nezha has to wait for his Halo to run out (if running out of bounds is not an option), then use a decently long cast time to regain Warding Halo. This makes Nezha much more vulnerable, and in higher levels he gets shredded easily. 

    Request: make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods. This would give him a good bit of survivability because his health and shields are already low. This will also serve to make him a better supportive player with his wading halo augment.

    Why change that ability so much? Well rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

    4. Divine Spears: Pretty good CC, even if the casting time is a bit long. However, that ending animation...either remove it or make it a 1-handed action. Too many times has it been a nuisance. It stops the player from firing their weapons and reloading, which can leave them a sitting duck and force them to restart their reload timer. Also I find it hard to keep up the cc when another enemy enters the vicinity.

    Request: scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

    It's just my take on what he should get but I like your ideas too!

  7. 7 minutes ago, Matau_228 said:

    I'm glad you like it! As for the Javelin, were you thinking of something somewhat like a life drain, or when an enemy dies, the plant uses the body to replenish allied health, becoming an alternate type of healing pad? I think it could work either way.

    Thank you, I was stressing out a little on her stats. For the thorns going between enemies, I was thinking something along those lines initially, though I was worried it might be too similar to Saryn's Spore ability. If they were transferred via physical contact, I think that could work. As for her half-skirt thing, I was thinking that it would be sort of a waist-syandana, and function kinda like how Valkyr's bonds/Chordalla Prime, or Nekros's Mortos Binds work. Maybe it would be a little more rigid, staying curled during slow movement, and stretching and flowing during fast movement?

    It's good to see people are liking her! The only thing that immediately comes to mind in terms of combos could be that Devil's Walking Stick could increase damage, projectile speed, and/or Area of Effect for Briar Javelin.

    Yep pretty much summed it up.



    yes yes...YES DADDDY. 

    Love the concept, the art and I want her in game now.

    Edit: (Suggestion) Enemies pierced by her thorn javelin give her and allies "life force" aka health regen?

  9. 7 hours ago, MuscleBeach said:

    I find this hard to believe so I'll refrain from speaking on this until I've had a chance to look myself. You're also not factoring in the CC halo provides.

    It's OP because 3 second invulnerability + damage shield on demand with no drawbacks basically means you're invincible. You have to be at lvls that are ridiculous and the game is clearly not balanced for to get 1 shot out of your Halo or for Frost's bubble to be useless outside of 3 second invulnerability stage. You don't make balance arguments for things above lvl 100 because that's not what the game is being balanced towards. 


    Which is why I promote ideas that aren't making it recastable: 

    Increased armor for each enemy Divine Speared.

    Nezha gets healed for each enemy killed while speared by Divine Spears and can heal Halo. 


    Nezha still doesn't have a Divine Spear augment which means there's more opportunities than usual to make positive changes. 

    Ehm he's right about the absorption value. Also that CC halo provides is close range. You can still get 1-2 by a sniper and you can still get gunned down from mid range and you're not running around like a wahoo and doing acrobatics lmao.

  10. 2 hours ago, FeztacularGames said:

    So, someone was trying to argue that Nezha doesn't need a buff/I am bad at Warframe.


    To give some context, I pointed out how Ember is still severely broken even "post-nerf" and they said that me playing Nezha (whilst trying to protect this same person with Warding Halo) was funny and that I am pretty much bad.

    They point out a lot of things that I already know, probably to try and make themselves look smarter.

    They tell me what mods to use, as if I have them and make it seem like the mods that I have are weak. They also said that I need better efficiency, which, while it is true, Nezha's Warding Halo consumes too much energy anyways. I shouldn't NEED to use Fleeting Expertise to make Nezha's Halo cost less.

    Then to finish everything off, they claim that I am just complaining about other frames being broken and not trying to "find a way to solve it".

    See, when most people try to say that Nezha doesn't need a buff, they make it a skill thing. "youre just bad, git gud" "your mods are bad"

    You get the point. The thing is, however, when I use the best possible mods I can, my damage absorption is around 5-6k. Not very much for protecting other people with, by the way.

    When I am swooping, diving, and shooting through the playing field, even if I am killing enemies at a very efficient rate, I will most likely be dead in 5 minutes.

    Warframe isn't really a skill based game, it's all about "what's the most broken frame can I get?" So with that being said, Nezha is NOT BROKEN AT ALL. He's probably one of the squishiest frames without his Halo and even with his Halo he can be killed pretty quickly. This just means that Nezha needs a buff, but just ignore all of that, "I am complaining instead of looking for a way to solve it".

    This person also started ignoring me, by the way. It's just ignoring the truth, and that makes you ignorant.

    Thanks for listening to my little rant there.

    No problem! I totally agree.. with everything. I was saying the same thing on a long time ago post I made and there were people either agreeing, and or shutting people down on my post saying "get better"

  11. 1 hour ago, MuscleBeach said:

    Yes, but I try not to undermine DE's flavor design choices. That would fix it but not the fix I would personally choose. Also, everyone complains about cast speed on any skill with an animation. There's a thread around here for Atlas where I saw someone say that the cast time for new Petrify is too long... The thing takes like half a second... If it were up to the community, faster cast mods would be worthless. Sometimes you have to respect DE's design choices and offer alternative solutions. For me, this is one of those times. 

    I like this. I wish I thought of this haha. 

    I feel that. Honesty saying Atlas's petrify casting speed was slow is just absurd I have to admit, but there are a couple frames that have slow casting times and I don't think that should be the case in a fast paced game. All of Titania's abilities are super slow to cast, Mirage's Disco ball is too slow to cast, Nezha's 2 3 and 4 are slow to cast, Oberon's smite is too slow to cast, Mag's crush is slow cast..I don't believe it should be this way at all. I'm not exaggerating at all or being untruthful like the OP about atlas. You were saying that sometimes we have to respect DE's design choices..but we are. By taking the frame, coloring it and going out and playing that frame. Sometimes some designs have flaws and it isn't being disrespectful to pointing out something that could be fixed.

    Edit: "include the cast animation of halo is the invulnerability period" I would not mine this.

  12. 18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)KickassNinja14 said:

    only a few things I want for nezha. 

    Faster cast speeds so natural talent doesn't feel absolutely needed

    removal of 2nd cast on his 4th and just add the damage to initial cast or even get rid of the damage all together 

    include the cast animation of halo is the invulnerability period

    make the augment for firewalker expand like ice wave or hallowed ground. 

    With these changes Nezha becomes like 5 times better. Everything else thats wrong with him can be bypassed but these that I mentioned are dangerous and extremely annoying to deal with.  


  13. 6 minutes ago, helioth137 said:

    skill based solution: bullet jump into the air, aim glide, cast whilst floating... unless of course, it can only be activated on the ground... like some skills ;) 

    If you aim glide it's easy as F*** for a crewmen to just one shot you either way. Plus warframe isn't really a game of skill lmfao. I'd also like to add this his 2 and 4 need tweaks as well. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of lessening it's casting casting time. He's a frame that's about speed, support, and efficiency. It would literally take 1 line of text. 

  14. 1 hour ago, MuscleBeach said:

    You're trying way too hard to make Halo sound worse than it is. If you can CC people while you're invulnerable you can CC people while you're also vulnerable. If that damage is really that much to make a difference on your shield, then Halo is OP because it will keep CCing as you run around while Iron Skin doesn't CC. 

    Yes, the long cast time should be made up for in some way. 

    Literally just needs to be lessened man..faster cast speed and his halo will be better overall..

  15. 53 minutes ago, MuscleBeach said:

    I think the reason Nezha has such long cast times is because he's a fast warframe. I think the devs wanted to contrast this in some way. So he's slow during casting and fast everywhere else. Definitely creates some issues but it's fine if the abilities can makeup for it in other ways.

    Halo falls short. Does it need to be recast-able? No, but that is a simple option. I'd prefer if there was a deactivation effect, like a blast or flash of light that CCs in a short range around you. It's flavorful, keeps his long animations, and makes it easy to see when it's time to recast when it expires. 

    Everyone always asks for abilities to be recast-able, not just shielding ones. I don't think DE wants this and neither would I. 3 seconds of invulnerability + a health shield on demand is too good. Its inconvenience is the balance. Its long cast time is more of a flavor choice that can be made up for in other ways than making it recast-able. 

    PS: Nezha's Halo is only a little weaker than Rhino's. The main difference is Rhino has a Prime, which means increased armor, and also a higher base armor regardless. This is where the strength difference comes from. I think it's safe to expect higher armor when Nezha Prime happens, not Rhino Prime high but still higher. Just keep that in mind. 

    Rhino literally has an augment that let's him recast his Iron skin though! Rhino could take advantage of that. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content. I honestly think Nezha needs a faster cast time, and tweaks to his 2 and 4.

  16. 28 minutes ago, deliciousdoobmaster69 said:

    I think his Firewalker ability is practically perfect IMO, I honestly don't want any changes to this at all. Adding range to the equation is only asking for problems to arise and forcing Nezha to worry more about how to mod. His speed all ready lets him spread that glorious fire everywhere with no issue. If they had to make a change to this at all I would be okay with speed scaling with strength. The augment for this ability is probably my favorite augment in the game, no doubt.

    This sounds weird but possibly really cool, let me share my take on what needs to be done with Blazing Chakram. While Firewalker is active Blazing Chakram should create a line of fire when thrown mimicking Firewalker. The base range should increased to somewhere around 15m at least and the speed it travels should be increased slightly as well. The healing affects of this ability should heal Warding Halo as well as health. Lastly when I teleport to Blazing Chakram and I have Firewalker active it shouldn't turn off my Firewalker. It should still do the flame burst thing while Firewalker is active, but it shouldn't deactivate my ability, this massively hampers the use if his Pyroclastic Flow augment. 

    This is another ability that I think is mostly fine as is, but it could use a few QoL changes. Range should never be factored into this ability, it should just be a base 3m (one meter larger than it is currently). The animation should be drastically sped up to avoid dying while casting. One extra second during the invulnerable phase of this ability would go a long way as well for survivability. If you want to support the team with this ability then use his Safeguard augment. I don't think your purposed change sounds terrible, but it would make the Safeguard augment useless or broken depending on how you look at it.

     I'm pretty much right there with you on this change. Scrap that damn animation it's totally unneeded and just a huge hamper to Nezha. I would like to add another change that I think would be amazing to this ability though. Someone else suggested this so I can't take the credit, but IMO it's genius and simple. Any damage done to the spears also damages the target. This doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it is, let me explain why. This ability lifts enemies off the ground, Nezha's Firewalker creates flames on the ground, pretty much this negates the flames of Firewalker (what was DE thinking). Also sometimes (not in all cases) it can be difficult to land melee attacks, depending on the animation the attack will slip right under the target. If damage dealt to the spears transferred to the target being held this would clear up this problem. 

    Nezha holds a place in my top 3 favorite frames with Ivara and Volt, I can't choose which one I love the most. I would love to see some QoL tweaks come his way, and I'm always happy to see people posting about him. Thanks for posting it's always nice to see what people think should be changed, and I always have fun posting my two cents on the subject. Thanks for reading everything I had to say if you got this far, and happy hunting Tenno! 


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