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Posts posted by Trickst3rGawd

  1. 1 minute ago, Sorise said:

    You're the one that mention Maim Strike.

    This is a nice addition to firewalker and a make sense addition.

    Less friction means more speed which means more slide damage.

    Does Volt even make melee stronger?

    If you want to use a frame jus to get to extraction fast, use Loki or Volt w/ that melee mod that increases movement speed...Added plus is you don't slip n slide into corners :)


    9 minutes ago, Sorise said:

    The point is that it helps people forgo Maim Strike or w/e mod for something else and it makes perfect sense as speed = more dmg like being hit by a speeding car as opposed to a turtle.

    ^ " The point is that it helps people forgo Maim Strike". No you mentioned that, and yes Volt makes melee stronger by making them faster and giving them even better DPS. Also no I'll continue to use nezha..he can be the fastest frame in the game with all the negative friction mods+ spirint mods. I'm telling you that maybe it makes sense in a way..but it doesnt mean Nezha is entitled to getting that stupidness before anything else. First he gets ability tweaks then you can talk to me about that.

  2. Just now, Sorise said:

    The point is that it helps people forgo Maim Strike or w/e mod for something else and it makes perfect sense as speed = more dmg like being hit by a speeding car as opposed to a turtle.

    No. If you just want an alternative to maiming strike it's either buying the mod or getting a riven. Nezha does not need that. Nezha is already perfect with a melee weapon because his warding halo gives a close range stun. Like I said..if you want speed + power go volt and spin. Nezha doesn't need anymore additons :/

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sorise said:

    It causes less friction

    So what though? It serves it's purpose for speed running. I  and many others use all the negative friction and sprint mods and I can easily get to the extraction point or run around in the plains. Fire walker's purpose is to increase sprint speed and give us even less friction..not to mention serve as cc. There's no point. He has enough, he just needs tweak to his actual abilities. If you want to do higher damage with spin attacks use a buffer like Rhino or Valkyr?

  4. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

    I agree that I want him to feel unique. I think his halo is already different enough with the close range stagger. It could be a little wider of a stagger, but I'm happy with that part as it is. I really just want him to be able to dismiss it and reinforce it. I would love for their to be more synergy between these abilities, such as divine spears healing and reinforcing halo with a percentage of enemy hp. That would let it scale much better. They would have to work out the math as we obviously wouldn't want him to be invincible or have limitless halo health. It would be great if anything above the original halo's hp was temporary up that lasted only as long as spears was up. After spears was over it would leave the halo healed to it's original level or, if that turns out to be too powerful, then it would go back to the hp it had before spears was cast. Alternatively the halo could synergize with pyroclastic flow allowing you to release dismiss the halo while releasing the damage stored up as a single aoe blind or knockdown. The most important thing is that he needs to be able to dismiss halo at will. 

    Recasting would be amazing but between the casting time and 2 seconds of invulnerability he would still die quite a bit?

  5. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

    Also I would hate for halo to turn into a mitigator instead of a shield. We already have a lot if mitigation frames 


    Plus nezha is super squishy so mitigation would not be as useful

    Ahh true! I might have to replace that idea. What do you think should be done? I just want him to be set apart from the other frames but I don't know how to go about it..

  6. 8 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

    All in all, I hate nezha's animation locks the most.  He has so many long animations that can't be avoided, it's like I'm just watching him dance.  It significantly slows down his gameplay and makes him vulnerable.  Thing's I'd like see changed include the following:

    His 1 no longer deactivates when combined with the chakram teleport.  If I put it on, I want it to stay on.  This change would alleviate the long cast time on the skill, and would allow for better control of the augment's effect.  It should be a 1-handed cast.

    Blazing Chakram needs to have the same kind of homing flight characteristics as the Orvius, or Glaive Prime.  It should automatically seek out enemy heads and should reliably ricochet through a crowd after the first impact.  This would make using the teleport explosion a lot easier and more effective, as the disc would remain predictably within the crowd of enemies, rather than flying off to Timbuktu.  It could conceivably benefit from melee mods and the combo counter, including the teleport explosion.  It should also be a 1-handed cast.

    Damage caused by hiss 1 and healing caused by his 2 should heal and reinforce his warding halo, allowing him to obtain higher halo HP values than when initially cast.  It doesn't have to be 1:1 heal rate, but it would alleviate his halo woes.

    His 4 needs toned down animations (as does the rest of his kit).  Being forced into the 2-handed cast at the end of Divine Spears is a bear.

    That all would be nice too, I like those ideas. I would still want Divine spears to be able to pick up unpinned enemies on recast instead of disabling as well.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Olianu said:

    I have seen about ten of these complaing about Blazing Chakram, but this... I have to say is one of the best solutions to the problem.  The hold mechanic I find is a little clunky so I would suggest press/press again for a little energy drain per target mark I think would be a little more efficient.

    As for his fire walker, it would make sense if the width would increase with range.  I haven't noticed the energy drain to be as big of an issue with it though as I *think* duration and efficiency mods help there, but I see your point

    Warding Halo becoming a damage mitigation aura sounds ok, but I personally prefer the immediate ignorance of elemental procs warding halo gives.  If there was a way to restore it like through Blazing Chakram's heal or a slow increase by standing in Firewalker, I think that would be a better solution than damage reduction.



    I can't deny the second animation really bugs me especially when I'm running to extraction only for Nezha to halt in his tracks because the timer of Divine Spears went off.  I get it's supposed to do damage on the "slam" but it feel unnecessary a good bit of the times.  I'm not sure how to fix it, honestly, but your idea here sounds solid enough.

    Thank you man! Glad you like the ideas. With warding Halo I'm fine with it becoming recastable as well, anything to just make him a bit more survivable. I just think that my idea would fit him more as a support role you know? Then you could give it to allies.Trinity and Harrow would have another competitor hehe! But either one is cool wit me.

  8. With Nezha getting an upcoming Deluxe Skin (A fantastic one, at that), perhaps he could also get a few tweaks to some of his abilities? For the most part, his kit is pretty good, but have a few issues that really stand out and are clunky.

    1. Fire Walker : This skill is pretty good as it is. CC, cleanses status, and has potential to deal damage with its augment. The only issue I have is that the width is too skinny and the energy cost is too high.

    Request: As well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

    2. Blazing Chakram: This is where most of Nezha's issues lie. Blazing Chakram can inflict a heat proc, knock down an enemy, heal nearby allies if enemies hit are killed, and Nezha can teleport to his Chakram while it's mid-flight, causing a fire explosion if Firewalker is active. Sadly, almost every part of this has issues.

    • The heat proc/Knockdown is okay CC, but a lot of times the Chakram just becomes impossible to aim. It seems to just bounce off enemies without doing anything at times, and other times an ally being a little too close will cause it to bounce off of them and go anywhere else. 
    • If Nezha does manage to hit an enemy, allies have to be within (a small) range of the enemy to receive the heal
    • When Nezha hits an enemy with Chakram, they often ragdoll a bit, often moving out of range for a heal
    • There's no indicator of what enemies are hit by Blazing Chakram other than the heat proc, but when Firewalker is a thing is becomes hard to tell.
    • Pretty much nobody enjoys Firewalker being turned off when teleporting. It then costs more energy to turn Firewalker back on
    • The Teleport explosion doesn't really do much other than a heat proc. The damage is pitiful.

    Request: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range. Hold 2 to mark enemies and release to launch it. This will allow for fun, cc, and mass healing once allies kill the targets.

    3. Warding Halo: Another good skill. While not as strong as Iron Skin, it has some CC and can be put on allies with the augment. It'd be nice if there were a way to restore it's health though. Rhino is already tankier than Nezha, but he also has a way to restore his Iron Skin. Nezha has to wait for his Halo to run out (if running out of bounds is not an option), then use a decently long cast time to regain Warding Halo. This makes Nezha much more vulnerable, and in higher levels he gets shredded easily. 

    Request: make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods. This would give him a good bit of survivability because his health and shields are already low. This will also serve to make him a better supportive player with his wading halo augment.

    Why change that ability so much? Well rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  The augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is ..ehm a bit broken. It's like a broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome in high leveled content.

    4. Divine Spears: Pretty good CC, even if the casting time is a bit long. However, that ending animation...either remove it or make it a 1-handed action. Too many times has it been a nuisance. It stops the player from firing their weapons and reloading, which can leave them a sitting duck and force them to restart their reload timer. Also I find it hard to keep up the cc when another enemy enters the vicinity.

    Request: scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

    Image result for nezha deluxe skin




  9. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

    Letting Nezha apply pyroclastic flow damage to enemies caught on spears instead of the ground would be helpful too. You could hold the firewalker button when pyroclastic flow is charged to apply five or so instances of the damage to enemies caught in the spears. The regular pyroclastic line would still be the more powerful option, but this option would be more reliable and likely hit more enemies so it's a good trade off. 

    Indeed. Also thanks for always giving this thread a bump and what not. Really hope De buffs ember and chroma so that the attention is brought to this thread lmfao

  10. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

    Like all these  suggestions. 

    I've been thinking that recast on halo could be connected to pyroclastic flow/firewalker. Once your fire trail damages an enemy, should halo be active, you have the option to explode the halo in an aoe around yourself for a single instance of the accumulated damage instead of a line that does multiple instances of damage. You would obviously still have the choice to do the line if you wished. The explosion would be accompanied by a knockdown or blind.  

    *claps* S Y N E R G Y

  11. 1 hour ago, AetherMcLoud said:

    Warding halo is fine IMHO. I've done plenty radiation sortie 3's with the halo augment and it works great even against high level mobs with the right build. Maybe if the augment autocasted it on everyone in range, that would be sweet for upkeep, or just a straight up casttime reduction.

    His warding Halo is fine..but the cast speed for it isn't fine at all. It needs to be a faster cast, enemies at high level can kill you in your recast period. This is why compared to Iron skin it sucks and there are many threads saying "Nezha needs tweaks, Nezha needs more survivability, nezha's warding halo needs to scale better". His other abilities need work as well...and that end animation for divine spears needs to be gon

  12. 18 minutes ago, MuscleBeach said:

    I hope so too! Atlas, Mag, and Nezha are my top 3 favorites. Just 1 more rework!!! 

    Buff Nezha's 1 in ways I have no idea because i never use it.

    Make our Destructo Disc auto target after it bounces off an enemy for the first time and speed up its casting speed.

    Give the Halo an expiration explosion of some sort and/or make it recastable.

    Remove Divine Spears second animation or make it a one handed animation. 

    Add an Augment mod for Divine Spears to increase our armor for every enemy speared for a duration. 

    Yes please! To all of those. Those changes are amazing..for his one I would have liked for the width of Fire walker to be affected by strength.

  13. (Xbox One)Grife7

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    Nezha is my favorite warframe, however his survivability is severely lacking once he makes it to higher levels. With his deluxe skin coming out soon, now would be a good time to address that with an augment or tweeks.


    Divine spears augment:

    Flame of life: Nezha's warding halo gains hp equal to a percentage of the max life of each enemy impaled by Divine Spears. This would stack above his current halo hp level in order to make him viable at high levels. 

    In order to stop his bubble from reaching insane hp levels this could be temporary hp that only lasts as long as they are impaled. After divine spears ends his halo's hp would be back to it's full original health unless Nezha took damage in excess of the temporary hit points of course. With this augment Nezha would be viable but still have periods of vulnerability that keep him from being invincible. The percentage of hp gained per enemy would scale with power strength. In this way low range firewalker builds could remain viable as high power strength could offset the lower number of enemies impaled. 


    Other possible tweaks in addition to or instead of this that would not be augments:


    It would be nice if divine spears in some way affected those targets it does not impale. Perhaps they could be stunned for a few seconds or knocked down.

    Warding halo can be dismissed at will. This would help us from reaching the situation where we are at 20 % halo and get one shotted. Currently we have no recourse but to run into a nullifier bubble or jump off a cliff in order to refresh and we don't always have those options. 


    Alternatively warding halo could have a shield gating mechanic in which Nezha gains a small window of invulnerability after his halo is broken allowing him to get out of  danger and recast. He would still be able to take damage during the small window between invulnerability periods and at high levels if you aren't careful that is more than enough time to get yourself killed so he wouldn't be invincible just more viable. Keep in mind that time spent casting is time not killing and keeping up the kps one desperately needs. 

    It would be nice if firewalker cost a bit less or if he was able to regen through energy regen aura/zenurik while using it. I've never shared the design philosophy that channeled powers should take away any energy regen. Just subtract the drain from the regen.

    His chakram could use higher travel speed and faster casting time. The heal should also affect his halo. This would make it actually worth using. As of now I rarely touch that ability. 

    Something I would love is if he was immune to self damage while in halo. I feel like it would mix with his fire based explosive theme. Also it would be loads of fun to run through hoards of enemies blasting the ground around us while leaving fire in our wake. Just sounds too cool. "

    Edited January 27 by (Xbox One)Grife7
  14. On 2/4/2018 at 10:44 PM, Maka.Bones said:

    Cool ideas. I upvoted.

    Btw, slde already gives a DR. He slides faster/further, so he holds it for longer, dodges easier, and moves faster (thus increasing his potential for dps)... I don't think you completely understand how strong his passive is. 

    Would also be cool if divine spears lasted longer / affected more enemies / didn't have such a long cast animation... I like your idea of a 1h cast. 

    I mean it's strong..but a lot of people dislike Nezha's "slide to survive". He's as slippery as a bar of soap and sometimes it's hard shooting your enemies.

  15. 1 hour ago, FeztacularGames said:

    I saw what you posted, really good ideas! I especially like the one about the "bladestorm treatmeant" and Firewalker being wider.

    Thanks man! Hopefully nezha gets the tweaks he deserves because his concept is sick and so is that Liger deluxe skin concept!

  16. 6 minutes ago, FeztacularGames said:

    I am currently playing a level 60 bounty and all of my allies are dying because Warding Halo keeps breaking. I think something should be done to make it better even if it's not what I suggested.

    Honestly I'm open to anything! I made a nezha rework thread and some people have just tried to shoot me down because they think warding halo is "fine". Most of them don't even play Nezha often. 

  17. 1 hour ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

    No, defensive skills are generally not recastable. This is just so there is still some risk. 

    You're acting like there isn't a first for everything. Maybe this isnt the way to go about it but Nezha's warding halo needs some serious buffing. For low leveled content it's good. Playing somewhere like MOT and trying cast  Warding is a death sentence most of the time. Maybe we can find some compromise?

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