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Posts posted by Trickst3rGawd

  1. 1 minute ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

    They removed it because it

    1. Ignored walls

    2. Made camping WAY too easy to do

    Remember, this was during the draco days, a.k.a. the era of standing there and doing nothing. Plus, I bet they were also expecting troll behavior with it.

    Oh, and thanks for clearing it up.

    I mean..they could just stop it from ignoring walls and you say it made camping way to easy. I understand that but look at Octavia! *Points to octavia throwing her mallet and crouches in the corner for 70minutes*

  2. 7 minutes ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

    No, I'm serious, I couldn't understand.

    Probably would've faired better if I just said that, but I wasn't really planning on elaborating further.

    He just wants greedy pull to work for allies again. It used to work that way but DE stopped that.. I can't remember why. Honestly though I kind of agree with him. The changes they are currently giving to mag don't help solve the "problem" with her. Well that's what many players are stating. By giving her back the ability to pull pick ups to her allies would just leave her in a fairly fine place for camping survivals and defense missions, well she's already good for those..I guess she'd be requested more.

  3. 1 minute ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:


    No you can clearly understand his point and what he's saying.

    No up votes for you , stop it.

  4. No, not yet. But they would not "show it off" if it wasn't close to finished. From the looks of it all they did is removed you from being a part of your clone party and made it cost more energy if you want to join in. That's just a strait up nerf imho. I wish they would change it to something like a clone bomb that you can throw at a group of enemies and they would auto target everything in range. Instead of running around aiming and not shooting for some reason and then having to wait even more for the damage kick in. It's like what if mesa had to aim around and "tag" all the enemies when she was in her ulti mode and only would shoot upon exiting it, and it would cost you 15 energy per target.... sounds kinda dumb. If they don't want ash to be press 4 to win, make it an ability that can clear targeted area. Or have ash summon 4 clones that run around as an A.I. and teleport to do damage on their own around you. Warframe is a fast game, it just does not make sense needing to look around at enemies and not shoot/kill them right then and there, because that would just remove all the marks and make the skill pointless altogether. Also, say you running around marking enemies, suddenly you realize your smoke screen about to wear off but you spent all your energy marking enemies and not even doing any damage yet. You can press 4 again and hope to god you have enough clones to kill the enemies before they kill you or start shooting marked enemies to get energy back? In that case why didn't you just shoot them dead in the first place and just saved your energy for smoke screens? I don't know what DE was thinking when they made these changed, because to me it sounds like no one at DE actually plays ash and they are just changing him because at first he was op and now they realized no one is playing him because his kit is just broken. >.>

  5. 3 minutes ago, TennoSimons said:

    I like your suggestions for teleport and shuriken (maybe charging it gives it a radial slash effect?)


    I also think that DE's proposed Bladestorm rework is just okay... not a huge fan of clones in the first place to be honest. But I like the idea of it being more interactive. I wish that Shuriken could and would interact with Bladestorm, auto-targetting marked enemies or something. 

    Yeah! It could also shoot out 4 shurikens instead of the usual two. A short charge is all. Glad you like the ideas. I think that having his clones do the killing is a great idea. As long as they lessen the energy cost and make it so that you only need 1 tick for enemies then I’m totally fine with it.

  6. 5 minutes ago, SpyGhostOtissss said:


    shuriken is good and perfect with the augment, teleport sounds like a fun idea though, but we should still keep it so that when an enemy is on the crosshair it still opens them up for a finisher after teleport.

    fun fact: with steel charge and 2.5x on melee combo, 150% power strength, ash can deal about 50k armor ignoring dmg with 1 mark. (a level 80 heavygunner has about 23k hp(not ehp).

    Yeah I’d like that!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Olianu said:

    I think with this change coming up it will put ash right about where he needs to be.  The Shurikens are fine as they are, but the teleport one could be neat, but how would that work with the Fatal Teleport?  Would it act like a miniature Blade Storm?

     I suppose it could work like this normally, stop+shank the first enemy it passes through if it's not a clear path.

  8. To be honest I think he’s kind of fine with the upcoming tweaks but I would’ve liked to see a charge mechanic for his shuriken. As well as teleport working just Itzal’s blink, because I think he should be able to freely teleport.  Yeah that would be awesome. Dashing through enemies would allow you to shank them with whatever weapon you have. It would allow for fast kills and a happy ash.  Th

  9. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

    Saying you were at 1% is being generous. I have been 1 shotted at far higher halo percentages than that. That is the crux of the problem though. If you are at 1-20% at high levels and there is no nullifier or cliff it is likely that you are about to die. I roll in front of lower damaging units in order to get them to shoot off the last bit of my halo without killing me, unfortunately at higher levels even they can quickly kill a squishy nezha. 

    Thank you for the feed back! What do you think should be done to polish up the ability?

  10. 50 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:


    I'd be happy with these. 

    Although, I use the Teleport augment. I suppose it could work like these normally, but stop+shank the first enemy it passes through if it's not a clear path.

    Yeah that would be awesome. If you dash through someone you would shank them. It would allow for fast kills and a happy ash. Now how do we get thee ideas to DE hmm...?

  11. 1 minute ago, Yagoid said:

    To add to this idea, and offer an alternative for the (great) ideas mentioned- allow Warding Halo to regenerate based on the damage dealt by its secondary damage effects. This would synergize really well with Nezha's theme as a mobile frame, as you would run around swathes of enemies (probably with your flamey feet turned on), stunning and damaging all enemies in your wake. It would also differentiate Halo from Iron Skin, because, yknow, it regens.  

    That would be sick!! I'm so thankful for your guys feedback. Upvotee ✅

  12. 4 minutes ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

    Yeah that sounds really fitting for Nezha! That the ring would have an animation of widening quickly in an AoE and spinning out of control, once it runs out of HP, to proc and knock down any enemies in a large circle, really good idea!
    (Also like the above suggestion of healing Warding Halo with Blazing Chakram, gets my upvote.)

    Glad you like the idea man! I want nezha in tip top shape for that breathtaking deluxe skin concept that DE showed on Dev stream.

  13. 14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)XGN DrFeelGood said:

       A useful concept is to get more effect out of throwing the ring. Yes, it is useful for teleporting at a distance and is a strategy to players who use this form of invasion; but it can be buffed with another mechanic to keep up with Rhino without replacing any aspect of Rhino nor bring any debuff. Throwing the ring to get 'life steal' for Warding Halo to heal it would be interesting. It does not have to be a patch coming soon; but it would work for Nezha Prime, next to a energy boost, armor increase, and sprint speed next to Prime details.

    I like that idea a lot. I was also thinking of some additional tweaking to blazing chakram. Sometimes blazing chakra is super clunky. It's a bit random. Most of the time it hits one enemy and bounce away. So I thought of this.

    1. Blazing Chakram: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range.

    2.Make teleporting smoother. Sometimes it leaves you standing their awkwardly for a second.

    See this would allow goes mass healing  for your warding halo, you and your allies because youd be able to mass mark enemies and then kill them.


  14. 2 minutes ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

    I get you.
    What I will say though that I wish they'd change, is the same mechanic Rhino has, the 3 second immunity right after casting, when it can gain more hitpoints from attacks in that short window, I don't think it quite suits Warding Halo, they could instead use the Gara mechanic they teased for Mass Vitrify, where enemies in range, their HP, shields, add to your Warding Halo, allowing it to scale better.

    Thank you for understanding man and staying respectful. That would be nice! To add to the maybe "on breaking Warding Halo, it emits an AOE that knocks down and procs enemies with fire"?

  15. 13 minutes ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

    That's something Rhino doesn't have, and in infested missions I found that aspect to be quite useful.
    Then there's the augment, Safeguard, allowing you to protect allies, npc, pets, sentinels, giving them this status immunity and extra health and personal ring of slashing and staggering for any enemies that wander too close to any of them.
    So Warding Halo has enough to distinguish it from Iron Skin to make it useful on its own.

    Then Nezha has the Blazing Chakram, allowing you to heal allies and yourself.

    So put on some Safeguards, keep sending those chakrams into enemies in range, and you can keep up healing allies and yourself, maybe not in in like lvl100 missions, but that will allow Nezha to play a unique protector role.

    Most people want to do high end content though. We don't want to stick to low leveled missions man. Safegaurd is cool and all but even if I do give it to companions and allies it's only useful when they're running past enemies for that 1 time stun. It's just to weak as of right now. It's like paper. Not to mention that blazing chakram is unbelievably clumsy sometimes as well. Do you not think that he should just have a bit more casting time added to his abilities? That would literally make him playable anywhere and not just have niche and most of the time uneeded uses.

  16. 2 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

    One way to fix the Halo would be to have it regenerate per second if undamaged for a short time.

    That would be befitting Nezha as an agile frame. Making him tanky as Rhino would feel unfitting for me.
    But a halo that is able to negate smaller attacks every now and then... that I'd like!!

    That would be a cool little tweak but I mean.. it still wouldn't stop him from getting one shotted? Any other idea in mind?

  17.  Rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. We all know this. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  He also has an augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun and it's amazing. Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins.

    Now here is the problem. Some people are wondering why Warding Halo is so lack luster compared to iron skin. But it's because of those key elements are at hand. Warding halo is simply an broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time. That meansmeans it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome. I really feel like the cast time on his warding Halo needs to be faster for more survivability. Just because Nezha is no rhino that doesnt mean his Survivability should be super hard to maintain in high leveled missions. I don't want to have to just run past everything to survive :( How do you guys feel about this? Or do you guys think I'm wrong and that warding halo is fine as is? I've literally spawned 1 125 heavy gunners and on top of warding halo crumpling like paper, know recast the casting is just too slow , and I get instantly gunned down.

    Edit: Enjoying the discourse here. I'm really hoping he gets some changes soon. For those saying that warding halo is fine you are right, for lower level content, the ability should have a better scaling mechanic to make it more useful above that as well. Give us a way to refresh, higher ehp, or a way to increase the hp of the hall through synergy with another ability or something. Even a shield gate mechanic would at least be better than what it is now.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Helaton said:

    Your playstyle is just yours, why should it affect the way I play him? The entire reason to play him over rhino is his movement abilities and things like safeguard.

    How do you scale durability/survivability?  At what level is Rhino's skin enough and Nezha's not? Just because its renewable?  When does an ability become a crutch?

    Survivability is not an ability-level issue. It ties into the entire damage rework because Nezha is going to have the same issues majority of the other frames will have that don't have a crutch like insane damage resistance or invisibility.  At high levels, if something 1 hits Nezha's halo (or you are doing something to have Nezha's halo 1 hit), its most likely going to 1 hit Rhino's with a similar build etc.

    If you are worried about cast times in a high damage environment, then have warding halo give an effect that if warding halo is consumed within x duration of casting (based power duration), the recipient is invulnerable for 2s.  That fixes majority of the problems you have with Nezha without trying to change it into a different frame.

    Some people like the current direction of Nezha barring a few tweaks.  Don't hold it against them or say they shouldn't be heard.  My opinion or theirs is worth as much or as little as yours.

    Woohoo. A bit triggered there my friend? You know what? I appologize for being a bit closed minded. I'm not here to argue, I'm here to make a frame better. I never said your opinion should be heard. Also rhino's iron skin is way better then Nezha's warding halo. Iron skin works really well with its near instant 0.5 cast time.  the augment allowing for mid skin recasts and aoe stun are good.Iron skin also scales with armor so, Health conversion, steel fiber and Rhino charge augment get you some nice 100,000-300,000 skins. Warding halo is simply an broken version of the same skill, with 1.5 seconds cast time means it can't be used in combat to take advantage of the scaling as death is almost always the outcome. That's why I feel so strongly about this bro.


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