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Everything posted by HelloInterloper

  1. I've never sent in a ticket before, but I did today. Steel Path Duviri Circuit got glitched. One person was stuck on the old island, the other two of us on the new island. The mission wouldn't start. We had to leave because nothing helped. Is DE good about giving what was lost due to a bug, or do they generally just want you to do it all over again? Never did this before but it was so much progress to lose.
  2. Are they real life friends? If they are invite one over and they can try beating it for you
  3. Got this after an Axi Defense mission. My internet connection is great and this has never happened to me before. The 30 doesn't count down at all. I don't use any apps or anything like that. :/ All I could do was Alt+F4 and my relic rewards were sent to my mail. Is there any way I can get back all the other stuff I picked up?
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