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Everything posted by Fiedra

  1. line of sight has been a buggy mess since it was implemented, and has entirely been used only to nerf frames who did not need it. Please, consider either fixing line of sight to not be so inconsistent as to hit only 50% of the time, including with enemies right in front of you, or get rid of line of sight entirely. I used to be a Khora player, emphasis on used to.
  2. I wish they'd at least fix wise razor. two-handed nikanas are meant to be cool but it's such an awful slow stance.
  3. One of the main draws of warframe for me is its melee weapons. That being said, if there are only so many stances to choose from, every weapon category feels mostly the same but reskinned and with different stats. We've seen it addressed before with new weapons coming with unique combos which i believe is a step in the right direction. But when the stances for these weapons have been the same for years with no hints towards new ones, instead the focus shifting to new weapon types that receive singular stances, it's a minor, albeit annoying problem. There isn't much movement diversity to choose from, especially when some stances are heavily favored because of their added stats and guaranteed procs. So what can be done about this? I believe two things can be done at once. Number 1: Adjust unused stances' power levels to compete against META stances; Number 2: Create new stances at the same level of power. oh and speaking of melee, why did you guys add melee arcanes when melee was already so busted you had to go and make guns busted to compensate? doesn't that mean you're going to have to go back and make galvanized mods even MORE OP now?
  4. Listen. I can already hear Steve screaming in pain. But as a rainbow fan, I HAVE to express this request. How about a special, animated rainbow emissive/energy color for people who achieve Legend MR? This could be implemented in a lot of ways besides that, like putting an archon shard of every color on a warframe, which could potentially take some time and skill to achieve, which would make it not appear everywhere. It could also be a supremely rare Peculiar Mod, requiring a mod slot to be sacrificed in order to use it which would make most people shy away from it as well. But the hardcore rainbow fans would be eating good.
  5. Since Protea's kit is already very good, it's understandable that her 4 have a niche support use rather than having damage be the priority, but also I can't help but feel like since it's her 4 it should have more... oomph. So how about we rework it? I have a very simple solution for this as well, it would involve just changing the way the damage discharge works. So, you know when the ability is active, it creates after-images, right? How about once the timer ends we make the explosion affect every single spot the afterimages are created? It would sort of work like the 4th ability version of firewalker that way, but instead of lingering damage, it's one big burst of damage at the end. This could incentivize building for duration and strategic positioning, amongst other things.
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