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  1. Having heard that the Netracell rewards were looked at, I was very excited to jump back in and do my weekly Netracells to get on that "3 regular shards per Taushard" grind. I was very upset when the only haul I could muster was a single blue regular shard and 4 Melee Adapters. After getting dunked on by RNG like that, I almost wanted to call quits on this entire update. I am hoping that the extra challenge added next week can give me a little redemption on my terrible luck, but Melee Adapters should NOT be a reward in the limited Netracell run. It feels honestly so terrible. Its not exciting to get shards this way, when its the primary way of getting them. It just feels like I wasted my time if I don't. Get me excited about rare tau shards, sure, but at least guarantee me the bare minimum. I dont know how many weeks it will take me to get the three red shards I need to finish my build for Dante. Theres over 50 Warframes now, and I do want to have them all upgraded to their best potential. I am sitting on 16 Melee arcane adapters now, after having installed one in all of my favourite melees. Its enough.
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