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Posts posted by Nickishero

  1. I have a ton of weapons and warframe components sitting in my foundry, collecting dust.

    Please give us the ability to 'hide owned' or 'hide mastered' in the foundry, just like how it was added in the market a while ago (I believe it has been a year now or so? I cannot recall).

    If you would do this, remove the warframe crafting components like the 'chassis' that you need to craft as well from the players vision.

    Currently when I want to see what I have left to craft in order to increase my mastery rank, I have to keep going back and forth in my profile and foundry. Having this feature would be amazing.


    Sorry if my English is on the weak side, it's not my native tongue.

  2. Summary of the bug:
    Players beside the host are unable to break or go through vents.


    How to reproduce this bug:
    1: Let someone host a fortuna mission.
    2: Let that person break a vent in any building
    3: Let a second person connect.

    This causes the second person being unable to break/go through the vents that the host already broke before the second person connected to the mission.

    This can cause a bounty to fail, it almost happened to me. We were in a squad of 4 and only the host was able to access some locations (or access them much easier than us). With only around 20 seconds left he found the last cache which we were unable to get to.

  3. Come up with something yourself instead of using a dictionairy, like your own name +something you like/stand for/is cool.

    There's infinite of usernames left.

    They would never force change users their usernames even if they are inactive for 5 years. There are multiple reasons why, which you can think of by using your common sense.

  4. Just gonna... BUMP

    On 2018-07-25 at 6:55 PM, --Q--uiescence said:

    i mean.. we have a Hide owned button already, most ppl dont delete weapons anyway so not that much of a change. 

    I don't sell my weapons personally and I buy extra slots, but still there are weapons that require a specific weapon to be build so that weapon thats needed will be used in the process. thus, the item on the market that you've mastered will still be on the market if you click on "hide owned"

    A "Hide mastered weapons/warframes" is a must-have option imo, in dojo labs and in the market.

  5. So I'm getting into focus now, where should I put my lens on?

    I like to play these DPS warframes and I got good builds for them, Equinox Mesa and SarynP.

    Where should I put my Eidolon lens on? Or should I get a Melee weapon like orthos Prime and put it on there so I can farm with all 3? Or will I not get focus then because I get the kills with warframe abilities? I'm new to this so I need help 😛


     what does this exactly mean? how long is "temporarily" and in what way is it blocked, from warframe or only activating promo codes?
    (I was adding all the codes from this link:


  7. Will it ever be on another time?

    Since my parents are divorced I travel to my dads house every 2 weeks and because of this I can never watch the devstream.. will it ever change time? I also asked my parents if they could change 1 week ahead and they said no we already have **** planned...

    this really sucks since I won’t be able to get any rewards.. I also was there during devstream 100 where I heard dropped a lot of exilus adapters, 1 hour after that I messaged Warframe on twitch with no reaction back :/

  8. like 2 hours ago Axi L1 finally appeared in the bounty rewards, I farmed it and got 6 of em :) I am farming to get all of the unvaulted prime items, only need: Wyrm Prime, Bo Prime, Glaive Prime, Latron Prime, and Reaper Prime. Then I'm done. (someone wish me luck pls)

  9. I'll explain the bug to you, it is really easy to re-create I think.

    When you go to Cetus as Inaros warframe, play 1 bounty mission and return to cetus, then you press ESC and go to arsenal, change to any other warframe (I did mesa) and then do another bounty as the other warframe (here mesa).

    When you die while in the bounty mission, your death animation is Inaros' death animation (the sarcophagus one) even though you are playing another warframe.

    This is not game breaking but it's an animation bug.

    *I don't know if this is Clientside or Serverside.
    *I was host in the bounty mission while it happened, i don't know if that has influence.

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