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Posts posted by PsychoTaco333

  1. This update sucks for me personally because I had swap to melee on 8 on my mouse and e as block so I have to get used to holding right click during combos to do the block combo instead of just holding e and left clicking. I feel like if we want to pull a primary/secondary but keep it mapped to f so I can tap f and instantly swap since they made swapping more responsive and instant in the first place why make it screw up people's prefered way to melee at the same time by getting rid of preferred bindings. I especially hate blocking being automated, it feels lazy at best. I don't want to be rewarded with extra survivability for just looking at an enemy with my melee out not putting any input in. Yeah I get it not very many people remember to block while running towards enemies due to the fact that you can just bullet jump straight into them and typically nuke them without a second thought. I feel like completely getting rid if a key binding to block makes mods like guardian derision incredibly useless (already was only useful in very situational builds like nyx with movement augment for her 4 so you taunt everything and absorb damage). So far the only thing I enjoy with this is slam attacks and the new animations. Slams are amazing and incredibly fun to use. I guess the hot swap is good for condition overload builds because you can just spam elemental and quick melee keeping both combo multiplier and status effects at an all time high without having to rely on your melee to add the status effects as much.

  2. Im not able to complete the portion of the Eris Junction quest for Neo Void Relics being open. I can gather the void essence and finish the mission collect the reward but its not adding to the score counter on the junction which means I cant finish that junction to turn in my Sedna Junction to earn the quest...

  3. I'm having issues with the Neo void relic section of the Eris junction on Pluto. Its the only part of the junction It says I haven't completed yet. It says complete 3 Neo void fissures. I just ran about 7 captures and 2 spies while collecting the 10 fissure shards to open the neo relic I take with me, however when I complete the mission and check the junction quest tab it says I have completed 0. I really want/need to finish this because the Sedna junction is locked (even though I have completed all of the quest on it) and I need to be able to finish that junction so I can play the War Within quest that I have been so patiently waiting for, for the few months it has been in development. If anyone has a solution or is having the same issue please reply.

  4. The affinity booster and credit booster alone would cost about 2k plat (a little over, which is about 100$ so you deffininately get what u pay for in the pack. U don't have to build the items, and u get 4k plat (not sure if that's different ammount for console)

    The affinity booster and credit booster alone would cost about 2k plat (a little over, which is about 100$ so you deffininately get what u pay for in the pack. U don't have to build the items, and u get 4k plat (not sure if that's different ammount for console)

  5. I like this idea however I feel that it definitely could be tweaked such as many the flame blade is a new field boss such as zanuka hunter, stalker, juggernauts, etc. Because having it's own drop feels more like what a field boss is supposed to do. And he targets you for killing grineer assassination targets

  6. Perhaps a decoration in dojo that is a pinball machine that the ball is obviously a roller. Not sure on what the other parts would be, but it could also be a way to get credits into ur dojo vault perhaps. Like the clan leader can set a price on how much it costs to start the game idk could be interesting lol

  7. The archwing nogle could be of for say Excalibur whereing each of the 3 archwings. Just of Excalibur though because he is the "showcase" frame

  8. I personally don't like split chamber on slow single shot weapons, since even though its a 90% chance for the bow to shoot 2 arrows, 1 out of every 10 shots would only shoot one, and that rankles me in terms of lack of consistency. I want every shot to hit more or less the same, and one in 10 shots where it doesn't do 'double' damage at that low rate of fire is something I'd rather not have.

    That is what the firerate is for i can do a fully charged shot in half of the normal charge time so about 1 second to shoot two shots that are going to kill anywhere from 1-15 enemies i think is worthy of having the double shot. And unlike ur nomal rifles, the bows can shoot through walls and cover making it so u dont have to reposition

  9. metal auger  is not necessary since it has innate puncture on full charge. and peircing caliber is good enough since the other puncture gives very little. go with an elemental or something.

    aight will do thanks for the help

  10. http://goo.gl/8slHMP


    this is what I use with 3 forma. and dakyu is only 1.5x stronger with less crit chance and fire rate. I would still perfer the dread or paris prime


    Edit: thunder bolt is kinda of useless especially in later levels

    good to know. but realisticaly would i be better off just trading my thunderbolt for another puncture mod or a metal augor for even more punchthrough or does that even become not necesary?

  11. used 2 forma and a potato, but currently i'm running a max rank: piercing calibre, split chamber, vital sense, speed trigger, serration, shred,thunderbolt, and point strike. Any feedback on how to improve or is this the best it gets? And is Dakyu better than paris p atm?

  12. During the missions i will get the side mission to say kill 30 enemies ect. I then complete these missions and get rewarded anywhere from 1k-5k affinity. when i back out and check my progress it only raises my affinity lvl by about 50 of the 14k i need, making it take much much longer than it should for me to rank up

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