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Posts posted by onemoonlight

  1. Gotta love those Lex headshots. It's like the Deagle of Warframe.


    But yeah, at the moment, Lex can one shot headshot anything, I'm fairly sure, even Chroma. Well, at the very least I can two shot Chroma, and headshots being 2x multiplier...


    2 frames are a guaranteed HS kill, 1 is situational, other 3 can walk it off

  2. Is it really better ? I mean wraith has higher crit chance and a lot faster reload.




    primed ravage instead of blaze on a shotgun with basically no crit chance and standard crit power


    u wot m8?


    basic's damage is reliable, while wraith's is crit based; also wraith is an event weapon, while basic is a direct market purchase, but it still has a somewhat comparable damage per shot (8.2k vs 8.9k) and you only have to rank up 1 primed mod instead of 2

  3. I like playing solo too, but when I play with friends I like being on the same squad. Why should people with friends be punished for your sake?


    why should solo queue players be randomly put together and matched against a premade team of you and your friends? Just so you can have fun destroying a bunch of people with no coordination, ruin their fun? Why should solo players be punished for your sake?


    if there was a party MM in which you get matched with other people that like playing with friends it would be fine. But that's not the case

  4. You might as well say the same for the Dread/Paris, Soma, etc.


    As long as the base stats support a crit build, then a crit build isn't a downside.


    That's like saying a Status gun (Marelok, BratonP, Akstilletto) or a Raw 90% DMG gun (Tiberon, Despair) are also downsides. They're only downsides if you don't know how to build for it.


    Somas, Dreads and other crit weapons get along just fine with 1 combi-element.


    yeeeah, lets compare primaries and secondaries, and also minimum damage weapons and crit weapons for types of damage dealing with status guns, that will get the point across flawlessly, whatever it was suppose to be


    also.... minimum damage guns do have downsides, each weapon type for each weapon slot will usually have a downside, so i dont really understand your point at all


    as for the gun itself - 6 core mod slots. That's assuming no CP or PS, so needs corro and ammo mut. That's 8 slots total. What if i want punch through? Cause you know, that's double damage in some cases, or wallbanging. What if i want more ele types? "A knowan hao to buildadurr weapon". "Build" and "know how to build" are terms overused by cretins with overblown egos who think they're the smartest kids around. There is nothing to know. You throw in core mods - nothing to think about, because there are no sidegrades to the cores - and then you throw whatever you want from utility, there is no thinking or "building". Aksomati has almost no utility mod slots left, cause it's a crit weapon for a 2ndary slot and, as such, needs specific mods, therefore it's locked into one thing, is my point. If you mod it with utility that you want, it will suck at that utility. And it still sucks at what it does compared to other options of the same class that allow for more modding. It doesnt suck as much as whatever point you were trying to make tho, so that's another plus to the weapon, i guess

  5. no, its downside is that it's a crit based spray gun for a 2ndary slot


    that's 6 slots for core mods alone (1 damage, 2 multishots, 2 crits, 1 ammo mut), leaving you 2 opens


    i would rather use an afuris or even akstiletto over this just because they leave you more slots to tinker with


    unless you want a pvp weapon, then its stats look good compared to other options in its category

  6. Ichors count as dual sword being one of the best weapons in the game period.


    Akraza ... the damage looks ok on paper, low attack speed is not much of a prob when it's a crit weapon with Berserk. But no status chance means it wont be as good on highlevels. 


    ...if youd read more youd see i agree with ichors being good - the thing that CAN make dual swords good is the mobility they provide. Razas give worse mobility compared to ichors/zorens, therefore they're inferior and there's no point in using them

  7. the weapon counts as a dual sword - meaning it's crap from the get-go


    only thing to make it "okayish" would be mobility from attack speed - but zorens and ichors are faster, so that means it's inferior; also worse crit with less speed = less crits over the same time window, higer base damage means jack at this point


    vanilla polarity matches snakes, which is worse than tiger


    in short, it's a crap's crap atop of a pile of crap


    mastery fodder, carry on

  8. dex dakra, dex furis and bo prime balance - while weapons of the same category already exist for a balancing reference, as far as sidegrades go - pretty much shows pvp team has no clue wtf they are doing


    and there are more examples - aklato v akmagnus, all of the latrons, all of the struns


    S#&$ like this should get quickly noticed and patched within one or two hotfixes by a dude that can do basic excel spreadsheets, but it isnt

  9. From what I've seen, people still get POed about PvP exclusive content even if it doesn't give mastery (specifically completionists).


    could work the same way the whatever-you-call-it synthesis syndicate works with scanners/traps - you join the conclave and you can buy pvp frames from the afro-samurai dude for credits. They're unlevelable, start with 30 points and can be reactored for 60. Completionists can buy em and piss off


    or just make it "ability sets" - screw pvp frames - make all frames equal in terms of hp/shield/power/speed/stamina/armor and let players just swap out the abilities they can use, themed in a certain way - offense, defense, cc/debuff, heal/buff. Could also change the base stats a bit depending on which one is equipped. Probably would work better, too, cause you can use whatever frame you already have/like, but can tinker it up to fit your playstyle. And just drop an icon above player model IDing what type of ability set it has


    still much easier to balance abilities for few frames than 20+, and they can add more frames/sets in the future


    tho no matter what kind of ideas we'd throw around here, i think pvp team is already set on what they want to do, so meh

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