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Posts posted by onemoonlight

  1. quake has no slow on flag, and players in quake can achieve quite fast velocities, combined with rocket jumps, but:


    - quake maps have usually only 2 paths - top/bottom or left/right - and they meet in the middle of the map, unlike wf maps which offer 3 (left, mid, right on ice map; top/mid/bottom platform on gas city; top/bottom/side on orokin) which are separate, and in quake it actually takes more than 5 jumps to get from one base to the other, as well as more skill than binding a macro


    - players dont respawn in waves and can spawn in the middle of the map, where there's usually a hitscan weapon waiting (rails, shotguns)


    - if you intercept the flag carrier you can shoot on the run while maintaining speed, unlike while coptering


    (...) What about adding some Spy2.0 to the map? I mean activating defenses and obstacles when the Cephalon get grabbed..


    like what, trip lasers? You can copter through the lasers and not get stunned, because coptering makes you ignore CC effects, and even if they fix that there's still dodging, which will slow a rusher down by maybe a split second. Any obstacles can be ignored with air dashing


    edit: i actually hope elemental damage will fix something - maybe we'll be able to apply cold procs on people, that would help a ton

  2. TIL not focusing on the goal of the game makes you lose the game.


    TIL player versus player in warframe actually means defrag


    flag runner SHOULD worry about defenders as well as path safety - right now there's no need for that, you just copter and aerial away, even if there's someone in your path

  3. bind dodge to a separate button

    pull out a melee weapon when manic appears

    hold block

    make sure you block in the direction manic is attacking from

    if you dont know which direction - direction keys + dodge while holding block = backflips/sideflips + damage reduction + immunity to crowd control

    attack after you block


    it is not hard, it just can take a little bit of time

  4. my argument does not discharge latron, my argument is that there are as effective options out there, as seen by the choice that players make


    i dont have a latron, i still think it's fine


    it's just that rolling around and slide shooting favors the guy with a full auto rifle




    but lets say latron does get nerfed, and people will then run around with braton variants - you gonna ask for a braton nerf next? cause it's as effective as latron, if not more


    oh wait, you already did, in some other thread, neeever mind


    what's next after latron and braton? gorgon and grakata? :) those magazine sizes man, too strong

  5. no


    im playing against people that are using them


    autos are still a more popular option, and players ALWAYS gravitate towards what's effective

  6. dumb high damage shot spamming will lose to a braton, grakata or a gorgon


    and each of those 3 kept at a head level melts as fast as a latron kept at a head level and offers more free room to miss some shots

  7. How about you use skill to kill that coptering guy? (...) 


    played with a volt that took around 5 seconds, not exaggerating, to run from own base to enemy base and then back to own base, on the gas city map


    how many players have good enough target tracking skill to stop that? sorry, but i thought 2.0 was suppose to be more accessible to a wider player base? plus the system will be used in conflicts - which DO affect pve a bit - and people losing games to macro runners in less than a minute will just cause rage

  8. ^


    doesnt this just bone people that are not using a copter macro tho? you can still copter with 1 stamina left, i think


    you'd just have to recover for a split second before queuing another copter up to hit that 1 stam

  9. if you'll disable copter people will just air dash - it takes ~5 dashes on corpus ice tile set from one ceph to the other, using a normal BO, and volt still exists


    your option would only work if upon pickup secondary weapon was forced (so that people picking it up with main melee wont get boned) and quickmelee was disabled whatsoever


    tho i think that keeping it as it is BUT making all copters equal to that of a skana's copter would be a better choice, as it's not taking away options from players

  10. i dont think they will buff the damage, unfortunately :S


    they should at least bump up the charge speed and projectile velocity, cause both autos and semi autos outperform bows at any range atm


    edit: tho i think there are corrupted -atk speed +damage and -accuracy +damage mods for pvp not released yet, or something like that, and a full charge ATM leaves an excal at a little bit of hp, so maybe those mods will let bows OHK... at least some frames

  11. *shrug*


    fast rof weapons are easier and less punishing to use, and they offer more consistent results


    not saying that latron is bad tho, but it's not THAT good

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