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Posts posted by onemoonlight

  1. You cant, try to do that with a Gram, or a Skana. (...)


    ...well, that's the point of my suggestion - to make it EQUAL between all melee weapons in pvp


    (...) The coptering its not for all weapons (...)


    yeah... in pve


    (...) What if i want to do coptering with a full Nikana with spoiled strike without Fury mod? (...)


    why bring up a nikana? It's not even in. Why bring up spoiled strike or fury? They're not in. That's pve stuff. We're talking stricte pvp


    (...) I cant, Why? That Glitch dont work with all weapons. (...)


    if the devs want to give all pvp melee weapons a copter equal to, an example, that of a skana, then they could. We're not tied to pve stats, they mean nothing. Just because a weapon in pve can copter or not does not mean it has to be the same in pvp

  2. I'm not saying that the weapons should be better variants or "upgrades" im saying they should be equalized. Using the Aklato to Akmagnus comparison. There is no point in using the akmagnus over the aklato. Nothing. I'm not saying the akmags should be better, I'm saying for weapon balance, each weapon should have a particular "niche" that can revolve around a certain players play style. LIke since the aklato have a higher clip, why not just increase the akmagnus damage to be a little more than the aklatos, that way a more accurate player would be rewarded for using a weapon with a smaller clip over the ladder. Does that make sense?


    sorry, my post wasnt directed to you


    and yes, i agree that some weapons right now are pointless to use, as others fulfill their niche better

  3. it's just a test node man, or a beta if you will, such things as a team chat, party mm or lobbies would be nice to have, but i guess the priorities are elsewhere - the pvp team is really small


    they will polish it out before fully introducing it into the game

  4. so there's this in the new patchnotes:

    (...) Fixed inconsistent headshot multipliers in PvP, all weapons now have 2x crit multiplier on headshots. (...)


    first of all, UI still says that the multiplier is 1.5x, but that aside...



    why? to what end? did anyone actually complain about headshots not dealing enough damage?


    before this, and after the firearms buff, if you landed a few headshots you already melted people reasonably fast


    edit: just tested, braton headshots pump 60 shield damage and 57~ health damage vs volts

  5. i love spy 2.0, it's probably the best mission type overhaul so far


    i wish they'd add more vault types so there's more than 3 and they are randomly rotated each time you run a mission, and more variety in each vault type regarding all the traps, scanner paths etc, cause after two or three runs you kinda get which way is the fastest and it gets repetitive


    i dont understand people that take lokis and novas for these missions, you end up saving like what, 10-20 sec per vault?


    as far as hacking time goes - there's this mod called intruder, maybe you've heard of it

  6. (...)


    - Reduce Braton damages. (I don't have old and actual numbers)

    - Raise Vitality and Shield ratios + respective Vitality from Orbs.


    this brings us back to square one: flag carrier is impossible to kill before he runs off - that's why firearm damage was buffed up in the first place. Now two people can actually gun someone down before he copters off behind a corner. I can agree on Hp pickups tho, they feel really weak, and there's so few of them on the map compared to energy


    also, reducing only bratons damage, but keeping all the other primaries/secondaries untouched, despite having received the same buff? Braton is the most common and easiest weapon to get, obviously everyone gets killed by it the most - that would only mean people will go to latron, and then what? Nerf latron, because it kills everyone? :)

  7. a good indication if something is bad is just queuing up for few matches and checking what weapons people use, because people will always gravitate towards whats effective and fun, not bad and annoying


    right now 6-7 people per lobby will be sporting either a lartron variant or a braton variant, and then you'll see some guy running around with a strun


    boar and gorgon are guns i hardly see, but that may be explained by rarity of the weapons


    grakata has a bad reputation, so not that many people have one, so this one not popping up too often is also explainable


    if you see someone with a bow right now it's either a person that didnt read the patch notes, or someone that did read them and wants to test it - every player ive seen with a bow today quit after the first round

  8. pvp is not balanced around "upgrades", as stated by the devs, and it's meant to be accessible to new players, and a different way to play the game - separate from pve - so pve-based arguments of 'this is an upgrade to that in pve, therefore it makes sense to be better in pvp' are pointless


    they will not make mk1 variants worse, they're aiming for all around sidegrades. They've already made that much clear

  9. Well, yeah, but is there a reason as to why Mk1 weapons do more damage than their normal counter parts? Paris and Paris PRime do 9 damage but Mk1 does 14? Strun does 9 but Mk1 Strun does 14?





    as for the shotguns... the damage listed is damage PER PELLET. Now tell me this - how many pellets does each shotgun shoot? What is their pellet spread? What is their damage drop off? You dont know, right? Those stat are not listed



    And what about this melee stuff? Dual Skana being slower AND dealing less damage than Gram? A Heavy weapon? And the Kunai problem, with Despair being unavailable but Kunai and Mk1 Kunai are okay? But then we have the same problem where Mk1 Kunai do the same damage as the normal ones? Like, for real what is up with this balance?



    attack speed is a multiplier to the base speed of the weapon, it doesnt mean much, that's first of all - just look at attack speed of fangs, if you need a clear picture


    second of all, it's a dual weapon, meaning it actually hits faster


    third of all, it copters further


    you just complained that shotguns and bows do different damage, and then bring up kunai having the same damage and complain about balance? Bro, please

  10. actually, after few minutes of thinking about it, i think i've got it


    there are two numbers that we do not know about, and they are projectile travel time and charge damage


    the bows obviously dont do 14 and 9 damage on full charge

    1. that would be silly

    2. we already know that from how much damage they deal when they hit us


    therefore, the bows go like this:

    mk1 is a "spam bow" - you draw your arrow fast, you charge it fast, but the charge damage is weaker compared to the other 2 bows. Higher 'normal', non-charged damage is higher to compensate, and maybe to help you finish off the target with couple normal shots after you've landed your charged shot


    this means that both prime and normal paris have higher charge damage and projectile velocity than mk1, and one of them has a charge damage advantage over the other, while the other has a projectile velocity advantage


    that would be the only thing that makes sense to me, but again, we dont know what the numbers are on charge damage and velocity... because they are not listed


    edit: we just  need all the numbers listed, all the pellets, spread, velocities, EVERYTHING

  11. oh, i dont want to remove coptering


    just used the same base of your argument about 'fairness', but ive replaced speed with ability to soak damage


    you're asking for a tanky frame that can soak more damage to be as fast as a light armored frame with less effective hp


    does that sound fair to you? having a health advantage with no disadvantages? abilities aside, just pure gunplay

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