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  1. Regarding Rebecca's question about how people have received the Inaros rework, to put it briefly, it's "aight." It's kind of better than he was before, but now, instead of not using any abilities, the general optimized way to play him is to spin and spin and spin. His 4 should have been a big part of the rework, but the amount of corrosive procs it produces is too little and too slow. He either needs a tick increase to the speed at which he applies his 4 OR make that scale with strength OR Increase the number of stacks his 4 applies to enemies or make this scale with strength. Either way, the bottom line is that he needs to apply the corrosive faster for his 4 to be viable as a potential armor strip. I'm not going to include a damage argument here, because the damage is very, very low, so it would need a massive buff or scaling like Saryn's spores, for it to actually kill anything.
  2. This comes after a clannie of mine, with settings set to minimum or disabled where he could, said that during the last fight of this week's Deep Archimedia, nearly had an epileptic seizure. Because of the sheer amount of enemies in the small arena for the boss fight, we were bombarded with Void Bursts, and he told me that towards the very end of the fight, he could feel a seizure slowly creeping up on him because of too many Void Bursts. I know quality-of-life patches often contain things to address such issues, so I just wanted to highlight this.
  3. To keep things brief - necramech bonewidows and voidrigs should either not inherit the Sanguine eximus effect, or this effect should be reworked/restylized. This week's first mission was incredibly painful not because of any particular challenge or 200 IQ game design, but because the mechs me and my party had to spawn to lower the timer and get air support kept spawning as Leech/Sanguine eximus. Because of the insane cluster#*!% of mobs piling in constantly, even if we paid attention to this detail, we would randomly step1 little microsecond in a pool and it would heal the mech for like 30%. Sometimes, we did not even have to step in it. We would parkour around and tap it, because these pools spawn in the air for some reason. Then you add in the liminus, which forced us to constantly parkour everywhere. And sometimes....we parkoured into a pool that just randomly decided to spawn. Then you have mini mechs who go and call other voidrigs or bonewidows who ALSO spawned in as Leech/Sanguine TWICE, which added even more problems to the cluster#*!%. Then you have the necramech's attenuation. Then you have all of the effects happening on the screen even with all the settings at minimum or disabled. This made it so that any step in a blood pool from 2 or 3 people just healed it to full. And because they are bullet sponges with attenuation, you simply could not kill them in time, and the mission kept failing. Either remove the Leech/Sanguine eximus condition from Bonewidows and Voidrigs altogether, or rework it. Ideas for rework: Only 1 pool spawns in total. Not 1 per player, just one per Leech/Sanguine eximus. OR Pools only heal enemy voidrigs/bonewidows for maximum 5-10% of its health. No more than that, and it cannot heal it per second, but only once every 5 seconds. At current, they heal like this: Tenno in the zone are drained of 5% of max health per hit at a rate of 3 hit/sec, healing the Eximus and its allies. The wiki also does not specify how much that 5% tenno max health heals the eximus, but it feels like 30%, because most of the times when the eximus was close to death, one step into a blood pool would take it back to about a third of its life bar. OR Remove the ability of pools to spawn mid-air. OR One Leech/Sanguine eximus' pool cannot heal another Leech/Sanguine eximus, only itself. This prevents multiple eximi from spawning and basically healing themselves 24/7. Another potential way to lessen this issue is to rework how Attenuation works on these mechs, because if they were not insane bullet sponges, this would not be such a problem. However, I reckon that would take a lot more work than just simply reworking the pools from eximi.
  4. Revert or reduce the range nerf to Nezha's augment please. There is no reason for a hefty multiplicative nerf on the range of this augment. It legit created a new build for Nezha that gave him an identity of his own, instead of just being fast Rhino. At the current range, it is virtually impossible to keep up with other players in kills, if all 4 are in a large room, since the spears will barely affect a small corner somewhere in that room. There is absolutely no need for such an insane nerf to this augment when you do not have enough data to warrant it.
  5. Someone proposed a potential mod idea, hoping that this might bandaid the real problem, which is how player overguard functions. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/ktI0Wbvqi5 Moreover, since you are examining the damage your nerfs have done, take another look at Nezha. His augment right now is absolute trash to use. With a full max range build, this will only clear a corner of any large-sized room, while many, many other frames can easily kill entire rooms of enemies in only a couple of seconds. Nezha legit only functioned as fast Rhino, and now he actually had his own identity for a whole 5 days. You have give back some range, because a 50% multiplicative nerf is exceedingly much.
  6. This is absolutely one of the most disappointing moments I've had with this dev team in recent times. I really, really hoped that after the styanax kneejerk change to his 4 which disappointed a lot of people that you guys and gals learnt not to do this. By this logic, any frame that is stronger than probably Excalibur should get "tweaked" to be a lil bit more mediocre, because oh boy, being strong is dangerous. You have made a frame that looks great, plays amazingly with his entire kit, and is fairly easy to get. And now you are nerfing it because you gave people something they want. What did you expect? For people to NOT play him? Did you expect it to be a Dagath or Qorvex scenario, where their clunkiness prevents bigger swaths of people from investing time into them? This is just prime kneejerk reaction to idiotic posts like the one that was started here. I guess we don't want people playing anything other than stuff like Saryn, Mesa, Wisp, Revenant I guess.
  7. No, there was no note about it, and that didn't surprise me, as we've had many things in the past get fixed or half fixed without a note, and people just found out by randomly testing things. But yeah, the MS was not working, and that was even stated on the wiki as a known bug, you can check yourself. After this update, the incarnon projectile now does shoot off multiple ones (you can see with various modding how many marks are left in walls for example), but the damage instance does not happen per each projectile (as each one should trigger an explosion), it just happens as one and does not seem to take into consideration MS properly. I had a couple of clanmates also test this and they said it seemed to be on par with what I saw. It's difficult to say since DE, for some reason, have been obtuse in their communication on this instance, even though me and quite a few others have been spamming both the forums and reddit about this weapon's bug, and like I said, it is even noted on the wiki as a known bug. The grimoire had a similar bug (not the same, but similar), and that got patched with fewer reports about it. Meanwhile, the zylok rots as a mediocre incarnon because of a bug that should have been fixed by now.
  8. Ty for the update. Gonna swoop in here with another request to please give the Zylok Incarnon another look-see, as now after the previous update, it is half-fixed. The incarnon mode now does shoot multiple pellets with multishot, but those pellets do not trigger multiple instances of damage. The gun still only triggers one singular explosion, and it should be one instance of explosion dmg per pellet normally.
  9. If you are fixing the multishot bug for the grimoire, please fix the same bug for the Zylok Incarnon! It is literally weak because it is bugged, not because the weapon is bad!
  10. For Mirage in particular, I believe the most fair behaviour is to make it a toggle, as that was the most obvious fix for her ability since her release. For the helminth, you could either tune down the numbers and cap them to a certain level, or make it incur a long CD based on each form - if you use the dmg buff, you have to kill X enemies (or even X enemies with headshots) to reduce the CD, and if you use the dmg reduction form, you have to avoid X number of attacks or for X number of seconds to reduce the CD. Alternatively for the helminth version, you could make it so that the CD is reduced by how long the player stands in light or darkness, for each form.
  11. Still waiting to see a note in these patches about the Zylok's multishot bug being fixed.
  12. DE, if you're increasing the Zylok's disposition for rivens, can you also please help it out with a fix for its multishot bug, in the incarnon form? Pretty please? :D
  13. Posting as a reminder that the Zylok's performance as a gun is still hampered by a bug and not by a lack of stats. Incarnon Form's radial attack is not affected by multishot (and it should be), despite direct damage working as normal with multishot.
  14. Replying to this to hopefully bump it up, since the Zylok is still not fixed and I wish it were, cuz it's an amazing-looking weapon.
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