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Posts posted by (PSN)Sgt_Buttscratch

  1. When I play corpus archwing mission I get stuck in the wall whilst using melee attacks. This kills you. It's caused mainly by the melee animation the basically throws you at mobs.

    I have also had it happen flying into something too hard also.

  2. That isn't fun, just people coptering every where, hit them with ice, no speed loss no nothing, copter away, hit them with bullets, nothing. You can copter through snow globes as well.

    Whole thing needs a rethink, I guess i'll be waiting for pvp 5.0. 

    The 10'x10' maps are so small its pointless.

    I'd give it 1/10

  3. I just read until you reached Vex Armor.


    You're so wrong in so many ways is even funny.

    I got him yesterday, and I'd have to agree with xlraistlx.



    OP: "This is probably the least useful ability in the entire game. First, armor is largely ineffective, especially on a frame that has no healing abilities."


    Unless you know how to build a warframe, then its an amazing skill. Had fun running T4 ext with my rank 0 RIPKAS, threw on life steal. fun times.

  4. Warframe0065.jpg


    I'm seriously losing my patience...

    He said sorry...


    Players join my nanospore farms, see my tentacles killing and looting and decide a better option is to spam their crap non sea worthy skills then not say sorry.

    Someone screamed abuse at me on the mics one day, and refused to apologize.(this was after i way pointed a non existent argon, then hit the lasers when the 3 guys went running for it.)


    Accept his apology and get on with it, just a game.

  5. I don't really mind the nerf. It is garbage, aint gunna try smother my self in butter and act like bacon.


    Fact of the matter, rail pvp was syn gammacore spam, everywhere syn gammacore. Obviously a problem when a side arm is preferred to a main weapon.

    It's about time I worked one of my other weapons up to standards.


    It's done people..just move along..

  6. Manics actually did all of that, but you can thank the PC cry babies demanding the manic to be nerfed



    Two of the best creatures I have came across ingames are:

    Hunter - Left 4 Dead: Just brilliant design, being taunted by something, hidden in the shadows then a crazy a$$ scream, followed by a team mate calling for help. loved it.

    Warewolves - Vindictus - Movement was superb, very very cool to fight them.


    I feel manics have perfect placement in the game to be one of those memorable mobs that you love the whole concept, and hate the fight.

  7. I feel that DE missed a big oportunity to cause us players some real hassle. Instead we were hit by a boring and annoying mob.

    Currently the are nothing more than an annoyance, I just stand there waiting, hit him in the face when he finally does appear. This is boring. No challenge(other than keeping ADD under control while waiting), and no imagination from DE.


    How I think they would work, and actually be a real pain.


    ~Level alarms trigger


    ~Sounds from manic are heard (This is your warning)


    ~Randomly you are knocked to ground, dusrupted and slashed.


    ~Manic does not stealth up, instead moves around room/area at a crazy pace with crazy movements. Laughing and mocking you whilst you recover from disruption.


    ~Random stealth attacks into a slash attack then back to bouncing around. This meaning he is visable but hard to hit then basically teleports behind you for a crit hit/bleeder.


    ~If he is not dead in say 30 seconds a 2nd Manic could hear his laughter and join in.


    ~Upon killing a Manic they should start laughing hysterically, then explode.



    To me this would be a lot funner of a battle than stood around waiting for him to appear.

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