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Posts posted by (PSN)Sgt_Buttscratch

  1. 200 people, so lets rush all of our ideas out instantly, make uber patch, players will be done with it in week/month? What now?


    Smaller amounts is easier to manage, debug, then monitor. Remember not a lot of patches on any game are released perfect. They still have to monitor the new changes to see how it affects a lot of different aspects of the game.


    In all honesty though, DE's team are a lot more active and vocal than most the gaming industry. Especially considering its F2P. 

  2. Excalibur



    Weapons as Crafting Requirements

    Absolutley fine with it.



    Augment Slot

    No, fit it


    Super/Prime Forma

    Forma, adds/swaps slot for STD frames/weapons/sentinels/Kubrows  (12 hours to build)

    Super Forma, adds/swaps 2 slots   (24 hours to build)

    Prime Forma, adds/swaps slot on Prime weapons/warframe/Sentinels (24 hours to build)



    Chat 2.0

    Ability to stop invite spammers.

    Recruiting for clans and alliance talk

    Squad finder for squads.


    Agree with Chat 2.0 suggestion, don't care about logging chat whilst im in a mission though

  3. Watch out for what you ask.


    Most likely you will not only have rare drop chances but then also rotation.


    De pulled that crap on raids already and theres no real chance that they will do something good with this idea.

    Cant be worse than running 40mins in t4 def and coming out with forma blueprints and r5 cores...

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