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Posts posted by (PSN)Sgt_Buttscratch

  1. Not saying they aren't however when your staying for over and hour and hoping to be blessed by the RNG. Then running 3 of them back to back it gets stale very fast. 

    I don't have volt chassis yet, not really worried about getting it. That about the only thing T-survival has. I ran one 87 minute T3Surv a week or so ago. A lot more fun to pick up MR0 from earth( I call it mic hunting) taking them to the tower, derelict or maybe an invasion, bs'n and helping.


    What I'm saying is I recognized quickly what tower survival could become and just side stepped found things to do that are fun.

  2. Even better advice, join public matches, fall behind the group, wait until they are half the map away, then tag a common module. People will actually turn on their mics to tell you how happy they are that they ran across 3/4 of the map to get an Ammo Drum mod.

  3. Buzzkill is more likely to start off with a high base value because it was a one off pack reward from an event (Gate crash), with no other means of acquisition. It may come back at a later date, but for now there are no sources.

    Generally you have to read the asking price and extrapolate what rank is being sold, higher price usually means it's a max rank version unless specified.

    I agree with your suggestion though, it would make some things easier to trade.

    The rarity of the mod is not the issue (well it is in terms off getting one), it is the crazy amount off people who dont bother to mention their mod is maxed, nor put a price up which would be a dead give away also.

  4. Maybe trade etiquette should involve advertising the rank on a module as standard. I've been wanting to buy a Buzzkill mod everytime I see one without the word maxed, I enquire to be hit by the big a$$ value due to the fact it is maxed. 


    As for the world of PS4, we have egate, we can max mods out in half a day. Why are maxed prices still high? greedy swine.

  5. thats the thing it starts that way but leads to toxic 99% of the time. some times its a slow build and others its like a bullet. no drama is good drama for any game.

    Not true what so ever, some games live and breathe from the clan vs clan drama, Some games have had thousands turn up for 1 battle, just to be part of the final product of drama. This game has the perfect set up for meta, but it is blocked by 'feelings'( I was always under the understanding that the last thing you bring to a MP game is your blouse), these casuals, mindless farmers and non competitive players wouldn't have to take part in neither the drama or the battle.

    Banter in regional/recruiting is there for all, reguardless of the want to see it or not.

  6. It's kinda ironic how some Tennos follow Ruk's example calling the Corpus "Greedy Milk" without taking a look at our own trading channel.

    Some Tennos don't seem too much different from the Corpus... unless those are actually the Corpus hacking the Tennos accounts for profit.


    I just wish more people would actually "trade" stuff rather than try to scam eachother off like i saw (and still see) happening over and over on TF2, i thought Warframe players were better but i guess that's how the world goes.

    Trade channel is a joke for the most, on PS4 egate farms are a non stop thing apparently, which in turn creates an abundance of core. This should devalue 'maxed' mods, instead they keep raising a little day by day.

  7. All you have to so is move far enough away from it and it will respawn.

    Aint that easy in caracoal, very small map.   As for the void, just annoying to have to run two rooms away, just because you wanted to raid every locker with a female kubrow named Dave

  8. Maybe we could have some opinions from people who don't get their rocks off mindlessly farming another prime part.

    The word drama is being used here like its a bad thing, if worked right you can have some amazing moments in MP games, created by 'drama'. I'm not on about petty namecalling, more along the lines of having 'toxic' relationships blossom infront of the community who pay attention, then the ultimate showdown at the rail battle and walking the talk you've talked or fail in the glorious limelight of mockery that was most probably self induced.


    It doesn't have to be negative, it can be great fun.

  9. o7 Always a pleasure to see a ground trooper. Amaar pilot myself. Mostly FCing out of Rooks and Kings but lately just doing exploration.


    It was a form of comradery you just cant seem to find here. Players here you have to understand arnt in that mindset. If you trash talked a Corporation in Eve you ended up on the receiving end of an Avatar. Here...ya just get flamed honestly. Players here like their Ruts and only the Ruts. Its kinda hard to bring in anything that can have a competitive feel thats just my opinion.


    But like i said if DE decides to go forward with Rails I'm whole hearted for a "Propaganda feature". Kinda back when Eclipse was a thing when Rails first came out. The amount of Kubrow dung flown across the boards was amazing. Great stuff! Felt invigorating.


    Anywho yea DE will have to look at that when they touch Rails again, dont expect it for a long time soon, but do put it as a question for the next Devstream. Itd be nice to see!

    Gallente all the way here. Pre scout update scout, and pre tank update Vayu driver here, loved it.


    Thats what I'm seeing though is a rut, a game that has a lot to offer filled to the brim with farmers. What good is all your cool weapons, warframe and mods if you're not going to use em. True end game should be PVP, which could become so much more if DE allowed it to.

  10. So you want toxic drama in warframe? because thats all im getting from that comment


    Can't really deny that as a brief overview.


    What I want is clans and alliances to mean something, I believe its called meta, and it creates a great dimension to a game if done right. If it goes pear shaped, peoples little feelings get hurt, DE could just as easy remove the section...*POOF*

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