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Posts posted by SquireAngel

  1. I'll admit, I haven't had Revenent maxed for long. However, his gameplay is... rather simple, considering what it looked like originally. His 1 and 3 right out of the gate seem lackluster, as with the phantasma, I was using the charged shot and blowing up my minions almost as soon as they were created, or my team mates were. As for his 3, this really seems tacked on, rather than being a smooth part of his kit. It's simply a movement ability with light damage and vamp on it, but not enough for the price. On range and impact, hydroid's is superior AND also speed of cast and movement. In terms of damage, its very low compared to the likes of Ash, and since this is a 3rd ability, it should have SOME oomph. 


    My idea is kinda simple. Give mesmer skin charges similar to the Amesha 1, and swap his 2 and 3. The 3 isn't worth the price, and with a slight buff, his 2 would be worth the 3rd slot. Speed up the animation on his current 3 and it's a good second ability. Not the best, but fits the cost. As for his thralls, I feel like a small numbers increase would be nice. Either that, or nyx 1 treatment. 

  2. So, I've seen it mentioned a few other places in the thread, but Ensnare needs the Mind control/Lantern treatment. On average, the target you cast ensnare on is dead before it even grabs more than 1-2 targets. This also allows for more interplay between ensnare and whipclaw without killing the target.

    Secondly, Strangledome. This ability sounds amazing on paper, with the CC, taunt on other enemies, the double damage buff, and the like. However, the restricted range means it only does well against a small number of enemies per cast against grineer and corpus. However, if you just flat increase the range, the influence this ability can have could quickly become overpowered. I believe perhaps a synergy might be a good way for Stangledome to assert influence at a cost, without taking anything away or adding anything persistent that would unbalance it. This synergy would be pretty much Mag's pull. Upon casting ensnare on the strangledome, the dome pulls in a wave of energy, pulling enemies within range along with it. This allows SD to assert it's area of influence, with spikes of power at a cost to have it continue to provide influence if a shift is needed. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Vladimir_Black said:

    They can only make them so fast. Afterall they have to make new meshes and textures, and good meshes and textures take time and work to make. You can bet that during those 90 days the next prime is being worked on and isn't quite ready to be out yet. I'd rather them take their time and give us somethign amazing then feel the need to rush and end up with something lackluster.


    The 90 days also gives everyone time to purchase their packs. returning players, players waiting on paychecks or or a time when they can afford the purchase, ect.

    I'm less for the first reason as I am for the second. There were releasing frames at almost a month and a half intervals for a year or so, so clearly needing new meshes when the abilities are already in the game for primes isn't so difficult it takes 90 days. I do wish the schedule was a bit faster, just to speed up some of them in particular (coughcoughEquinoxcoughcough), but I'm also not upset about the current pacing, outside of personal preferences :P

  4. While I think that the operators could be better than they currently are, I don't want an ability based upgrade. That'd just be a warframe in a warframe, so to speak. I think making a few more portions of the focus trees unbound would help this, and that we could see a wee bit of love for the kiddos. 

  5. So, the new atlas is actually pretty good. He has an interesting kit, and some decent synergy that lends to his aggressive playstyle. One thing that seems a little off puting though is the petrify cast animation. It roots you in place, has the original cast animation, a small frame of channeling, and then the ending animation. Considering how important it is to his synergy now, it's extremely limiting in the flow of combat, having to wait through 3 animations just for 1 firing. 

  6. 1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Yes. There are a ton if ways to deal. I went high level with Rhino Prine and never took damage. At all.

    On the other hand...should we continue to see the cheese/be cheesed design? Isn't it time we fix this?

    I think the need to be creative and think about our engagement tactics is what keeps warframe from becoming too repetitive. If you think about say...Skyrim, if you ran around in god mod all game in that, it's be pretty boring after awhile. There's no need to create better gear, to prioritize targets. You can literally just walk through the entire game without a single care. If there's no risk, then the reward of success loses meaning and it's like we never achieved it at all. I certainly hope that we don't see enemies that become so meta it's basically instagib, but I don't see the ghouls as that. There are ways to counter them, and even when you aren't they're still not too overpowered as to rob you of your ability to fight back. 

  7. Actually, there's a crap ton of ways to deal with the ghouls. Vauban's bastilles were working for a buddy of mine, and I was personally using Hydroid prime's 1 to knock them down, Nyx's 3 to confuse them, Titania's spellbind for immunity, Penta Tether Grenades, Nidus was doing fine, and this is just y own experience in the higher tier mission with a few runs. They can be annoying with their CC, but there are plenty of ways to deal with it.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

    Right now, Ash marking a target does nothing aside from prime them for Bladestorm.

    With my suggestions, either 1) He'd be dealing scaling damage that went up the more marks that are on a target. He marks targets passively as they appear, this would be a simple yet effective synergy. (FE: Ash shurikens deal X% of target's max/missing/whatever health as finisher damage for each mark on target) Yay for scaling damage, right?

    2) This would, when used with Seeking Shuriken, allow him to strip all enemies of armor that he has marked. Pretty useful, I'd think. Great for clearing weaklings as well, I actually don't like this change because it could potentially turn him into a "spam 1 to win" frame in low level content. The strip would be useful in high level content, though, and would turn him into a walking 4xCP

    The first, maybe, MAYBE I can see, but the second isn't built in synergy, it's synergy you need to build into, dependent on an augment. There's nothing inherently wrong building around an augment, as MANY frames have varied builds depending on augments, but adding synergy based on a contingent mechanic not in the base kit seems....weird. Like, maybe that would be a good augment to have for blade storm, but base kit? Nah my man. 

    As I said, the first I could maybe be, as it's synergy between two casts, and while the energy required for it would be less than optimal, if the scaling was right could easily be worth. However, the second, Again, doesn't seem right to me. You're essentially getting a LOT of 1 casts for free from just using the 4, and having an ability that essentially spams another ability, no matter what it might be outside of rift surge, feels....cheaty. You're essentially making his 4 his 4 + X(1) casts for just using his 4. His 4 already does quite a bit, and while is 1 isn't the best ability in the game, it's hardly the worst, and having possibly dozens of free casts seems a bit of a hyper buff for absolutely nothing. 

  9. Y tho? But seriously, when I think of possible synergy for Ash, this is not what I have in mind, nor do i think it would really be all that important/useful. Your first suggestion is rather clunky; needing to fire shurikens while trying to quickly channel his 4? Not really satisfying or wanted. As for your second suggestion, that's just a simple damage buff to blade storm, and not even a good one. Blade storm is a pretty dedicated channel, and shurikens, while good as a 1 handed ability, are kinda trivial in terms of tying synergy into them. 

  10. I'm in agreement that sapping osprey could use a cool down to how often they can drop mines, and Corpus techs piss me of ONLY because the Supra isn't nearly the monster in our hands it is in the tech's hands. It's a fast firing LMG with a small wind up in our hands, and can pump out good sustained DPS because of it's fire rate and generous clip size. In the tech's hands, the first round fired feels as hard hitting as Sniper crewmen if not harder. It feels like they should be the Corpus equivelent of the heavy gunners, but function more like hitscan bombards. 

  11. One of the larger issues isn't so much needing higher level content, it's needing higher level content with a reason to play it. Many longer terms players don't shy away from higher level content, it's just we have no real reason to run it. The old void and even the Ambulas Reborn had a reason, and that was better prizes and loot. Your idea isn;t bad, it's just not the solution. We don't need another empty planet to have no reason to visit explicitly.

  12. I don't really think it's good for a prime, ONLY in the respect that Prime=orokin bling. The style is definitely a step up, and it looks very good. 

  13. The first I like to a degree, as I like minimalistic syandana's for overly busy frames such as Valkyr Prime, Vauban prime, and Titania, just to name a few. The Hood, however, I dislike. There's a syandana that came out with the Kuva fortress update that is basically a small cape with a hood, and it just looks out of place on the frames. 

  14. The lore there is that Valkyr was indeed altered to a degree by Salad V tossing her in a very lettuce heavy dismantling and tampering with her, however, her abilities fall in line with her original bestial form. Valkyr is less a torture frame and much more a wild creature, pouncing on her foes, girding herself for the fight, roaring to assert her dominance, and flying into a crazed frenzy when backed against a wall. The time line is basically Prime>Gersemi>Gersemi caught and tortured to current version. 

    As for the lore behind the relics, Relics are like a Schrodigers cat, existing as everything within them until they are cracked, where they are only able to be one thing. Because Space magic. 

  15. I LIVE on Akkad to grind gear basically, as forma'ing everything is the only thing I have left in the game, and this has happened to me juance once. Note, I have 500 forma across my frames and weapons, so something like, 2000+ runs. I see no real issue. As for the host migration, That hasn't happened to me. I've host migrated and been dropped out of several relic cracking sessions, but I have ALWAYS gotten the gear I chose in inbox returns. 

  16. So, I've noticed a small window of silence from DE in the past few weeks. Usually we see a patch a week, with smaller arms added through Tenno reinforcements if nothing major is coming, or a "Yo we but up to some shenanigans" if something bigger coming down the pipe takes time. Last week, we saw 2 decent hot fixes with no Reinforcements. Now, on the last devstream, They DID show the new frame, the new tennogen, and oberon's rework, so my money is sitting on them squirreling away on that. However, if these are going to take awhile, it seems odd that we wouldn't get at least a tenno reinforcement this week. 

    I'm not really saying that DE needs to report when ever they have a bowel movement, just seems odd for them to be silent for coming up on 2 weeksish without at least something shiny, new weapon or eventwise, to keep things moving. 

  17. I think there's a line between leechers and those who underestimate missions. The second, while sometimes annoying when they die every 5 feet, is moderately acceptable and understandable (Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew. I've sometimes forget to change my loadout to a more appropriate set up before a new mission). The big thing with leechers is the AFK farming. When you join a PUG, You should know that you need to contribute to the effort or be met with scorn and more than chroma will be upset. leeching comes off as arrogant, selfish, and insulting. "I am too lazy to do this myself, so go forth my minions and bring me my prize". It might be melodramatic, but thats kind of the signal it sends, and it's really irritating to be used.

  18. The issue with CC limbo in akkad is that each wave can be crushed in about 45 seconds early on. With stasis, you're extending it by your duration EVERY wave. Akkad is a EXP farm spot, and people want to grind as quickly as possible. You're extending the duration of the runs by a good chunk when you don't need to. If you're farming, don't play a slow pace frame the way it wants to be played, play like you're farming for XP. I've had a Max duration Limbo push an akkad run from 20 minutes to 30+. Don't be that guy. Just farm and get out for your own sake.  

  19. Titles says it basically. The rest of the prisma doodles and many MANY of the wraiths have been made tradable. Have a buddy who's short on the goods this week, was gunna trade it to him but it's not actually tradable. 

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