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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. That's funny.


    Aside from the bigger ones they are mostly already working on, though, these are mostly number tweaks. They seem big because they have a big effect. But moving loot to different lists and tweaking spawn rates, while requiring testing, really are not difficult things to actually DO. Or, if they are, you're using the wrong systems to perform the tasks. 


    Most of these things really are pretty simple numerical tweaks, to be honest.

  2. I tried to run a Suvival today, looking for Hellions for Simaris. (Hint: They didnt spawn. Not once. Yay RNG!).


    The entire experience was awful. Just...constant, suicidal enemies charging into my guns. I had forgotten how bad these missions are. And in the end, you have to leave. Not because you cant handle the enemies, but because alone you just cannot get enough life support.


    Its the devs deciding for us how to play the game. And its awful. 


    Endless missions give rise to endless enemy scaling. Which gives rise to unbalanced power creep. Which kills the game. This really is a no brainer of a fix. If every Survival mission was similar to the last Proxy alert, I would be okay with 20 or 40 minutes and done. I NEEDED a break after those missions and I had a blast. 


    But no, we mostly get dreck we are forced to leave because we either run out of air (yeah, that's fun) or cannot damage enemies any longer (even worse) and have to flee. 


    Say what you want about Destiny versus Warframe, at least Destiny lets me play the game instead of forcing me to stop constantly. 

  3. I honestly feel terrible for the designers who put their hard work into making this quest. I will never see it. I have ZERO intention of ever hunting Juggs. He was supposed to spawn on the Alert I ran today for a helmet. Lotus even told me he did spawn.


    Never saw him.


    And I loathe Eris. An entire planet full of the worst, least fun enemies in the game. No thanks.


    I am certain the quest itself is good. But I refuse to attempt to grind for it. 

  4. I understand U18 is coming. And I understand its likely to be the last big overhaul/rework of Warframe's foundation for some time. 


    For this reason, here are some things I feel U18 NEEDS to fix and the reasons why:


    -Power Creep: Constantly making older stuff useless wastes players' time and drives people away. Its bad for the game. A smaller gap between high and low level enemies and more reasonable balance allows new items to introduce new play styles, mechanics and benefits without just offering higher damage numbers and helps longevity.


    -Forma Resets: This mechanic exists for no other reason than to literally waste a player's time. Its the reason we crowd Draco to speed-level weapons and gear. No one wants their stuff reset and its a frankly insulting mechanic. 


    -Everything useful in the Void: Seriously, its time to redistribute loot and rework reward mechanics. I understand this one is in the works. Please, make the Star Map useful.


    -Unrewarding Exterminate/Sabotage missions: There exists no reason to run these, beyond unlocking a tile. And fair warning: "Because there's a Void Gate here to a tower II mission" isnt a fix. These missions needs to be both more interesting and engaging, and more rewarding, IN THEIR OWN RIGHT. Hiding Void Access behind these maps DOES NOT accomplish this.


    -Endless Missions: Their existence undermines the existence of non-endless missions. Half of your game literally NEGATES THE USEFULNESS of the other half. Think about that for a minute. Then, think of a way to fix it.


    -Over-use of robbing player control: Too many enemies spawn simultaneously on high level missions that are capable of robbing us of control over our own characters. This needs to be toned way down. And the Ancient needs a tentacle and to lose a hook it makes no sense for it to have. That's just...lazy. 


    -Bullet Sponges: This doesnt increase difficulty. It just increases tedium and the potential for Power Creep. Those Nightwatch Grineer were SO GOOD. That was the right direction to move in when upping difficulty for higher level content. High damage enemies with better AI, and the very, very occasional sponge to occupy our attention. The Nightwatch felt dangerous, but never made our weapons useless, and that was a GREAT series of missions.


    -Corpus: More Proxy, Less Bubble. The newer modular dudes are ok. They dont mess with all of your powers or provide sanctuary under a huge bullet sponge for other enemies. But the bubblers need to go now. There are more interesting enemies doing what they do in a more fair and reasonable way. They can be replaced by proxy robots, such as scaled down Hyenas and those Bursa, to make things much more fun. Also, a few less ospreys would be nice.


    -Grineer: The Manic, because its terrible. Invisible periods. Invulnerable periods. Healing. Robbing control. This guy is the literal embodiment of bad game design made into an in game enemy. Other companies would use something like to punish pirates. Here it exists to punish players, instead. And before the 'get gud' posts come rolling out, no, he is not hard. But he isnt FUN either.



    So, some small suggestions for U18. Which I am seriously hoping drastically improves the foundations of Warframe. The endless grind and the NEED to run Endless missions to earn reasonable rewards is putting me off the game at this point. And the smaller issues aside, these are the things I would really like to see fixed.


    So, what are yours.

  5. I'm hoping the star-chart rework and multishot/serration rework will result in argon decay removal and forma reset removal. Failing to do both these things will result in yet another contradiction by DE.


    Argon decay forces void runs for the sake of it. Forma reset is the cause of Draco spam.


    Both are bad mechanics whose sole purpose is to waste the players time...


    Exactly this. Failing to eliminate those two wastes - and especially the Forma reset - will go a long way toward pushing me away from the game for good. Because I know U18 is basically IT for an overhaul/rework of foundational mechanics for a long time. So its sort of a make or break deal for me. Update 18 either drastically improves the situation for me or basically, I will just find other things to do and walk away, for the most part. 

  6. And then again you get the scenario where you find the target and scan it.


    So now you know where to find it . . . . .. you go again to the same place and you get the announcement that there is a scanning target. When you try to trace it with the scanner there are no traces. . . . . oh well it will be near the extraction point as usual, and you continue with the objective of the mission.

    Then you get to the extraction point . . . . . only to realize you never came across the scanning target . . . . .the whole mission pointless if you did it just to get the scanning target :-(


    Basically, this. I saw new, daily missions from Simarus. All he wanted was four Hellions scanned. So I figured, 'Ive an hour to spare, why not? Knock these scans out, get a reward...be nice to get a guaranteed reward for a change.'


    And instead, I run five missions across 3 Grineer planets and never see even one Hellion. Even on Saturn Survival, where the Wiki warns you they tend to spawn in groups. 


    This should have been simple. This should have been a brief daily mission offering a dependable way to make some quick rewards during the work week, while most players have limited time to spend. And they managed to screw it up by making it dependent on RNG spawn rates.


    This whole game is built on nothing but a chance that something interesting or rewarding MIGHT happen, now and then, one some random mission. Its pushing me AWAY from playing the game i once enjoyed, as opposed to keeping me around to grind it out.


    Twice recently I thought about some Plat for new weapons or items. I can afford to support DE and I like to do so now and then. Then I thought about doing the same missions time and again with the new gear, and having to Forma stuff I liked and Draco it 10 times to make it useable again, and...I just bought an Indie game instead. 

  7. <SNIP>


    Infinite grinding is not fun




    This is all that matters, the end.


    Argon Crystals are just insulting. They are disrespectful of a player's time and effort. They are a mechanic created to - quite literally - waste our time. And that, is insulting.


    DE had a chance with these, though. They decided to introduce some new item that would required to craft lots of weapons. And they could have made said item available from anywhere.


    So where did they put it? On a variety of star map missions, as incentive to run those?


    Nope. They put it in the Void. Along with everything else useful. Locked behind keys. Again. 


    And THEN, after making THAT mistake, they made it decay. 


    I have reached the conclusion that DE, as they exist now, simply have zero respect for their players, their time or effort and they will continue to make these insulting, abusive mechanics until they see just how far they can push the community. Basically, until they begin actively losing players in noticeable numbers, this will continue.


    Which is why, more and more, I am finding other things to do with my time. I love this game. I want it to be an enjoyable online, cooperative experience that respects a player's time and effort. But instead we have Forma resets, Argon Crystals, ridiculous grind walls and an entire game whose lore I will never see because I cannot be bothered to grind a ton of 1%-chance keys to run a single quest one time.

  8. Literally half of these can be solved by paying attention to your surrounding, i can't even remember the last time i was disputed by an Ancient. And complaining level 50+ enemies kill you easily is baffling as that's why they're higher level.


    I'm sorry OP, but, Get gud.


    Oh. You guys again. The weird people with eyes on every side of their heads. 


    Stop the White Knighting, already.


    While I do not support the idea of nerfing anything at level 50 - 70 (or even having them in the game in the first place; seriously, WHY do enemies level this high at all) the Infested are a problem.


    You CANNOT stop a grapple that comes from BEHIND you because you were busy with enemies IN FRONT of you. Likewise, you cannot stop a grapple or other knockdown effect that ignores terrain and comes from a walkway ABOVE you, through the ground, where it shouldnt even be able to see or reach you in the first place. Even blocking wont help you if you cannot SEE the enemy first. 


    Of course, you could dodge. If you werent stuck in endless pools of goop shot from across the map onto your position. Or snatched out of mid air during aim glide or bullet jump. Where, you know, enemies are supposed to have a harder time aiming at you. 


    There are tons of scenarios wherein enemies grapple, slow or knock you down that are simply UNAVOIDABLE. Not to mention, the cheap tactic of shield-piercing auras that just...damage health or drain energy. 


    There is nothing FUN about these mechanics. They are NOT ENJOYABLE. Do you get that yet? All of you people with your 'git gud' comments who have never seen a spelling book before really need to just stop. Its not about how good (i think that's the word you're TRYING to spell) people are.


    Its about the fact that these mechanics do not make for a fun, ENJOYABLE player experience. And that is why sane, reasonable people play games. To have fun.

  9. Just once, DE, can we get something to do that DOES NOT rely on RNG?


    I love the idea of these daily scans. I do. I gratefully accepted the mission and went straight away to missions on several Grineer planets.


    Two Earth Exterminates. A Saturn Sabotage, and then a Survival on the same planet. 


    And I saw not one Hellion. 


    Not. One.


    So now I logged off - got lots to do today - after an hour of pursuing a daily with zero to show for it, and heartily wishing I had just gone to Draco instead to level my new Sonicor I just crafted. At least then, I would have SOMETHING to show for the hour I played besides 2 Orokin cells and a useless Tower II key to add to the pile. 


    THIS is why we have a loot/XP cave. THIS is why you cant get people to do anything other than expedient leveling. THIS is why we are crowding around Draco, running the same few tiles over and over again. Its not because we dont WANT anything else to do. Its because you REFUSE to GIVE us anything else to do, that isnt rely on hopelessly terrible odds or grossly weighted RNG. 


    Next time I have an hour to play a game in the morning before work, I'll just go play something else. Its no wonder the last two times I thought about buying Plat for new items, I just bought other, Indie games instead. The which I should have played this morning instead of Warframe, again.


    Please, DE. Just once. Give us something we can RELIABLY do of a day. The whole idea behind DAILY missions, is that they are something you can log in and do quick, even if you're short on time and just a little while to play. Warframe cant even do THAT right.

  10. Right there with the OP. People say the grind is necessary to retain players. But I dont have half the hours the OP does, and I am wearing down. The grind is not retaining me. Its actively pushing me to other games instead. 


    This is doubly true since I cannot be bothered about Kubrow or Mantis. Both are equally useless. One drops health restores every ten minutes. I can do that already with pizzas. Dont need hours of grind for more useless health restores.


    And Kubrow are just a liability on any mission that isn't exterminate or infested (and I despise the latter). I have a Kubrow I happen to like quite a bit and dont feel the need to grind for others. 


    Couple endless grind with no new mission types or things to actually do, and yeah...wearing thin.

  11. I like how this implies there is anything at all fun or enjoyable about Stalker. Its a mechanic that - literally - punishes players for playing the game. Maybe it is a boon for higher level players wanting his gear. Fine; make bosses drop a key where you can 'accept the Stalker's challenge' and go fight him. 


    Because for newer players, the Stalker is literally just a punishment. They stand no chance; its an auto revive and is utterly stupid. One of the worst mechanics I have encountered in any game I have ever played, as it is currently implemented. 

  12. Endless scaling and life support provide a challenge and testing ground for your maxed out kit. if you don't like a challenge, that doesn't mean you need to take it away from those of us who do. Survival in its current form provides a place to practice teamwork against hordes of high level mobs, allowing for high-level-raid practice and stress testing of mod builds and team combinations. I, as a player who enjoys the less chaotic 4 man raid, find long survival missions in the void to be a useful, if not downright necessary stress test for nightmare raid squads. Your idea for a gamemode sounds fun, but replacing survival would, in all honesty, screw over a lot us raiders just trying to test our strategies.


    Then lets have both modes. This need not actually replace all Survival missions. I would be okay with keeping Survival and adding this as well. We have plenty of tiles on the Star Map. Or, we could replace Deception, which is...useless as a mission type anyway. 


    As for Raid testing, though...how do you test for the Trial by running Survival missions? My clan doesnt even kill enemies in the trial until the last stage, with Hek. Before that, its blind, Irradiating Disarm, Chaos, and Slow Nova while Trinity refills energy constantly. We are asked NOT to kill ANYTHING until the last part.

  13. Its called survival since you need to "survive" against endless enemy and limited air available <(")


    First there is nothing fun about the Life Support mechanic. Literally no player I have ever encountered thinks this mechanic is enjoyable. It encourages cheap camping and Nekros spamming and in no way imitates a risky survival situation. 


    Secondly, it makes literally ZERO sense. Our frames can survive in hard vacuum; all Archwings do is add thrusters. So why does Life Support matter at all? 


    This mechanic really needs to go. It isnt enjoyable at all and that matters.


    Survival and defence are my favorite gamemodes because they are endless... I also like that they offer some challenge with their scaling even if they scale a bit too much after while


    If Endless enemy scaling stops and we have a hard cap against which to balance things, ALL content can become more challenging and more engaging. At that point you wont HAVE to wait 40 minutes for 5 minutes worth of challenging game play, before things get out of hand and you are forced to flee. With hard caps and proper balance, all content can be fun and challenging to a fair degree. 


    But right now DE is trying to balance frame abilities and weapons to be equally effective against both level 10 and level 80 enemies, and that simply cannot be done. 

  14. Yeah, content is incredibly easy to trivialize, but the way to stop it makes playing the game legitimately too punishing. That's a huge issue that I think affects everything in the game.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with the supposed scaling/damage rework (or something) that started with multishot.


    Another reason to remove endless scaling. If enemies had a hard level cap, with hard armor and health caps, REAL balancing could begin. In Destiny, level 10 enemies can still take down a level 20 player. Content gets easier as you level up, but it is NEVER trivial. This is because REAL level caps exist and the numbers have a maximum beneath which everything is balanced. 


    Warframe NEEDS to remove endless scaling in order to balance the game. 

  15. Simple, quick suggestion for Nekros: Make Desecrate his Passive Ability. Enemies killed by or in the presence of a Nekros are automatically Desecrated. 


    Why do this: It allows his 3rd ability to be replaced by something more fitting, while keeping Desecrate for those who want it. 


    Just a quick thought on Nekros. I will leave ideas for the new 3rd to others.

  16. Lets fix Survival. Not mechanically. Mechanically it is...functional...right now. Lets fix the Player Experience Survival missions offer. 


    TL;DR: New Survival


    -NO life support mechanic AT ALL


    -NO Endless enemy scaling


    -Upon spawning, the Lotus announces that several hidden caches are detected. 


    -Map markers lead you to the area in which a cache can be found, but NOT directly to each cache


    -AT LEAST two caches exist that are NOT marked


    -Extraction becomes available once the first cache is looted


    -After the first 2 caches, an Eximus squad spawns and hunts the player. They DO NOT spawn right atop the players, but HUNT them across the map.


    -After 4 or 5 caches, a Mini Boss wave spawns, closer to the player than the prior Eximus squad.


    -After 6 or 8 caches, the Lotus informs players they have found all the hidden caches, and can choose to Extract or face the full brunt of the enemy. At this point, a FULL BOSS spawns. Players can fight it and end the mission, receiving a bonus reward, or they can extract if they feel the risk is too large.


    -IF the players find all caches, INCLUDING the unmarked ones, they receive a bonus reward


    -IF the players defeat the Eximus wave, they receive a bonus reward


    -IF the players defeat the boss, they receive a bonus reward


    -ALL rewards received are identified on extraction, just as with loot caches now


    -Once the players either extract or the FULL BOSS is defeated, the mission ends. Keep in mind, the main boss only spawns after all marked caches are looted.



    Why this suggestion (reading this is optional):


    DE has chosen a free to play model. This necessitates some degree of grind. Which further necessitates limiting the amount of loot available on a given mission. I have no problem with this. What I DO take issue with is not the business model, but the METHODS DE uses to implement the business model. 


    Endless enemy scaling and life support are NOT fun. Even those who defend such methods claim they "work" or are "functional" or "necessary" given the business model. Literally NO player with whom I have ever communicated honestly ENJOYS the Life Support mechanic. And the same applies to endless enemy scaling. 


    So lets get rid of these things.


    This suggestion allows DE to continue to limit the amount of loot per mission, just as now. At the same time, it eliminates the need for endless scaling and life support, which almost no one actually LIKES. It uses existing resources and mechanics - no need to create expensive new methods or assets. AND this method gets players our exploring the map, as opposed to just camping in one spot and watching a timer. 


    I hope DE considers this. Survival as it exists now is...boring...after a while. Please let me know your thoughts on this suggestion.

  17. You know what ? I think you're right. Rotation C enemies have to be the top difficulty, it shouldn't keep scaling after that since rewards don't.


    Exactly this. ANY attempt to scale enemies beyond this point is to increase the need to grind. Mainly this is due to the Void. If DE forces us to leave they can force us to grind out more keys to go back again. Which means playing more OTHER missions. 


    The problem is, its driving my girl and I to play OTHER games, not to play MORE Warframe. And I am sure we are not the only ones. I havent seen many older players from my clan in weeks.

  18. Endless enemy scaling. Gradually reducing Life Support drops. Spawning enemies 5 minutes apart on defense waves. It does not matter the tactic; the result is the same: Forcing players to STOP playing. 


    We come to Warframe because we want to play. Its a fun game, with enjoyable core game play mechanics. I dont know about others, but frankly, the more you FORCE me into literally UNWINNABLE situations and back to my Liset, the more tempted I am to just...go play something else entirely. It might be the game you MADE, but its OUR game in terms of the player experience.


    And right now, the player experience is...suffering. Its suffering under the weight of outrageous RNG. Its suffering under the weight of our constantly being placed into unwinnable situations on mission after mission. Its suffering under the weight of our being FORCED to STOP playing periodically. 


    Answer me this: Why do enemies on Excavation missions HAVE to constantly escalate in terms of difficulty? The mission is NEVER going to reward me with anything commiserate with the difficulty level of those later enemies. Never. 


    The rewards for missions will always remain within the tier they were at the start of the mission. So what is wrong with allowing me to remain on mission for as long as I feel like being there? Why force me out and into a new mission at all? 


    Doing this absolutely destroys any sense of coherence or place or immersion you strive to create in a game. IF the enemy has forces we CANNOT beat, why dont they just use those forces FIRST? Likewise, if we know the enemy has forces we CANNOT defeat using our current toolset, why dont we, the Tenno, create some new, armor-piercing rounds or weapons? The history of warfare is one of endless escalation; of move and counter-move. This absolutely WOULD happen. 


    But it doesnt. Because...video games. No one cares about whether we are immersed in the experience. About whether the world building is coherent and reliable. About whether the story telling and game play completely contradict each other. After all, its only a video game, right?


    Well guess what: The players DO care. Shocking, I know. But internal consistency matters in world building. And Warframe's universe has ZERO internal consistency. ZERO credibility as a believable locale or situation. ZERO coherence.


    And its all because of the endless escalation on so called Endless missions. 


    So how about we try one or two Survival and Excavation missions that DO NOT have these features. You keep the same reward pools from start to finish. So why not keep the same enemy tiers too? Sure, maybe throw in an Eximus wave or two. But there exists literally NO reason to PUNISH me for playing a mission longer than YOU want me to play it. Its literally valuing monetization over your customers.

  19. This is sort of important. Its literally misson-breaking, progress halting...its bad. This should be a priority issue. Not a months old bug that has received no attention. 


    I've played games like Firefall and Skyim. You keep piling content onto a bug ridden, broken mess and pretty soon the entire affair collapses into an unplayable state, and its too late to fix it because the problem lies within the foundation and not at the top level of most recent content.

  20. Dynamic and static missions need not be mutually exclusive; we can have both.


    For those who play Destiny, you already know what a Patrol Mission is. For those who do not:


    -You drop onto a planet and just...explore. As you do so, mission beacons will reward objectives to complete. You complete one, and then explore some more or go to another beacon and take another mission. No enemy scaling. Nothing to arbitrarily force you off the planet when the devs want you to leave. You remain as long as you wish. 


    Warframe needs a Patrol equivalent. 


    Imagine: I drop onto a large, planetary map. I begin exploring and taking down enemies. I receive a prompt to visit a mission beacon. Which give me a mission. Maybe it triggers an exterminate (to get a certain number of enemies in a certain section of this map). I complete this, receive proportionate bonus affinity for completing it, and move to another beacon. That one gives me Mobile Defense or Deception. When I complete this I find another beacon and obtain a Spy or Sabotage mission.


    Throughout these missions, enemies would retain the rank of the mission you originally chose. No endless scaling. No Life Support. No mechanics to force you to leave your game play session. Just you, taking one mission after another for as long as YOU choose. 


    Once this system is in place, we could then add dynamics to it. Maybe the hacks in a Spy mission become easier for each Deception or Mobile Defense terminal hacked on this Patrol run prior to the Spy mission. Maybe, if you set off the Alarm on a Spy mission it turns into an Exterminate or Sabotage instead. Perhaps triggering an alarm while performing Deception will make the hacks, guards and traps in later Sab/Spy missions one tier harder. 


    This is the stuff we need. Not more coffins to defend or arbitrary mechanics to FORCE us OUT of missions.

  21. The Void needs to be reverted to the older textures. Or at the very least, the number of reflective surfaces needs a reduction. A huge reduction.


    On areas with the green floor and wall color, the PBR literally made my eyes water until I turned off bloom. 


    But that is not the biggest problem: The biggest problem is a major FPS hit. I use a GTX770 with 2GB VRAM. And I was below 30FPS numerous times on the Green-walled rooms in the Void. This never, ever happened prior to the PBR treatment. 


    Just thought I would pass this along. I appreciate the effort at a visual upgrade, but I think someone erred on the side of too much, as opposed to not enough.

  22. How about this: Loot from Rare containers works like loot from Caches?


    -Lotus will announce the presence of the container (once you have been in mission for at least 3-5 minutes)


    -In order to receive the loot, you MUST complete the primary objective of the mission


    This is the way loot caches function now. You get a question mark and have to finish the mission in order to receive the reward.

  23. Mesa's new Peacemaker is not fun to use. In my opinion, being locked in place was a fair trade for the prior power level. Now, however, we need to manually turn to see new targets while dealing with an ever-shrinking firing window for Peacemaker. All while still remaining locked in place.


    I have a couple of suggestions to fix this. A change to Peacemaker:


    Toggling Peacemaker on causes Mesa to holster weapons and instead use her Peacemaker pistols. 


    -Peacemaker pistols scale with weapon mods (keeps this on par with Melee abilities like Exalted Blade)


    -Peacemaker still uses the auto aim, with the gradually shrinking auto aim zone


    -Mesa is allowed to move around during Peacemaker. While moving, Peacemaker drains an extra 1.5 energy per second to allow the auto targeting to compensate for Mesa's movement.



    Suggestion B:


    -Peacemaker causes Mesa to holster weapons and use her Peacemaker pistols.


    -Mesa is allowed to move while Peacemaker is active


    -Peacemaker scales with Power Strength, and NOT with weapon mods


    -Peacemaker does NOT use auto aim of any kind


    -ALL damage dealt by Peacemaker pistols, is Finisher damage (same as Bladestorm)



    I think these changes offer a powerful Ult that still allows Mesa players to enjoy the movement system of Warframe as opposed to being locked in place.

  24. Not really. Those are all units either with cheap rubbish or horrid effects with infinite scaling.


    Reskinning more units is not the solution.


    Exactly this. 


    The Void needs enemies unique to the Void. The current batch do indeed feel like place holders. I mean, sure, its kind of neat mixing Grineer and Corpus units into a single mission. For a while.But it gets old fast.


    Would love to see some genuinely new awaken in the Void. Something we have not seen before. 


    Maybe even some enemies that wear their own prime warframes and have unique abilities (that dont involve robbing players of control constantly). I think it would be neat to see the Void or the Orokin Moon Base areas defended by their own, newly awoken, Tenno.

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