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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. Enough with the Stalker! Every time I drop into a mission he spawns almost immediatly after I start. Please fix this or get rid of it. I haven't been able to finish any missions recently because he constantly spawns and rips me a new ***hole. I end up taking 1 hit from full health and shields and die. Yes my frame and weapons are maxed with good mods and I still die instantly. Any time I attack him, I do almost NO damage. Yet I can 1 shot most enemies including some bosses. How am I supposed to deal with him!? If I wanted to have someone intrude on my game and wipe me out with overpowered gear, I would just play Dark Souls!


    Stalker is easily one of the worst mechanics in the game and really needs to go. He essentially punishes new players for playing the game. Its a blatant attempt to eat your revives and force you to have more than one frame. Unfortunately, you acquire more frames from killing bosses, which makes Stalker spawn again. 


    Its cheap, annoying, insulting to the player that he is able to attack low level players who - literally - stand zero chance of either defeating or escaping him. 

  2. The OP understands. As do a select few. If Warframe wants to have a future, it needs to evolve beyond Killing Floor in Space. Period. 


    If a future wave of weapons rolls out and due to power creep utterly negates the time I spent putting Four Forma into a Vaykor Marelok and Soma Prime, I wont happily grind out the new weapons (keep playing). I will leave the game and spend my time elsewhere. Grind does not keep playing. Fun game play, exploration and discovery keep me playing. 


    And Warframe is lacking in most of those things, after a time. 


    We need to do away with Endless Scaling. We need missions similar to the Patrol missions in Destiny, that let us stay on mission as long as want to, as opposed to be driven away by enemies we CANNOT beat. 


    The current situation makes balance impossible, contradicts Lore and ruins any sense of immersion in the setting.

  3. Here's an idea: don't reset an item's rank when you polarize it. The main reason why I even consider Draco or all of these powerleveling scenarios in the first place is because my newly-polarized warframe/weapon doesn't do squat for damage in the missions I normally run.


    If the piece of equipment is polarized, just give me a separate progress bar on it to fill up and keep it at rank 30. This will allow me to see more use out of it while I'm earning that extra polarity.


    This person gets it. This is the reason I use Draco. I dont particularly like it or even enjoy it. Or Interception missions at all for that matter. But the frustration that comes with Forma is a lot more tolerable for two draco runs, than for exponentially more runs of anything else.

  4. It amazes me that so many people are okay with things like this.


    When I say that Nullifiers are killing the game I speak of the game's identity. Special powers, space Ninjas. That IS Warframe. 


    Unless you're fighting a ship full of Nullifiers. Then the game basically becomes generic third person shooter in space. Which is harmful to the identity of Warframe. It lessens the game's unique facets. New players run into things like this, and its going to drive them away from the game. Especially when it happens often, which it does.


    As for the quantity of Nullifiers...the mission was Nullifiers and Osprey. Perhaps two Supra corpsmen. But those were quite the rare exception. I simply cannot understand how NOT being able to do ANY of the things that make this game unique, for entire missions, is okay with some people. 

  5. Draco isnt the problem. And neither was Viver. 


    The problem is twofold: 


    First, Draco provides Exponentially more XP than other missions. This is handy. So we run it. 


    Second: EVERY TIME I put a Forma on ANYTHING, I lose ALL the time invested in it, and have to level it again. This is mind-boggling in its stupidity and extremely frustrating. Its actually leading to my playing less and less as I face more and more need to reset items the further I progress. Counter-intuitive does not BEGIN to explain it. 


    If I only ever needed to level an item once, I could tolerate just running the missions I want to run and letting the item level at a reasonable pace. But I have four Forma on my Vaykor Marelok. There is no way I am NOT running Draco to get that thing leveled again. 


    As long as DE effectively punishes us for improving out items and for running missions which are NOT Draco, then we will run Draco to level things quickly. Blame the developers for not fixing it this, NOT the players for taking advantage of a broken system to the best of our ability.

  6. I do love Warframe. I know lately it probably seems this isnt true, but I do. Which is why I come here to provide feedback. 


    Feedback like this: Corpus missions are absolutely terrible experiences. There is literally nothing - not one thing - to be enjoyed about Corpus missions. Literally my favorite part of Corpus missions, is Extraction.


    Why is this the case? Enemy types.


    I just ran the Alert mission (Corpus Exterminate) on Pluto. Rank 39 or so mission.


    Every third enemy was a Nullifier. I know because I counted. Every. Third. Enemy. And there I was with Vaykor Hek/Marelok as my only ranged weapons. I literally spent so much time inside nullifier bubbles, that I could not use frame abilities while there were enemies to fight.


    This experience...I could get this from literally ANY PvE Shooter in existence. I mean, its run through the map, close distance, shoot. Repeat until enemies are dead. 


    Nullifiers - and especially their overwhelming prevalence - are ruining everything unique about Warframe. They literally kill the game. They rob it of identity, of uniqueness. They rob it of fun.


    How about we get more Proxies. Hyenas and Bursa. Maybe then we can finally get rid of this terrible enemy type.

  7. What Rhaenxys said and also, she doesn't need balanced, or nerfed.



    If you 've ever used her, you'd know being limited to her melee is balance enough. She has no ranged abilities in hysteria, this reduces her killing potential to almost nothing

    I actually agree with this. The only reason I suggested any Nerf at all was as a counter to the "Hard Nerf" advocates. A middle ground.


    But yes folks this person gets it: Melee ONLY, without energy waves, IS a Nerf. She doesnt NEED another one. 

  8. You should probably take a break away from Warframe for a day or two. Get some fresh air and slow down. You'll burn yourself out on any game with an attitude like the one you exhibit now.


    Yeah, you're probably spot on there. I do like the game - the foundation of it is really, really great. The movement, shooting, varied frames and powers. And I really enjoyed the new special (non-archwing) events. But overall, the duration for which I can tolerate the grinding is decreasing rapidly. Its not any one thing that gets under my skin, its a combination of lots of little ones (obviously) that added together really kill the fun for me.


    Good advice. I think I shall take it under very serious consideration. Maybe even take a break until U18 and see what changes. 


    That was so long and drawn out, that by the end, I found myself thinking, "If I had THAT much beef; I'd have stopped playing Warframe a LONG time ago."


    ...what keeps you coming back?


    The movement. The speed. The varied frames. Co-op play with my girl, who also loves the game and loathes the grind. The uniqueness of it keeps me coming back for more. But as above, lots of little things, combined, are wearing me thin on it.

  9. Well. You know. You could..I don't know. 

    Quit Warframe, if this is so much of a problem?

    I don't know how many there are who think as I do, but I would quit Warframe if it so much as joked about reverting back to the way it used to be; when there was like three different types of units for each faction, and everything was depressingly boring compared to now.

    EDIT: Also, nb4 report or lock.

    Nice either/or fallacy. 


    You dont have to revert the game back to an earlier, less varied and interesting state to stop annoying enemy types or attacks. Think of the Proxy Alerts. Those were fantastic missions. Not perfect, but really good.


    The same goes for the Nightwatch Grineer. Sure, a few of the more OP frames could power right through it. But those power through EVERYTHING. That's not a measuring stick its a problem. For some. 


    Those two new enemy encounters were very good. Dangerous, deadly enemies that mostly were NOT bullet sponges. The occasional sponge tossed in to shake things up but never so many as to annoy. And NO gratuitous amounts of knockdown or screen dimming spam. 


    You CAN have an interesting, varied experience, without reverting back to boring mode. Its not an either/or fallacy.


    As for just quitting Warframe, that's what its coming to. More and more the sheer repetition is driving me away from playing.


    It puzzles me, how many players will just defend the grind and the endless RNG as if they are actually interesting pieces of content.

  10. TL;DR Version: "I hate how everything is hard and RNG."

    Yes, I DO hate excessive RNG. And I also hate being forced to run the same mission over and over again, hoping to get one piece of loot. Because its BORING, and it absolutely WILL drive me away to play something else. I want to be able to earn things by playing; I just dont want to be forced into the same missions over and over again in the process.


    As for Infested, dont start the crap about Infested being hard. They arent hard. They are observably, objectively NOT hard. Hard is something a player can overcome. Hard is something Skill can trump.


    I cant trump knockdowns, slowdowns and grapples from behind me while firing in another direction. No amount of skill will ever allow me 360 degree vision while playing Warframe. Ergo, I will NEVER be able to trump a room full of Infested using skill alone. 


    Which is obvious to anyone who cares to see it. If we could trump Infested and Grineer knockdowns will skill ALONE, Handspring wouldnt EXIST. The knockdowns were put in the game so a mod to negate them would need to be leveled, which would in turn mean more grinding. They EXIST to annoy players into grinding for yet one more thing. 

  11. Hysteria: The rate of energy loss speeds up the longer you stay in this mode. The extra Drain does not begin until  2 minute mark, however, and Duration mods can extend this to a max of three minutes. After 180 seconds, however, you begin to lose energy quickly. By 5 minutes energy loss should be nearly unsustainable. 


    This will give people nice, long bouts of Hysteria, but still occasionally force Valkyr back into a Vulnerable state. 


    Disclaimer: I dont WANT Valkyr nerfed. I really, really dont. She gives players who are less skilled at shooters a great equalizer, especially in the late game. And before you start screaming that SKILL should be the equalizer, and 'git gud, scrub' let me inform you of something.


    I HAVE TO play Warframe with a control pad, even on PC. When your doctor tells you prolonged use of a mouse will result in the loss of use of your right hand (past injury), you start to listen. So no matter how much time I put into 'gittin gud' I will never, ever be able to hold my own in kill streak comparisons with other Clan members who aim with a mouse. 


    But Saryn and Valkyr let me give it a good run. And Nova lets me contribute in different ways, just as Frost, Loki, Nyx and Duration Rhino can. 


    So no, I DO NOT want Valky nerfed. But I KNOW something will have to change. Twenty straight minutes of complete, utter invincibility testifies to that. Because thats never okay in any game. 


    So I came up with this compromise suggestion:


    -Valkyr haters: She will occasionally HAVE to be vulnerable, if only for a short time at a stretch. You get your "nerf" without completely ruining her usefulness.


    -Valkyr lovers: Several MINUTES of consecutive invulnerability, followed by a quick breather to recharge before going right back into the fray. Powerful and dangerous but fatiguing quickly. Very thematic, for a Berserker. 


    As for removing her Invulnerability completely: Sure, we can do that. Just as soon as you take away energy waves from Exalted Blade and FORCE a more heavily armored Excalibur into close combat, you can take away Valky's invincibility. Fair is fair, right.

  12. Stop choosing my missions for me:


    When I log in and see that my only Syndicate options are Spy, Rescue and Deception, I go play another game. I spend my time and possibly my money elsewhere. Let me choose which 3 missions I WANT to run that day. 


    Stop forcing certain mission types in exchange for loot:


    Prime. Gear. I AM NOT going to run Derelict Defense. I dont care WHAT frame parts you put there, I am NOT running those annoying, chaotic, screen-effect-and-knockdown-spamming missions. That many Infested literally gives me headaches. 


    And in case you think this will make me spend money to get Prime Acces, let me assure you: No Prime frame is worth $80 to me. Period. And especially not Trinity. Not only will I just go play another game, you are actively turning me OFF from spending money to support you at the same time.


    Stop Resetting the levels of frames and gear with Forma:


    This is insulting. It is literally a waste of a player's time. Literally. Waste. I maxed my gear. I DO NOT want to have to go run Draco for the thousandth time to level my gear again. And I CERTAINLY DO NOT want to spend aeons leveling it on the mission types I DO enjoy. I. ALREADY. DID. THAT. Instead, I just quietly log off, and go play something else. And DONT buy that 20 Plat Forma while I am it.


    DO Drastically increase Mission Completion XP Bonus for Exterminate and Sabotage:


    This NEEDS to happen. You can keep TRYING to nerf Draco away. I reckon by the time you nerf enough frames and abilities to make Draco truly difficult for a group of 4 the game will pretty well play like a third person Call of Duty in space. But on the bright side it wont matter: Everyone will have quit playing it. 


    Someone recommended a rolling XP bonus granted to the least occupied star maps areas. As more players come and play that mission, the bonus goes somewhere else. This is an excellent idea I want to expand on: Grant this bonus to the least played mission of EACH TYPE, on EACH planet. Making the bonus XP fit the territory. That way, all player types of all levels benefit. 


    Give us incentive to avoid the loot/XP cave, instead of trying constantly - and failing - to punish us into walking away from it. 


    STOP making Kubrow deteriorate over time:


    There is LITERALLY NO REASON to do this, other than to force more Grind. And it doesnt work. I keep my Kubrow in Stasis and only bring it out on special occasions such as long or event weekends. 


    STOP forcing Archwing:


    Many, many players simply DONT like it. If I want Space Combat I will go play Elite. Or Strike Suit Zero. I know you tried to make it better and I give credit for that. But not only do a number of people STILL not like it. Many people just plain CANNOT play it, ever - due to motion sickness. 


    REMOVE annoying, unavoidable AoE Poison/Toxic Effects:


    There is NO SKILL involved in beating these sorts of things. None. They do NOT challenge players. They only ever serve to annoy us. And believe me I have on more than one occasion just went to play Destiny or Rage or Mad Max or a hundred other games - heck, even ETS2 - after about the fourth exposure to one in a given night. Please, DE, stop this insanity.


    REMOVE knockdown SPAM:


    I am not even saying you shouldnt have knockdowns anymore. You know what, keep the occasional Scorpion or Bombard. Go for it. Occasionally, they mix things up. Putting 10 of them on the screen - at the same time - is NEVER okay. NEVER. Its unavoidable annoyance all over again.


    REMOVE Nullifiers:


    The ones with the big bubble. At t his point the Corpus have so many ability-scrambling units that our powers in higher level corpus missions are COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE. Or near enough. At which point we may as well play Generic TPS: Space Edition. Instead of, you know, THIS game. The number of nullifiers at higher levels is literally destroying the identity of Warframe. 


    DO think up SOME WAY to balance the new Valkyr:


    I love love love this new Valkyr. And I would play her all day, if I had the time. After all, its not like she can die. EVER. At max rank you can just remove her revivies; she doesnt need them. Maybe have her lose energy faster the longer she stays in Hysteria mode, buy ONLY AFTER the first 90 - 120 consecutive seconds. I love her and even I admit, this has crossed the line into too good. 


    DO make rewards commiserate with mission rank:


    The first two rounds of Draco grant ONLY common mods. Which is frankly insulting. Its a Rank 35+ mission and you are giving me rewards from Earth. This is unacceptable and a waste of my time and effort. Such as it is. 


    DO grant bonus rewards for mission completion in Solo play


    DO grant bonus rewards for completing a mission without setting off Alarms. Space Ninjas, DE. NINJAS. Remember?


    DO grant bonus rewards upon completion of Spy and Deception for NOT killing ANYONE (cameras/traps not withstanding, obviously). See above, re: Ninja. 


    DO make Syndicate items hidden on missions SLIGHTLY - and only slightly - easier to find. 


    DO change Atlas to a high-armor frame. Then, base the health of his Rumblers on his armor rating.


    Okay, done for now. Please everyone add your thoughts. Lets actively provide suggestions for how to DECREASE sheer annoyance. 


    Oh yeah, one more for the road:


    I dont want to HAVE to go to a Relay again. Like, ever. 






  13. I know someone who has this issue as well with Archwing. Just...cannot play it. At all.


    Believe me though, at the late game point where you are able to farm for Atlas by running these missions, Atlas is in NO WAY worth the effort. I have one and honestly...its pretty terrible from a power level perspective. 


    An underwhelming brawling ability, changed mid development into an Earth mage with the most useless abilities ever given to a Warframe. He looks cool and his first ability is fun as heck to use. 


    The rest of him is largely useless. 

  14. Atlas is useless. Which makes me sad. 


    His first ability is fun. And it should be his Ultimate. It needs to scale with melee mods and be a toggled "Mode" like Hysteria. Then, it needs to auto target the nearest enemy in front of Atlas and move you toward them.


    As he is though...yeah, I cannot think of any mission on which he would be at all useful. His abilities are underwhelming (Except Petrify; its utterly useless) and his large size actually blocks your vision of enemies to a greater degree than Rhino Prime. 

  15. Never said I could kill Nullies without leaving Hysteria. I said I almost got wrecked when one closed on me from behind while I WAS using it. I almost got wrecked because it DISPELLED the Hysteria and I was left standing there in front of a Bombard without invulnerability. I should have been a little more clear on that, sorry.


    And again, I am not claiming T2 should be some sort of end game challenge. The problem I had was the idea that I could spend 30 straight, non stop minutes COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE on ANY mission, ever. 


    Bottom line is this:


    -The nerf crowd is VERY vocal

    -DE have shown a recent tendency to LISTEN to them, unfortunately

    -They ALREADY are screaming for a Valkyr nerf

    -They GOT their Peacemaker nerf (RIP, Mesa, your Ult is mostly useless and completely unfun now)


    I want to appease the Nerf crowd with a change we can all live with. Something that mitigates the power of ALL toggle abilities just a little bit, WITHOUT making frames utterly useless (like Mag and Mesa are now, thanks for that, Nerf bat wielders). 


    So I thought maybe, "Get out ahead of this, and lets try changing energy restoration as opposed to clubbing Valkyr to death with a Nerf bat.


    IF it were strictly up to me, I wouldnt change ANYTHING, at all. Valkyr is good the way she is; when you get rid of energy waves and force Excalibur to actually fight in close, THEN we can talk about Valkyr's invulnerability as a problem. 


    I DO NOT want to see Frames changed. I mean, Valkyr has to ask other people to kill Nullifiers for her. But DE has shown a penchant lately for nerfing frames. So, I thought we could try another kind of change and maybe leave frames intact for once.

  16. Endless missions are ruining the game. Said it before and its still true. We need to change Defense, Interception and Survival into missions with final bosses waves or boss fights and a definitive endpoint. Then, DE Can cap enemy levels and begin to balance the game around a reasonable, capped end game level or tier.


    The endless scaling gives rise to endless power creep, which in turn continually renders extant stuff useless over time. It needs to stop.


    Furthermore, scripted Raids are NOT the answer for Warframe. One or two runs and teams "crack" these missions. My Clan has a Raid Leader who wants ONLY select frames, with certain augments, and I cannot blame him one bit. There is a best method for the raid and we do it the same way, every time, no exceptions.


    Its boring as hell. I dont even want to run them anymore, but if they need a Repelling Vauban or Irradiating Loki due to lack of interest - and they usually do - I will sometimes fill in one of the needed roles.


    We need more late game missions, without the scripted Raid type stuff. Just high level Survivals with mini bosses, and a final boss or boss wave before the mission ends. Throw in some loot caches or puzzle treasure rooms. Add bosses or mini bosses with guaranteed drops to late game Exterminate missions. Add Loot Caches to late game sabotage. And a Cap to enemies so the game is balanced around one max tier.

  17. Sorry but your post has a lot of wrong information. Firstly, all toggled abilities already can't replenish energy from e siphon, energy restores and trin energy vamp. Something tells me you don't play those frames at all lol. 2nd of all EB energy waves don't have infinite range and they do have a slow travel time. Any Excal player with their eyes open can tell you that. Your suggested idea wioll kill the game for many others. The energy orbs promote active game play by making the player get out there and kill enemies. Your idea would just force players to run away and pop out a restore every few moments


    Thanks for this. I have a Trinity but avoid playing her as I find it terribly boring. To each their own on her; I wont spend cash for her Prime, thats for certain.


    As for energy regeneration...I knew Siphon wouldnt work, so I didnt mention it. As for pads, I have never tried to use them while using Hysteria or Exalted Blade, since I have never, ever needed to due to orb drops. So good to know they are useless in this regard. 


    More I think about it, the more I think we need to do this:


    -No more energy gain from ANY source while a toggle is active (excepting Chroma and Effigy)


    -Orbs regenerate energy over time, like so:


    -25 energy = 5 energy per second, 5 seconds


    -50 Energy = 5 energy per second, 10 seconds


    -75 Energy = 5 energy immediately; 7 energy per second, 10 seconds


    -100 energy (do these exist) = 10 energy per second, 10 seconds


    This would force players to be vulnerable SOME of the time, but not TOO much of the time, in my opinion and might help us avoid nasty, unneeded nerfs to entire frames. Which I DONT want to see.


    Edit: Never claimed running T3/4 Exterminates was breaking any record. Easy there...


    At the same time I find it sort of...odd...that a player should be able to remain invulnerable for 30 consecutive minutes or until literal boredom ensues. But again, to each their own and no, i dont advocate nerfing the frames. I want to appease those who do without actually seeing the frames nerfed.

  18. I did complete the quest, how do you think i got to gollem??? I can see the parts on my inventory, but they cannot be seen on foundry.


    You have the parts, but do you have the actual Blueprint? If not then nothing will show in the Foundry. Check on that part.


    Good luck. Atlas is sort of fun to play. Nowhere near as powerful was I hoped, but decently fun.

  19. I ran a T3 Exterminate last night with Valkyr in Hysteria the ENTIRE mission. Non stop, entire mission. Blitzed it without coming out of Hysteria because of dropped energy orbs. Had to backtrack half the map to find treasure and challenge rooms.


    Finished a T4 Exterminate the same way.


    Went 40 minutes in a T2 survival with Valkyr in Hysteria the ENTIRE TIME after the 10 minute mark.


    Trust me, I have been out from Mercury. Many, many times. 


    Frankly, I LIKE Valkyr the way she is. I like Saryn the way SHE is. I dont WANT frames nerfed.


    So I made this post. As a suggestion that could counterbalance the constant demand to nerf frames. 


    About nullifiers: I agree. Almost go DESTROYED using Valkyr when a Nullifier came at me from behind while I was fighting a bombard using Hysteria. Valkyr is powerful, but not NEARLY so much as people think she is. Chasing down enemies, dodging Nully fields...she has plenty of weaknesses. 


    But since DE seems to listen to the vocal Nerf crowd I would rather see energy drops nerfed, than warframes.

  20. This would just make early game unplayable, when you don't have any auras, energy restores etc. Ruining the game for newcomers is not the right way to do things.


    Thats a good point. Perhaps just disable the ability to regain energy while toggled abilities are active then. 


    And maybe change all energy orbs to restore energy over time, as opposed to restoring it immediately. Maybe 50 point energy pad restores 5 energy per second for 10 seconds. Ten seconds is a long time to remain vulnerable for a Valkyr. Or to NOT use Peacemaker on a Survival or Defense mission. Doesnt seem long, but it really IS a long time when enemies are rushing in from all sides. 

  21. I thought this mission was a nice change of pace. Wasnt perfect but it was very nice. Actually had to worry about taking damage for once. And though the Bailiffs were spongy, there just enough of them that they added challenge and forced us to mind their presence, without ruining things. Felt almost like their spawns were hand placed and not just random. Add to this, enemies dealt a lot of damage, but were not spongy themselves, so my own weapons were still useful.


    Imperfect as it was, this mission was a step in the right direction for high level play and I want to see more like it. This mission has me running T4 stuff with really good weapons but less than ideal frames to try and recapture this feeling of real danger. (And then Corrupted Annoyance shows up - again - and ruins everything).

  22. Disable the ability to regain energy while a toggled ability is Active. Period.


    There. Problem solved. We can lock all threads related to Nerfing Excalibur, Valkyr and Peacemaker and give Mag back her real Greedy Pull. 


    Oh, and make Chroma and Effigy the one exception. Effigy is the one using Energy, NOT Chroma. And Effigy has a short range, zero mobility and is hardly overpowered. So Chroma SHOULD be able to regain energy with Effigy Active. But that's the ONE exception.


    There. All done. Hysteria = Balanced. Peacemaker = Balanced. 


    Longer Explanation (for those who care):


    How does Valkyr maintain Hysteria for a half hour at a stretch (and yes, she CAN; I HAVE) so how does she DO IT? How can Maim or Peacemaker remain active for minutes at a stretch?


    Simple. Their users can regain energy from multiple sources WHILE THE ABILITIES ARE ACTIVE. The Rift; drop pads; energy orbs. The list goes on.


    So...we shut off the ability to regain energy while those abilities are active. This forces Peacemaker to break off now and then. This forces Valkyr back into a vulnerable state. This forces Excal to sheathe his magical blade of brokenness that is the REAL problem with Valkyr. (Seriously, the existence of his globe crossing, unlimited range energy waves is a nerf to any Valkyr capable of taking damage while in Hysteria mode; force a vulnerable Excalibur to get in close and THEN we can talk about getting rid of Valkyr's invulnerability in Hysteria mode). 


    Now, if we want to take things one step further and ensure forever that toggle abilities are not overpowered, we do THIS:


    No more energy orb drops from fallen enemies. Loot container drops are okay. You have to stop fighting and LOOK for those. Or at least go and collect them, for the most part. But having the enemies you just used energy to kill drop more energy for you to use to kill them perpetuates these endless 4-spamming, god mode play styles.


    We have Energy Siphon. We have pads. We have loot containers. Enemies should NEVER drop Warframe energy. Unless they are Eximus hunter squads, mini bosses or bosses, this should NOT happen. We have the means to restore our energy OUTSIDE of combat. Allowing us to restore it DURING combat is THE common problem with ALL toggled abilities. 


    This is an easy fix. Lets not ruin any more frames overthinking it.





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