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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. When fighting Corpus Units, Mag has two useless abilities. Pull and Attractor mean nothing and do virtually nothing. 


    When fighting Grineer or in the Void, Mag has Four useless abilities. Adding an Augment cuts that down to 3 useless abilities, with her Crush being extremely useful against armored foes IF - and only if - you add in the augment, reducing her effectiveness elsewhere at the same time. 


    Mag needs an overhaul. BADLY. She is ineffective to the point of borderline uselessness.

  2. Please, please let us use T4 keys to craft a T4 Assassination key. Maybe two T4 keys of any type, to make 1 Assassination key. 


    And then we can finally remove Corrupted Vor from T4. 


    First, as a boss he isnt fun. Teleporting all over the screen. Invulnerable half the time. A bullet sponge the rest. There is literally nothing fun at all about Corrupted Vor.


    Now, add in having to do it 75% of your trips to T4...anything. Three times just today. Its old and tired. Please make it stop.

  3. I thought the third part of Project Undermine was a nice change of pace. Enemies dealt more damage when they hit. But they were not obscene damage sponges. Made them threatening without making my weapons nigh useless.


    On the other hand we are approaching a point where some frames are seriously overpowered. That's not something I say often and I dont necessarily want a Nerf. On the other hand, for those who choose to use New Valky/Excalibur for everything, dont complain; you know its going to be easy to run Level 30-40 stuff when you choose a frame balanced for Level 80 Endless Missions. 


    See also: Endless missions and non-capped enemies are killing the game slowly, by degrees.


    But this mission: Yeah, it was nice. Has me running high level Exterminate and Mobile defense with good weapons but not pitch perfect or ideal frames to try and mimic the experience.

  4. Wait...they hid an entire quest behind Juggernaut drops? Well, there's a bit of the devs hard work I might NEVER see AT ALL. I utterly DESPISE infested missions; dont even have most of Eris unlocked for this reason. Too many knockdowns, too many screen effects, and too many annoyances. 


    Add in the RNG of getting Juggs to spawn AND the RNG of him MAYBE dropping whatever item you need, and...No, Thanks.

  5. Atlas is fun to play. But so are a ton of other frames people already have. "Fun to play" isnt going to sell a frame that becomes obsolete long before the point in the game where you can actually unlock it by playing. Long before.


    While I dont advocate new-Excalibur/Valkyr levels of power on every new frame, Atlas, fun as he is - and he is fun - he is also useless beyond the mid part of the star map. And that, isnt fun.

  6. At the same time, shifted, you dont want to risk turning Warframe into a 3rd person Destiny clone, where 95% of game play relies on guns and abilities come to feel like shoehorned afterthoughts. Do that, and you will lose a goodly portion of your audience.


    Warframe is not first and foremost a skill based shooter. And if does not continue to differentiate itself from the pack of skill based, weapon and aim focused shooters, it will lose an audience. Warframe is first and foremost an ARPG and really needs to stay that way to maintain a fan base.

  7. I can do without the Mantis drops. Been without them for 600 hours. Dont reckon I need them now. Not worth either the time to grind OR the play to buy them. Basically, I am just ignoring their existence. 


    Edit: Basically, these are a "Whale" item. You DONT NEED these. They dont enhance the play experience. They exist for those who want and can afford to pay cash for them. 


    I dont like it. I dont approve of it. But so long as these Whale items dont become guns, frames or mod packs with guaranteed mods, I dont really mind either.

  8. What we need to ask is this: Does anyone - anyone at all - really ENJOY the Life Support mechanic? Not support it, or deal with it, or make their peace with it. Do they really, truly ENJOY it?


    I dont. And I dont know anyone else who does. 


    In my opinion, endless missions are breaking the game. They lead to a situation where a portion of the fan base - and dev team - want to balance everything round endless, level 80 enemies. So they do. And they absolutely trivialize everything on the star map for that weapon or frame in the doing of this. See the new Valkyr for more on this.


    In my opinion, we need Survival missions that still use the every 5 minute rotation, with extraction available after the first 5 minutes. After this, things change:


    -Elite units (Hyena, Bailiff, Eximus Bombard) is regularly mixed in any time after 8 muinutes, with frequency increasing slightly from there.


    -A mini boss spawns every ten minutes


    -An Elite Squad AND a mini boss spawn at 20 minutes.


    -A Final Boss spawns at 40 minutes


    After 40 minutes the mission ends.


    The compensation for no longer getting Rotation rewards:


    -Mini bosses ALWAYS drop rewards


    -Final Bosses ALWAYS drop rewards


    -Elite units have a higher than normal chance of dropping rewards


    -Boss rewards DO NOT count as rotation rewards. Boss rewards are IN ADDITION TO rotation rewards, because boss fights are optional. Players can always extract instead of fighting.


    Why do this:


    -It feels better. Players get to COMPLETE a mission, as opposed to running away in the end


    -It increases immersion. If enemies have units we CANNOT beat, why do they not just bring them out immediately?


    -It makes the mission more FUN. Right now a goodly number of players HAVE to WAIT 40 minutes to see a challenge. Adding in Elites and Mini bosses changes this for the better (see the much loved Proxy War Survival threads for more on this). 


    Just my two cents. Basically, to sum up: If every 20 minute fight was like the Proxy wars alerts, I wouldnt NEED or even want to go longer. That's hectic and fun enough I want a short break before the next 20 minutes.

  9. We all know efficiency is broken. Reducing duration automatically makes any frame that does not need Duration better than an even remotely comparable from that does. And now, reducing Duration also harms Channeled/Toggled abilities as well. And without an alternative for reaching max efficiency, Channeling frames are really underwhelming at the moment.


    Lets fix it. Permanently. Easily. With a couple of solutions that are so small they could be done in a hotfix.


    Alternative One - The "Streamline:"


    Max Streamline at 50 - 55% Efficiency. Then, set the hard cap there. Remove Fleeting Expertise from the game and reward those who have it with several R5 cores, a little plat, a rare BP...something. Preferably of their choosing, from a small pool of rewards. Maybe a Forma BP (kidding).



    Alternative Two - Fleeting Expertise change:


    Change Fleeting Expertise itself. Like so:


    +10/20/30/40/50/60% Efficiency

    -05/10/15/20/25/30% Maximum Energy




    +10/20/30/40/50/60% Efficiency

    +0.25/0.30/0.35/0.40/0.45/0.50 Seconds casting time


    There. Problem solved. Fleeting Expertise still has a drawback that requires another mod to compensate for it (same as now). It no longer makes one class of frame strictly subpar compared to another. And it retains a Corrupted flavor with a drawback, fitting it into Lore in the same space it resides in now.


  10. My ideas for overhauling Atlas (Combining the Brawler and the Geomancer aspects into a single, coherent, synergistic frame):


    -1st Ability: - Stone Fists (toggle, 6/4/2 energy per second): Atlas encases his fists in stone, replacing his melee weapon and adding staggering force and increased damage to all melee blows.


    -2nd Ability: Beam Quake (25 Energy) - Atlas pounds the ground, sending forth a tremor that staggers or throws enemies in front of Atlas CLOSER to him. (Thus setting them up to be pummeled by his stone fists).


    -3rd Ability: Bulwark (50 Energy) - Atlas encases a 5/10/15m area around himself in a wall of stone 2/4/6m high, with 400/600/1200 health. The stone wall has hit points, and on deactivation, it rapidly closes in on the encased area, crushing everything inside and knocking it down, except Atlas himself and allies. 


    Theme: You have now created your own tempoary brawling ring, safe from outside fire. At this point you have wrapped your fists in stone, propelled staggered, stunned enemies closer to you and wrapped them in your own personal boxing ring to be pummeled until you feel like crushing them. 


    4th/Ult - Brawler (toggle, scales with melee mods): Atlas enters Brawler mode. Every use of melee propels Atlas toward the closest enemy he is currently facing, dealing extra damage and gaining a 50% chance of stagger with each blow. Each successive blow reduces the cost of the energy drain for Brawler, up to a reduction of 80%. 


    Basically we are making Atlas's first ability his Ultimate, truly creating a Brawler frame who fortifies himself with the strength of Earth while he fights. Synergistic, powerful but fair, and very thematic. 





    -Strength of Stone (Stone Fist Augment): Each blow from stone fists guarantees a stagger and has a 50% cto break an enemy's weapon (disarm).


    -Earthquake (Beam Quake Augment): Enemies affected by Beam Quake are knocked down and tossed in front of Atlas at his feet. Their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds upon landing.


    -Repelling Bulwark (Bulwark Augment): Enemies knocked into the inner walls of Bulwark are stunned for 3 seconds and repelled back toward Atlas slightly. While stunned, melee damage dealt to the affected targets is Finisher damage instead of the normal type.


    -Heavy Weight (Brawler Augment): With each rush forward toward the next target, Atlas stomps the ground, staggering enemies within a 5m radius very briefly. Melee damage dealt to staggered enemies is Finisher damage.


    The augments make Atlas seem overly powerful and perhaps they do. But remember, none of these things will ever TRULY affect more than a single enemy at once, as they depend on Atlas finishing said enemy with melee damage. 

  11. What I don´t like about Atlas is that is another Huge dumb ! frame, hes a Brawler? whats a Brawler doing throwing rocks? or turning foes to stone? or even Summoning two Golems?   As a Brawler Rhino is 10 times better, I mean he has the Stomp, the Charge, the Armor! those are usefull skills, perhaps they could have done him a little smaller, you know more like "Bruce lee body type" Brawler, more Kung fu oriented or Karate Oriented, but no, DE decided that It had to be BIG, Slow and dumb.


    No fun at all.


    Posible Skills Sugestions:   1 Strong punch:  1 punch that dashes the frame forward, hitting everything on his way 

                                                2 Kind senses: The frame gains speed on his movements at energy cost (much like chromas Effigy)

                                                3  Kata: The frame jumps to one enemy and hits with increased force (max level hits two or 3 enemys)

                                                4  Berzerker:  The frame is unable to use main and secondary weapons but gains damage and speed for a short duration. 


    Thats my Idea for a good Brawler. 


    The problem with these ideas is that they are split between Rhino (the forward rush, hitting everything) and Valkyr already. And Valkyr does the Berserker/Brawler thing far better.


    Atlas is not a total loss. He IS fun to play. I really enjoy him.


    At the same time, I find him...underwhelming, power wise. I think DE should have stuck with the Earth Mage/Geomancer thing and abandoned the Brawler theme altogether. Might have come up with something more powerful had they done so. Or maybe gone the other route, and focused on the Brawler side of him, enabling him to armor up, close distances and pack a punch. Splitting him between Brawler and Geomancer weakens both aspects. 


    My ideas for overhauling Atlas (Combining the Brawler and the Geomancer aspects into a single, coherent, synergistic frame):


    -1st Ability: - Stone Fists (toggle, 6/4/2 energy per second): Atlas encases his fists in stone, replacing his melee weapon and adding staggering force and increased damage to all melee blows.


    -2nd Ability: Beam Quake (25 Energy) - Atlas pounds the ground, sending forth a tremor that staggers or throws enemies in front of Atlas CLOSER to him. (Thus setting them up to be pummeled by his stone fists).


    -3rd Ability: Bulwark (50 Energy) - Atlas encases a 5/10/15m area around himself in a wall of stone 2/4/6m high, with 400/600/1200 health. The stone wall has hit points, and on deactivation, it rapidly closes in on the encased area, crushing everything inside and knocking it down, except Atlas himself and allies. 


    Theme: You have now created your own tempoary brawling ring, safe from outside fire. At this point you have wrapped your fists in stone, propelled staggered, stunned enemies closer to you and wrapped them in your own personal boxing ring to be pummeled until you feel like crushing them. 


    4th/Ult - Brawler (toggle, scales with melee mods): Atlas enters Brawler mode. Every use of melee propels Atlas toward the closest enemy he is currently facing, dealing extra damage and gaining a 50% chance of stagger with each blow. Each successive blow reduces the cost of the energy drain for Brawler, up to a reduction of 80%. 


    Basically we are making Atlas's first ability his Ultimate, truly creating a Brawler frame who fortifies himself with the strength of Earth while he fights. Synergistic, powerful but fair, and very thematic. 





    -Strength of Stone (Stone Fist Augment): Each blow from stone fists guarantees a stagger and has a 50% chance to knock enemies down.


    -Earthquake (Beam Quake Augment): Enemies affected by Beam Quake are knocked down and tossed in front of Atlas at his feet. Their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds upon landing.


    -Repelling Bulwark (Bulwark Augment): Enemies knocked into the inner walls of Bulwark are stunned for 3 seconds and repelled back toward Atlas slightly. While stunned, melee damage dealt to the affected targets is Finisher damage instead of the normal type.


    -Heavy Weight (Brawler Augment): With each rush forward toward the next target, Atlas stomps the ground, staggering enemies within a 5m radius very briefly. Melee damage dealt to staggered enemies is Finisher damage.


    The augments make Atlas seem overly powerful and perhaps they do. But remember, none of these things will ever TRULY affect more than a single enemy at once, as they depend on Atlas finishing said enemy with melee damage. 



  12. A Crossfire/Exterminate crossed with a single, do or die, Spy Vault? Form your squad with a plan in mind, Tenno. Nicely done, DE. We need more like this, please. 


    And that third mission? The special forces troops...or whatever those guys were? They were NOT bullet sponges. They did NOT have exaggerated, frustrating amounts of armor. But they HIT like TRUCKS. A kill or be killed Exterminate mission against enemies dealing like amounts of damage but without the annoying bullet sponge of late game enemies. 


    I felt the enemies on the final mission were fair and reasonable but dangerous as hell at the same time. A very nice feeling to have on high level planets when running Exterminate missions. At no point did I ever get the feeling a team could just blitz it, due to how hard enemies hit, and yet I could hit and kill them equally quickly. 


    More. Like. This. Please.


    Well done, DE. Very well done indeed.

  13. The basic problem with Atlas is that Rhino received two of the abilities Atlas should have:


    -Iron Skin could have been stone skin and made a lot more sense on Atlas than Rhino


    -Rhino Stomp should have been Quake, and would again have made a lot of sense on Atlas (and had a lot of synergy with his quick rush melee 1st ability to boot)


    As is...the frame really does need a complete redesign. NOTHING has ANY synergy with ANYTHING else on this frame.


    Ability one belongs to Valkyr or Rhino. Or maybe Ash but with a Blade. 


    Ability two feels like a version of Volt's wall you cant shoot or see through.


    Ability three feels like a retexture of Chroma's breath weapon, only slightly more or less useful depending on situation.


    Ability four is...useless. Nekros's four is similar enough for a direct comparison and infinitely more useful. 


    Atlas really NEEDS a complete redesign. He needs to be a bulwark of power, strength and defense. A Bulwark of toughness and physically the most durable, physically strong frame in the game to date. 

  14. All of that, and then you get a calldown every...what...10 minutes? Which means you can use it on Defense and Survival missions. Maybe Interception. Excavation is out because you need to move too often, and no other missions last ten minutes.


    Did without Calldowns this long. And if they are going to be this difficult to get I can continue to do without them. Simply put: Not worth either the time (Grind) or the Platinum, given their effect on things.

  15. I loathe this change. It has zero positives for any of my builds and positively eviscerates high Power Exalted Blade builds.


    Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if there were more ways to get your hands on Efficiency, but there bloody well isn't.


    Please revert this horrible, horrible change. Until we have some goddamn choice in how to reach the Effciency cap, all that is being accomplished is dragging down every bloody channeled power in the game and their associated frames.


    If channeled powers are too strong they should be properly nerfed, not hamstrung by a change to the mod system.


    Basically, this. 


    I am fine with Fleeting having some downside on Channeled powers. Provided, of course, that HAVE an alternative to Fleeting Expertise for reaching max efficiency. 


    Which we dont. 


    And even if we bloody well did, DE would probably force us to run yet more Derelict missions to get it. No thank you; Derelicts and their associated 4-person Vault runs are terrible, boring, repetitive chores and we desperately need more entertaining methods for getting Corrupted mods. 


    The INTENTION with this change was to make Fleeting Expertise have a drawback even on Channeled abilities. I get that and I understand WHY it was done. I do.


    The actual, real RESULT of this change, was to make every frame with toggle abilities FUNCTIONALLY WORSE than frames without them. Which further resulted in our needing to build EITHER around Duration abilities OR Channeled abilities, but NOT both. 


    Warframes are supposed to be tools. Weapons of war. Ergo, the abilities on a frame should have synergy. And right now that mostly does not exist, when you have SACRIFICE the usefulness of 50% of a frame's abilities to maximize or improve the potential of the others. Case in point: Nekros/Atlas. One ability that cares about Duration, out of 4. And modding to make the other 3 useful, reduces the usefulness of the Ultimate. 


    Basically, we NEED a mod that can help with efficiency, without reducing Duration. Even if it reduces something else, we need an alternative to Fleeting Expertise.

  16. Sources of damage that take away player control or cannot be avoided through skillful play are a cheap frustration. They are not challenging or difficult; they are annoying. And they are far too plentiful in this game.


    Toxic blooms make me avoid the Underwater tilesets. Not that I like Archwing, but I LOATHE unavoidable damage sources with DoT effects in games. They are cheap tactics to frustrate players. 


    Honestly, toxic damage from enemies needs to go period. Totally negates the point of either Shields or Armor. 


    We need smarter AI, DE, not cheap, frustrating gimmicks.

  17. Fun, thematic frame. And I can see where he earned the Brawler moniker early on. They probably started him out as a haymaker-throwing Melee frame. And then they compared him to the new Valkyr and realized he simply could not hope to measure up. 


    But yeah, that Ultimate...Rhino Stomp is the Ultimate Atlas deserved. breaks my heart that I will never see the melee damage boosting effect of the Slow Time stomp combined with the Atlas punches. That...would have been amazing. 


    At this point, I would prefer to see him with an AoE earthquake that staggers or knocks enemies down, as opposed to his current Ult. The Golems might hit hard, but their being duration dependent makes it hard to effectively mod him (literally no other ability wants Duration, and none of them can afford a range reduction to boot). 


    So yeah, Atlast...he needs an Overhaul. And still I doubt he will ever, ever become a late game frame. One for the Star Charts, this guy, which makes how far into the game you need to go in order to get him a waste of your time and effort, frankly. 


    Still...what we have is fun. Playable and enjoyable, even if it fails to live up to its potential.

  18. Atlas is fun. Rushing forward to kidney punch robots is probably never getting old. And I can see the original foundation that earned him the moniker of "Brawler Frame" as well. With the manner in which he chains punches together DE doubtless was, at one point, intended to make a Rocky Balboa frame - a true, haymaker throwing Brawler.


    The problem was Valkyr. The new Valkyr is just so good at brawling now that any attempt to equal it would have fallen flat. 


    Regardless of might have beens, Atlas is fun. 


    About his abilities:


    -The first is solid damage dealer. Nothing broken or overpowered - just a fun damage dealing ability for a Steel Charge frame. Liking it. Feels good, looks cool and combines canned animations with interactivity in a way that makes players feel as if they are throwing the punches (no Peacemaker stuff here).


    -Second Ability (Tectonics) is really quite good. Immediate defense for reloading/healing/recharging or just getting a breather...that turns into immediate offense when used or positioned correctly. Nicely Done!


    -Petrify...is ok. Not great; not terrible. And likely it will get better as I rank it up. I will use it in a crowd to be sure. 


    His Ultimate is terrible. Really, really bad. Not because its utterly useless - though it is close. The real problem is this: The already underwhelming Ultimate was made worse by the fact that the Devs seemingly learned nothing from Nekros. 


    Every ability Atlas possesses is made better by Efficiency. Which requires reducing duration. 


    And then the Ultimate is a duration-based ability that should have used the new toggle method. The result of this: we have another Nekros on our hands.


    Either build around the Ultimate - or everything else. But you cannot make them all useful on the same build. Yet another frame basically forced to use Constitution, which makes things even worse, since due to his passive, Atlas gets the least gain from this mod of any frame ever. 


    Please consider overhauling the Ultimate. I recommend one of two things:


    -Make it a toggle. Simple.


    -Make it Golem summoned reduce Atlas's overall energy pool by 50 points, regardless of efficiency. OF course going this route you would make the initial cost much less than the default 100, just as with Toggle.


    Other than this, the look, the feel...really cool frame, and very thematic.

  19. "Constant knockdowns, slow downs, teleports and grappling hooks"

    Yo dawg i heared you hate knockdowns so we'll give you HANDSPRING so you never get knockbacked like a dawg and become moar ninja.

    Serious post : This one is easily fixed, just insert Handspring, life is easier, as a suggestion, DE should make the Handspring effect a normal passive to all tennos, the faster the tenno's sprint, the faster the tenno recovers (1.0 = 100% faster recover, 1.36 = 136%) , and then make the Handspring as a mod that makes your recovery to a mad instantous transmission.





    Here we go again.


    Tried it. Spent half a mission involuntarily handspringing all over the place, because I was getting dragged and knocked down from behind and through terrain. It is an annoying, cheap, artificial tactic to try and mask poor enemy design and add difficulty, and it needs to go. 


    Video games are games. Taking control away from the player is NEVER a good choice for adding challenge or fun.

  20. Not Fun: The Forma process. Watching your hard work be reset starts to elicit a groan after a while. A short while later, it starts to result in exiting the game and finding other things to do instead.


    Solution: "Overlevels" for weapons. Weapons keep earning affinity beyond Rank 30. Every 3-5 "Over levels" achieved, weapons become eligible for a Forma. Using this Forma simply polarizes a slot, WITHOUT resetting the weapon to Rank 0 and wiping our hard work.



    Not Fun: Constant knockdowns, slow downs, teleports and grappling hooks. 


    Solution: Replace these with tougher enemies who use unique tactics to add challenge. Maybe an enemy who can occasionally teleport sideways to avoid damage and break your aim lock on them.  An enemy resistant to damage from Warframe abilities. An enemy who can deploy a Volt style shield in front of them. Some of these would need cooldowns, of course, but are nice, challenging replacements for the annoyance of taking control away from players.


    Not Fun: Relays. EVER. 


    Solution: Let us fully interface with Syndicates (including turning items), merchants, Rank Test practices and Symaris from our ship. Relays are a slog to run through with the artificial slow down and serve no purpose other than to artificially increase time spent playing. I dont - EVER - actually WANT to visit one. Ever.


    Not Fun: Power Creep (seriously, its slowly killing the game).


    Solution: Rebalance weapons and enemies. Cap enemies and set a hard ceiling for how high damage needs to go. Then, bake damage increases into weapons as they level and leave mods for changing how weapons handle, reload, zoom, fire and what elements we add to them. 



    Not Fun: Bullet Sponge Enemies. 


    Solution: Better AI, with enemies requiring tactics to take down, as opposed to whole clips. 



    Not Fun: Exterminate, Deception and Sabotage Missions and NEEDING to run Endless missions to receive rewards.


    Solution: Add mini-bosses to Sabotage and Exterminate. Add a chance of a boss encounter. And replace Deception with...something more exciting. Maybe Tenno Basket Weaving? Seriously, this mission type, with Loki and Zephyr and the new movement...to say nothing of the Stun from Maim on Equinox...its sort of a joke that it still exists, right? 


    Non Endless missions needs better rewards, fewer, more rewarding enemies to fight, and the ability to actually clear the map of enemies in ALL OF these modes. I mean, seriously, enemies on Sabotage and Capture missions NEVER STOP SPAWNING. IF I wanted to do an Endless mission, I would have picked one. Reward me for giving a map a thorough cleansing before or while completing an objective and who knows, maybe even base an additional reward on doing so. 



    Not Fun: Archwing. At all.


    Solution: More mission types. More types per tier. Double affinity on Non-Endless Archwing missions. Getting from Earth to Uranus is a slog. Running the same Exterminate and Sabotage over and over. Its...boring. Tedious, even.


    Also, REMOVE THE POISON BLOOMS in underwater segments. You have already VASTLY reduced the movement area in those modes. Adding the Toxin blooms was just...insulting. Whose idea was it to make Sharkwing as unfun as possible and why were they allowed to do so?



    Not Fun: Kubrow. Too fragile, too costly, too much RNG to get the one you want.


    Solution: Let players CHOOSE the breed of their Kubrow. Give them their own shields. Give them armor-piercing attack abilities. Let us issue commands to them in the field. Give them a mod for self-reviving once or twice. And improve their AI so they DONT stand in the middle of a pack of Grineer/Infested and get torn to pieces just to attack ONE enemy. 





    Not Fun: HAVING to use Carrier just to make sure we collect loot. 


    Solution: Just make the Vacuum mod available to all Sentinels, and then let the "Carrier" increase your available ammo for all gun types with a new, unique mod. It is, after all, a "Carrier" and not a "Hoover" brand Sentinel. And oh yeah..give one copy of the new mod to EVERYONE, because literally EVERYONE has 100 copies of Vacuum. 



    Not Fun: Chroma. At all. No range on ranged abilities. Two toggles who beg for Efficiency and are at war for priority with his duration based ability. No crowd control to speak of nor any ability to deal with heavy single targets either...cool as he is to look at, he is literally functionally useless. 


    Solution: Make his damage abilities more powerful. Increase AoE radious for Breath and Effigy. Let Effigy follow him around. And make his one, lone duration ability a toggle for crying out loud.



    Not Fun: Equinox. Seriously, the only frame with six abilities and it STILL has fewer useful ones than any other frame. Cause lets face it, only Maim is really any good, with Provoke occasionally being useful. The entire Nighttime aspect is wasted.


    Solution: Sleep needs a MUCH BIGGER radius. Seriously, Loki can disarm entire rooms and Nyx can infinitely tie up ENTIRE INTERCEPTION MAPS. Would allowing Equinox to put a few more enemies to sleep really break anything? 


    Likewise, pacify needs a reduction in cost. And the bonuses from swapping forms need to either be permanent (preferable) or last far, far longer. 



    Not Fun: Ludicrously low max ammo. Seriously, who goes into the field with a light machine and TWO CLIPS worth of ammo (Soma Prime, looking at you on this one). 


    ALL full auto guns need at least double their max ammo. What are we going to do, use them to annihilate whole rooms? We have SARYN for that. We dont NEED ammo. At least using ammo would leave SOMETHING for other players to do occasionally. Maybe if we could STOP running out of bullets constantly, we wouldnt resort to Miasma so much.



    Not Fun: Prime Retirements (Latron, Frost, Mag, et al). Seriously...why?


    Solution: Bring them back. Seriously, what are they going to do, dilute your loot tables? Cause thats not happening already. Maybe if they were ALL brought back, we'd actually have a reason to go back to the Void once in a while. 



    Ok...that exhausts my patience for now (though not by far the list of unfun things needing fixed). Feel free to add your own, but lets try for solutions, too, this time round.

  21. Ok, let me do this again, lest someone else who has never played Nyx start another of these threads. I swear people see Irradiating Disarm and ASSUME it makes Nyx worthless. So let me explain what that IS NOT the case. Again:


    -Crow Control: 


    -Loki's Irradiating Disarm has a low duration. Very low. 


    -Irradiating Disarm does NOT stun enemies prior to taking effect. Chaos does.


    -Irradiating Disarm does NOT force enemies to choose new combat targets. Chaos does.


    -In order to max range, one needs to reduce duration. Nyx BENEFITS from this. Conversely, this significantly SHORTENS Loki's invisibility, which is his ONLY tank. Using a max range Loki virtually requires a Frost or Limbo to guard him. 


    -Max range Nyx has high survivability while solo, compared to a max range Loki. Nyx also has an Ultimate which can shrug off damage and knockdown while killing EVERYTHING around her, regardless of its level. 


    -Loki takes weapons away from enemies and Nyx does not. However, Loki's ultimate will never KILL anything, leaving you a massive number of enemies charging you at some point, unless you can keep casting BOTH disarm AND Invisibility over and over. 


    Nyx's Chaos will not only make enemies fight one another. Since they they all keep their weapons, many enemies will KILL others. Add in a targeted Mind Control, and you can actually use enemies against other enemies to help whittle down numbers.


    -Nyx's Chaos includes a stagger and stun animation for enemies. Disarm does not. For certain missions, Nyx can be modded with a VERY small duration, and can simply use Chaos to continually stun-lock enemies. Loki cannot.


    -Chaos not only impair affected enemies. New enemies who spawn will engage those affected enemies, tying up both affected and new spawns AT THE SAME TIME. Disarm does NOT have this effect. 



    Both Loki and Nyx serve a purpose. On high level Raids where NOT getting shot is key, and where an entire supporting cast can help keep Loki safe from harm when he is visible, Loki's disarm is nice.


    For strictly crowd control purposes, or on missions without such a strong support cast, Nyx is better. I solo high level mobile defense and excavation with her all the time. My Nyx Prime can run for Excavators on Triton - ALONE. Loki....cant. Range cancels out the effectiveness of his Invisibility and vice versa. 


    Contrary to popular belief, Loki does NOT make Nyx obsolete. 

  22. It is - contrary to the Objectively Wrong opinions stating otherwise - a free market. You are free to pay what you are willing to pay for an item. Or to walk away from a trade. I have and I know others have as well. 


    As for people purposely attempting to overcharge for items such as control modules...Caveat Emptor. A wiki exists; use it before you drop Plat on items. If you choose NOT to do so, the responsibility is yours. Be a responsible, informed consumer.


    On those stating it is not a free market: It is. And no, the market is neither corrupt, nor shady. When I speak of the market, I speak of the trade market. The "market" of loot drops and their supposedly rigged rarity is moot. That isnt a market its an aspect of the game. 


    The trade market is about as free a market as you will ever see. Its up to the buyer to keep themselves informed.

  23. I think the changes to the targets makes capture missions more intresting.


    So...only having one viable method is what you deem more interesting? Cause now the only option we have is to chase down a target while getting shot at and then knock them down.


    Before we could ghost the mission, like, you know, Ninja.


    Lets face it: The whole Ninja theme is slipping away to be replaced by Superheroes. And its getting tired and boring.

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