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Posts posted by BlackCoMerc

  1. Another update, and still doing the same thing: Run Survivals to rank stuff so you can run Excavations for the cores you need to get your mods ranked up for Survivals. 


    that's it. Maybe the occasional Interception thrown in for variety sake.


    No reason to ever run: Sabotage (which is bugged half the time), Exterminate, Deception or even Defense (which is boring all the time). 


    We need more reasons to run non-endless missions. Or these missions needs semi-endless variations. 


    Overhauling movement and core mechanics is all fine and dandy. But it does not change the fact that there's almost nothing to do with those core mechanics beyond a certain point in the game. Hopefully, DE considers this and focuses their next major update almost entirely on mission changes. 

  2. Not only do they blend in pretty well. The only way a player new to Sharkwing knows they exist at all, is to wander into them and have their health drained. By the time they realize the issue, they are reviving. Inside the toxic cloud. Which, with the slow movement speed, they probably wont get out of without dying again. 


    The damage is too high, the clouds to wide and too numerous. They really serve no purpose but to limit movement in an already limited environment and double up on the punishment brought about by momentum. 


    The toxic clouds really need to be removed.

  3. They deal too much damage.


    Movement is too slow to allow you to move away from them.


    Their radius is too large.


    There are too many of them in narrow underwater sections of a map.


    They. Are. Not. Fun. (seeing these words a lot lately, about numerous things in Warframe, from knockdown to tar, to grappling hooks to, well...this). 


    Now I know tons of people will come in here with their typical, thoughtless 'Get Gud' and 'I know this is about your lack of skill' garbage. Its the internet.


    But the real problem with these toxic blooms is that last part. They arent fun. They limit maneuvering room in already cramped spaces where momentum matters. They inhibit strategic or tactical play on these already crowded map tiles. They contribute nothing and just serve to frustrate people who are playing in an already unfamiliar environment.


    Please remote the toxic blooms from underwater areas.

  4. I think this new speed is the new normal. I believe that DE thought of the game as moving too fast before and frankly, I agree. Its nice to have a slightly slower pace some places than others, too, as it helps to reinforce the idea that this is a different environment (underwater) than on land.


    that said...maybe a few less enemies in these missions. Especially in the underwater parts.

  5. Feedback is often negative. Or even constructive but criticizing.


    So...just taking a moment to say, Thanks, DE. These new underwater tile sets are gorgeous. Amazing work, well done. Congratulate yourselves on the work you did here, really. 


    I am hoping we see more of them in other places - perhaps Earth - in the future. Either way though, these are really nice. The update could have contained just these areas and I would have been pleased to have them.


    Thank you.

  6. First off, the new underwater tile sets are amazing. Beautiful, fun to navigate and really just a nice break from the typical run and gun. Wonderfully done, DE - pat yourselves on the back for this one.


    These tile sets are so well done, I think they deserve to be explored. Just...seen and admired. So, below is an idea for a new mission type that would allow that.


    Introducing: Ecological Survey


    "Tenno, the discovery of the Grineer's underwater bases on Uranus has garnered interest in what lies beneath the water. Take your Archwing and scan objects of interest beneath the surface of Uranus and its moons. I will provide a sonic pacifier that will keep the wildlife near you at bay; all you need do is scan items as I mark them on your navigation system (mini map). This is an odd request, Tenno, and it does not pay much I admit. But it will give you an opportunity to get used to your Archwing underwater before you take it into combat."





    -No enemies; only passive wildlife

    -The "sonic emitter" is not something you carry; its just a lore excuse for the passive wildlife on these missions

    -Can take place underwater, or even on land based tile sets (any map)

    -The player will navigate to objectives and scan them using their codex scanner


    Objectives and Rewards:


    -Player scans objectives using their codex scanner


    -Possible new recipe using the scanned objects (Shield Restore or Energy Restore, similar to the Health Restore from Earth item scans)


    -Very low XP/Affinity reward. Negligible - less than 500 affinity per run, total


    -Mediocre credit reward; these two factors keep players from running it over and over to level easy



    Point and Purpose:


    -Out of lore: Warframe has amazing tile sets and complex movement. These missions let us explore, learn and appreciate this beautiful work while also allowing us to practice movement in a game play environment without the pressure of combat


    -In Lore: Water and life beyond Earth - even simple life - is a big deal. I mean really big. If we discovered so much as a plankton bloom beneath an ice cap on Mars, science would go nuts for years. This life is worth investigating, whether its the snow on Triton (water), the Desert Skates on Phobos or especially the new underwater areas on Uranus. 


    So let us explore. It would make a nice break from 'kill everything that moves' without being something we could run over and over to level. Consider them practice levels.


  7. Manics are not fun. They arent. Their presence is ruining the game for me and others I know. Their accelerated movement is annoying. Their invulnerable phases are an irritation. They are, in general, frustrating, now fun.


    And now, you made a boss fight with hordes of them. Even put them in phases wherein the player has to deal with numerous Manics before we can even fight the boss. All while avoiding water, and forced Archwing mode. 


    All in all, the new Tyl Regor fight is awful and something I am glad I have no reason to do. I have no intention of ever running it a second time - once was one too many - nor of purchasing the frame it drops for Platinum. 


    Before you rework any more bosses, learn a lesson: Nothing about the Manic is fun. Nothing. It is not only the most annoying enemy in Waframe by a mile, but one of the most annoying enemies I have ever encountered in years of gaming period. If you take any lesson from the manic and the new Tyl Regor fight, take a lesson in what NOT to do.

  8. Did the mission once. Will not ever do it again. Nor will pay Plat for the frame it drops. Its about as far from a fun boss fight as one can get. 


    Constant teleports. Invisible/invulnerable phase. Numerous manics running about everywhere. One manic at a time is a truly awful experience. Putting more of them on screen at once does not improve things. 


    I would love to see a tough boss fight wherein we focus on the boss. Not hordes of minions running about. Not phases and forced strategies. Just us, a tough boss fight and our working out the best approach for THAT run, with THOSE frames. 


    Instead, we get this garbage.

  9. Five runs. For 25-35,000 credits.


    I can get that from Dark Sectors - easy, low ranking dark sectors - in 10 minutes. Probably less. And for far less effort.


    Yet this is what Invasion missions pay for 5 runs. 


    Invasions need to pay more. Far more. I recommend 20,000 credits per run, guaranteed. In addition to this, you can then offer a 5-run bonus. Maybe a pack of R5 cores for 5 runs. 


    But 25,000 credits for five runs is not enough. Not given the amount of time each run takes. 

  10. Might be a bug in regular Sabotage too. Not sure; they arent worth running.


    Mission Type - Sabotage, Destroy Reactor Core


    Problem: Cannot destroy the Core. Destroy all targetable parts of the core. The game does not recognize that the core is destroyed. Instead, the alarms continue, and Extraction does not become available.


    Just lost 7 Insignia aborting a mission because of this. This is the third time in the last week I have encountered this bug on a Syndicate Sabotage mission. Doubt I will ever run another.

  11. What is wrong with Triton core farming?


    The first answer is that its the only node in a game with 200 or more of them where a person can reliably obtain rare cores. Which is just plain stupid and a waste of mission space. 


    The other thing wrong - mechanically, with the mission rewards - is the same thing that's wrong everywhere else: Overly diluted loot tables weighted strongly in favor of things no one either needs or wants. 


    Honestly, its driving me away from playing the game. I'm playing less and less at a stretch now, taking more and longer breaks and looking more to other games to play that I find more rewarding and less punishing. I dont think I am the only one, either.


    DE is driving players away. Irritating enemies, pointless missions without rewards, too much grind...its combining to push players aware from Warframe. Something needs to give.

  12. Do I want a very very low chance at getting a mod I'll never use on a weapon type I dislike from a horribly-designed unit absolutely riddled with anti-skill artificial game lengtheners? No. And I'm not the only one.

    No, you are not the only one. By far.


    I have killed countless manics and didnt even know they dropped anything. At all. Ever. Not that they NEED to be the only unit that drops a stance. That's just idiotic beyond my capacity for belief.


    Besides which, the manic is among the worst enemy designs in the entire game. He is annoying, bug ridden and an irritant. He is actually pushing me away from Grineer missions in the same way the bubble guys push me away from Corpus. 


    DE really needs to rethink the Manic. Its a terrible, unfun encounter that needs to go.

  13. Nowhere was I complaining because these enemies are hard. They can be hard, at times and depending on circumstances. That's true. 


    But it has nothing to do with this thread.


    I was complaining because they arent FUN. Because. They. Are. NOT. Fun. They do not add enjoyment to the game. They do not make the game more fun to play. They are an annoyance, a cheap method for forcing revives, which in turns forces the need for more frames, which encourages plat purchases. 


    I play games to have fun. Challenge is fun. Being one-shotted at random times, just because I played the game, isnt fun. I dont care how easy or hard they are. Not the Stalker, not the Manic; not the Infested. 


    What I care about, is people having fun. How much fun do you think a new player is going to have, when he is auto killed as a "reward" for beating his first boss?


    People play games that are fun. And if people dont play games, the games dont make money. Do we all know what happens to games that dont make money? Or did we all miss THAT point, too.

  14. Biggest problem with Stalker - he always comes at me when I am alone. This last time: Triton, with Nyx to get keep enemies off the Excavators. Didnt matter that I had a maxed Hek (300% Multishot) and a maxed Vaykor Marelok with all the bells and multishot whistles.


    I never saw him.


    Even with Chaos active, I never had a chance. Too much going on screen to stop and look for him. 


    Maybe next time, I will just sit there in Absorb mode with a Recharger under me...cause that's a fun way to be forced to play the game.

  15. well stalker isnt fun in general but he is definitely not OP like that at all...many people hunt him really. and one shot him... definitely has become a punching bag for his weapons and such, i wish he turned into an actual threat than anything

    He is a glass cannon. I recognize that. 


    The problem is that he is an extremely stealthy glass cannon, often spawning into the middle of already hectic firefights, then on shotting the player before you have a chance to see him, more less defend yourself. 


    Nothing about this is fun. 


    Even players who hunt him only offer thoughts such as, 'He isnt all that hard' and 'We can one shot him, too.' Great; now tell me what about Stalker is actually FUN. Because so far, no one has been able to do so. Kind of like Manic and the new Infested that way.


    Last time I checked, I played game to have fun. And Warframe is getting less and less fun by the week.

  16. He darkens your screen during his stupid taunts, making it harder to see - and enjoy - your gaming experience. That's problem number 1, and he isnt even on screen yet: You are actively decreasing enjoyment already.


    He then spawns in - good luck finding him on frantic missions, such as Excavation - and one shots you. Boom; dead. And I'm talking about rank 30 frames here with Redirection 1-2 ranks from max, not some low rank frame I just started using. This is not fun.


    In fact, nothing about Stalker is fun. Nothing. Not the taunts. Not the screen effects. Not the automatic need to revive just because you feel like punishing me for playing your game. Nothing.



    You lock frames behind grind walls that locked behind grind walls. We deal with it. You lock anything useful behind a grind wall or a wait wall or both. and we deal with it. You introduce dozens of new enemy attacks that rob players of control and half the time of their ability to even see the game play on their screen. And we deal with it. 


    But how much is too much, DE? How many of these things can you shove on us before its simply more than most players are willing to deal with? Any more I think this game is more social experiment than video game - grind them down until they just stop playing so we can finally turn off the servers without being the bad guys. 


    Give us back control. Give us useful loot. Stop with the one shot deaths, the cheap tactics of invulnerable enemies and taking control from the player and let us play an enjoyable game the bulk of which is locked away behind time and remorseless grind barriers.


    Because I dont know exactly how much is too much. But I think I'm not too far from finding out.

  17. Or we can just stop pretending this enemy is at all fun or engaging to fight and remove it from the game. 


    Maybe it is just the invulnerability phase (it isnt) that makes it unfun. Or it could be the way he always knows where you are, even when you go invisible and leave a Decoy somewhere else. Maybe its the insane speed. Or the loss of control when tackles you because you couldnt damage him due to the above issues. 


    This enemy is not challenging. Its not fun. Its an annoyance that needs to go.

  18. NOT Blueprints. NOT materials. Real loot that people can use or sell immediately following the mission.


    How about Arcane attachments as loot? And not those terrible things that have (another) RNG of doing something if you do something first. I mean attachments with constant effects in play.


    Maybe we could have weapon components as loot. No, not their blueprints. Prime-style components people can use to craft or enhance weapons immediately following a mission. 


    RNG is a necessary part of loot based games. We all get that. The problem with Warframe is not that it uses RNG. The problem is that so much of the stuff we DO get is so utterly useless all the time. 


    Give people real loot, that they can use immediately, and a large part of the complaints will stop.


    OF course this really goes back to the foundation of Core Design Philosophy. You can keep hiding things behind RNG all you want to, but everyone has a threshold and sooner or later you WILL drive away the majority of your players. Might make a buck in the short term, but in the long run you will lose out. 

  19. Thanks for the poll and the votes. Only 8 votes so far but unanimous agreement. Which I am pretty sure Abraham Lincoln - or maybe it was Thomas Jefferson - said never happens on the Internet once you get, like, more than three people. 


    But then, I dont believe everything I read on the \net either.


    Seriously, thanks everyone. I think something like this is badly needed. An endless mission, no babysitting stationary objects or micromanaging numbers and trying to stay alive against an enemy (oxygen) that you cant fight. Just you or your squad, pushing your luck to see how far you can delve before you have to pull out, and how rewarding it is in the end to test our luck and your skill.

  20. The best way to get players to stop camping, is to make Non-Endless missions more rewarding. 


    I love running Sabotage and Exterminate missions. But I rarely do so, except to level low ranked frames. The reason? Lack of rewards. You just dont get anything from them. If you want rewards, you're basically forced to run babysitting missions - Coffins, Extractors, Oxygen tanks - over and over again. 


    Its time to make being a space ninja more rewarding then being a Camper. No amount of nerfing camping abilities will work. You have to - HAVE TO - work with, and not against, human psychology. Make the Non-Endless missions more rewarding or make endless variants of them that are more rewarding. You must - MUST - provide incentive for players to do something else.

  21. Not excited in the least.


    Its just more stuff to grind for. Building out normal frames is tough enough. Building out Archwing stuff is insultingly grindy. 


    Archwing has relatively few mods. Very bad RNG. Weapon parts are scattered, prime-style, all over the place and like Prime parts force you to do mission types you might not care for. 


    I had enough of this type of grind looking for Prime parts. Why in the world would I want to go through it all again for the sake of a frame I can only use on a very limited number of missions, on a very limited number of tile sets?

  22. Play Borderlands, Dark Souls 2, Destiny, or some other loot heavy games. They have good gameplay that makes it less frustraiting but their RNG is by far worse.


    This is both true and not. My girl and I are avid players of both Warframe and the Borderlands series.


    Sure, Borderlands has worse chances to get Rare or Legendary drops. But they also have events where they guarantee you Purple Rarity items. Either they add them to bosses like the loot hunt event for Borderlands 2, or you get regular Golden Keys you can use in the chest in the central hub town for guaranteed good stuff.


    Moreover, loot in Borderlands is abundant and frequent. And you often get stuff you can use right away, or at least sell for in game cash. 


    Contrast this with Warframe, wherein I get one BP per boss run. Thats not something I can even use immediately. I then to wait - again - to get the other two BP. But wait; still nothing I can use or sell right away. Now, I have to craft the parts - 12hrs. THEN i have to buy ANOTHER BP to craft the frame - 3 days more of waiting. 


    This is stupid, insulting and I cannot blame anyone who leaves the game in the dust because of this garbage system. Every player DE loses because of mechanics like this is one they deserved to lose. 


    Me, I play Warframe because I like the moment to moment game play of being a Space Ninja. But even I am burning out. Fallout 4 is out in November, I am considering Witcher 3 and when even a return to Borderlands at this point. Any one of which will keep me away from Warframe and its awful RNG system for months on end. 


    Long enough, that I might just decide I like it better elsewhere.

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