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Everything posted by o0Despair0o

  1. Oh I know. I was there. I think it's mostly because DE has that hardcore conviction that early Railjack absolutely must be 4-player co-op, ignoring the fact that nobody wants to spend an entire mission sitting in the cargo hold pressing 2 buttons, or putting out a million fires because the pilot can't fly for S#&$e. There's also the fact that RJ was mostly played by people looking to fly their own space ship - not to be forced to disembark every 200 meters because DE thinks "integrated content" translates to "slap that default on-foot mission on it every chance we get". The additon of AI crew was long overdue, and while it fixed most of the issues players had, it didn't fix the big one: RJ is basically just a interactive loading screen for a normal on-foot mission. And DE just doesn't care because their "vision" is different.
  2. The best part is, you can press F while manning the cannon so switch to an additional primary weapon, so you and the pilot both get to shoot things - yet the concept of allowing the pilot to switch to the cannon if unmanned seem to be too hard to do lol This is why Gian Point was the most popular node - you didn't have to leave the ship every 5 seconds. You serious? Are you trying to tell us that being forced to leave your ship 3 times just to take out one station is fun? And don't even get me started on crewships. They can destroy me with their primary gun if I let them, why can't I do the same? All I get is a temporary knockout. "use the bots", you might say. Yeah, sure. If only they'd actually shoot the damn radiator instead of getting stuck, being melted by the laser cannon on the station, or being boarded. Why not send the bots inside instead? I can give them a weapon suitable for it, after all. I play RJ to fly my ship, not to play default sabotage with extra steps, or micromanage every system. It's largely the upgrades. Tier 1 gear sucks hard, tier 3 makes it a cakewalk - and tier 2 is unnecessary because by the time you gathered a tier 2 kit, you'll already be farming tier 3.
  3. The lead indicator in railjack is inaccurate. Aiming slightly in front or behind it is more accurate, which allows you to kill faster.
  4. I remember stamina and 'coptering, the purest form of motion. I also remember when people would be happy that I brought Nyx to a defense for that sweet CC.
  5. We're already clearing maps at lightspeed as it is, I don't need to go even faster. Hell, if anything, I'd just get stuck on poorly made collision boxes more often.
  6. Still seems useless to me. There's like 3 frames that could use more casting speed
  7. I've seen a yellow shard in his store before, but I don't remember if it was a tauforged. And even if it was, yellow shards are arguably the worst anyway. I got like 3 on them on my Garuda alone because I don't get anything better lol
  8. More often than not, they're doing it because someone else did they same to them. For example, If I try to level a frame in ESO, but everyone leaves when I'm only 2 levels away from max rank, I'll have to join another session. However, now I'm at max rank by the end of the first round, so I have no reason to stay. So I'll leave after the first round. You wanna blame someone, blame DE fo nuking old Draco.
  9. Well honestly, you're probably the only one still using them. That said, I'd assume it's because damaging them had no effect at all. Build a cheap backup drone and deploy that instead, or farm it yourself.
  10. RJ isn't even integrated to top it off. Unless you count Liches, but that's basically just a normal assassination with extra steps.
  11. I actually did realize that myself looking at my chart. One shudders to imagine what ol' hydroid is doing with his harem.
  12. I might use Voruna, but I don't have her yet. Every other frame I either just don't care enough to even build in the first place, or I have/had them and simply don't use them. Out of those I do use, I'd say my preferences are, from most used to least used; - Wisp Prime - Hildryn Prime - Titania Prime - Garuda Prime - Dagath - Mesa Prime - Mag Prime - Nova - Zyphyr - Nyx - Protea - Octavia - Banshee Prime - Ivara - Hydroid Prime - Gara - Gyre - Saryn Prime - Yareli
  13. I just think it's stupid. Gunslinger frames like Mesa? Cool, I can roll with that. Fire casters like Ember? Borderline magic, but fine. An actual friggin wizard with a magic book? Come on. I promise you, they made that grimoire secondary we got as a joke that went too far and now someone decided to build a frame around it because they can. I've seen people around here who complain about the logic of pumpguns in WF's timeline, yet magic books seem to be perfectly okay.
  14. You mean "that" Nova Deluxe. I can only imagine someone bribed the art team.
  15. Even better, swap out the drop chance between red and yellow shards. I got yellow shards for weeks but red ones are straight up unobtanium.
  16. Yeah, I for one always support crossplay, but even I have to admit that console hosts just don't work. 80% of the connection issues I run into only seem to happen when the host is on console. Extremely long loading screens, disconnects when trying to join a squad (not even loading the mission yet), people getting desynced (recently in steel path circuit, one of us was stuck in a defense mission while everyone else moved on to the assassination, which got softlocked until the guy in the defense left the squad), you name it. Don't get me wrong, these things can happen with a PC host as well, but in my experience, it's almost always console hosts. I'm honestly about to disable crossplay entirely just because of these issues. I can deal with the loading screens, but everything else is just too much.
  17. Aw hell no Now that is a fact I really didn't need to know. Fact: In theory, if you eat enough bananas, you would die from radioactive poisoning. That's because they contain Potassium-40.
  18. Yeah, no. It's a quest. A story quest. A story quest largely about the Drifter. You can't exactly play a story quest about the Drifter without said Drifter. This is like getting upset that a game about magic involves magic,
  19. Talking about hotfixes, can we get a fix for Necramech markers not showing up in Netracell missions? I'm kinda tired of hacking a terminal to get my mech, only for the game to fail to give me a marker for it, so I have no idea where it is.
  20. Considering their media-based brainwashing on a biblical scale, I'm not so sure about that. Anyway, while I agree that region locks are far from a solution, there isn't really much anyone of us can do about it. And besides, DE doesn't control sanctions. As long as Iran remains the way it is, DE won't change anything either.
  21. Sir, this thread is 5+ years old.
  22. Fact: Nazeem in Whiterun was supposed to own a Manor in addition to Chillfurrow Farm, but it was cut from the game. In other words, high-and-mighty Nazeem is literally homeless.
  23. To be more specific, both Liches and Sisters will spawn with a random weapon. Completing the mission without accepting the Lich/Sister will remove that weapon from the selection pool. So as long as you keep completing missions without selecting any of them, they'll keep removing weapons until there are none left - at which point the cycle should restart. At least that's my understanding of it. Let's say you want a Cycron, but the Sister had a Plasma Arcor. If you don't accept it, that Plasma Arcor will never show up again until the cycle restarts, or you accept a Sister.
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