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Everything posted by o0Despair0o

  1. I just use whatever strikes my fancy. Radiation/Viral whenever possible since they're the most versatile elements. But beyond that? No purpose. Maybe the Dual Ichor for melee when dealing with high level infested toxin spammers since I got life steal on that one.
  2. Please don't format using black text, it's hard to read in dark mode.
  3. Are you using DX12 by any chance? Far as I can tell my game started bugging out more often since switching to DX12. Sometimes the UI breaks, sometimes the game outright crashes, and for some reason my framerate drops from 144 to ~120 and stutters after a misison until I enter and leave my arsenal, then it goes back to normal.
  4. 'member the switch teleport days? I still taste the salt.
  5. Ya know I was on the fence about farming regular Gauss I am miles beyond the fence on this one. I am farming that Memelord even if it kills me.
  6. It was free-to-play and I was still in school, so broke as heck. These days, well... not much has changed but I'm not in school anymore. That's the only reason.
  7. Heh, I remember trying to level my archwings years ago on those defense nodes. Must have gotten the mod somewhere along the way... But yeah, farming arch mods is a real pain. I'm not even 100% sure I got all of 'em, and I played a lot of archwing. I don't think I'm even using it on any weapon.
  8. Personally, I just don't like them, because I don't like Simaris either. If the target is somewhere off to the sidelines, fine, do your thing. If it's in front of me during an extermination mission, tough luck.
  9. Same thing can be said for the archon mods. Only reason I use archon flow on frost is because he's the only frame I have that has a ever so tiny chance of killing something with cold damage.
  10. She's currently vaulted, yes. I got the other parts for less than 15 each, only the systems were this overpriced for some reason.
  11. That's the beauty of the free market - people will pay just about anything is the desire is there. *cries in 50p titania prime systems*
  12. Don't forget about that Railjack you left to rust in your dock. Might wanna level that up first, too.
  13. Old Draco Gian Point Pre-AoE Meta CC frames actually being viable options Void Towers* *There was something special about spending 20 waves in a T4 Def and actually having to consider what frames to bring, because the lack of AoE weapons meant that you actually had to prioritize targets.
  14. The laptop variant is, when compared to the desktop variant. But in itself, no. It's not weak. Not that strong either, but not weak.
  15. You're not missing out anyway. Every game's the same since BF3/MW2. Only a different coat of paint :/
  16. Because time is money and I ain't got neither.
  17. We use bows and swords but pump-action shotguns and tube mags are what baffles you?
  18. Are we just gonna ingore that Dagath's 3 literally makes her immortal? You drop to 0 HP and you get invincibility instead of dying. All you gotta do is jump around for a couple seconds you can activate it again.
  19. Well, what's your budget? Also, gaming laptops are a lie. The hardware is scaled down and overheats are guaranteed.
  20. I mean, did you expect anything else? The internet is full of people who will verbally attack everyone and everything that just so much as dares to harbor the thought of seeing things differently. And reddit is like a anti-social social gathering point for people like that. Get crap on the forums, get a torrent of crap on reddit. Your only options here are to grow thicker skin and get used to it, or leave the internet.
  21. A frame like wouldn't be able to pass through 90% of doors in this game. And we have a lot of doors.
  22. Railjack The general feel of the game (movement, gunplay, etc.) The setting The good optimization, which allowed me to play the game just fine on my old potato PC The story The community outside the forums
  23. I based it on stuff I witnessed in-game. The abilities seem boring and the grind is ridiculous. Well excuse me for wanted something better than endless timegates and grindwalls. And I never claimed the game was bad. I claimed that recent additions were bad. That's a difference. God forbid I have my own opinion on things.
  24. Mostly the frames. Kullervo is just plain ugly. The kit may be decent, but the appearance sure as heck ain't. Voruna looks decent enough, I just wish the wolf skulls weren't so huge. Citrine just looks like someone started the design from the feet and gave up by the time they got to her waist. Those are the ones that come to mind when I say the newer frames suck. In regards to their abilities, Voruna is pretty much the only one that seems even remotely interesting to me. Citrine certainly doesn't seem worth the grind to me, similar to how Protea wasn't worth the grind. Kullervo just seems like he'd be unfun to play. Land a hit or take damage, why would I play a frame that constantly has a risk of killing itself? As for skins... well I only checked out the beetle skin for Rhino. I'd buy it if the head didn't look so goofy. Obviously it's all down to personal preference, but this is mine.
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