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Everything posted by o0Despair0o

  1. Well, you get a random frame and weapon loadout every time you start and can buy some upgrades as you progress. That's about it. Depends on your definition of cool. I for one think that Duviri is a bland pile of trash.
  2. Eh... You get the "lone story" (or "drifter story"? I don't even remember) which is basically a short quest that explains to your how Duviri works. Then you can choose between replaying the lone story, Circuit which is bland but has some decent loot like incarnons, and then there's the streamlined mode which is basically the lone story but without side quests. Other than that? Content island.
  3. 'fraid I have to disappoint you there. I for one really like RJ. But I'm afraid it is indeed dead. Only people you find there these days are new players, people farming Ash or doing Nightwave challenges. Maybe a relic squad every once in a blue moon.
  4. I came back a month ago or so, maybe two. Far as I can tell, there's nothing that really changed. Some new frames and skin, most of which suck. The enhanced graphics engine is now the standard, so if you're running a 2006 machine you're out of luck. The new tileset they added to Deimos (quest related) is basically Zariman 2.0. And Zariman is, well... good idea, bad execution. There's Archon Hunts now, similar to sorties but weekly. Those give you archon shards which are basically free buffs like permanent ability damage bonus, extra shields, casting speed, etc. depending on the shard. EDIT: Oh yeah, Duviri. Yeah Duviri sucks hard. Dunno if you were around for New War, but if not, be sure to upgrade your Railjack first. Don't wanna end up like the other guy a few days ago who's now softlocked lol
  5. "I don't like it so everyone else should suffer the consequences of my decisions"
  6. Yeah honestly, no. I see MR 20+ people getting their rear handed to them in open maps like Orb Vallis, someone at MR 1-2 is just gonna have a bad time, especially since there's nothing stopping them from starting a Tier 5 bounty. I believe I may have goofed on this one
  7. Well, Wisp is the easy answer. It's been years since I did that test but i'd assume you could, alternatively, use Banshee to deafen enemies so you can take them out loudly as well. Yeah I just read that last part after posting this. Whoops
  8. You can blame DE for that. Even the timegates have timegates, and those have timesgates of their own. Standing? Timegate. Farming? Timegate. Progress of any kind? Timegate. Did I mention timegates yet? I don't have the time or patience to wait just so I can wait even longer.
  9. So we're just gonna ignore my dear Grineer Galleon? Place looks straight outta 2009.
  10. Not what they meant. DDoSed, as in, so many people rushing the severs with their cross save requests that they're getting overloaded - like a DDoS attack.
  11. Welp, guess we'll just have to sit back and eat popcorn while watching the servers go up in flames.
  12. Played the Kahl weekly, got a network error at the end, wiping out 30 minutes of work. Gone. Reduced to atoms. Edit: Guess the server hamsters put up enough of a fight to save the progress at the last second Can't even log in. One of my friends is also having the network issue. First I thought it's my internet, but that is working just fine. So what's going on here? Did DE borrow Gaijoob's server hamsters or something?
  13. Well honestly that kind of your own fault. I mean, I get it. Some people don't care for RJ. But you started a quest that requires a RJ, and now you complain that the RJ you never even touched isn't up for the task. You really only got yourself to blame for that.
  14. Considering the absolute clown show that some of the frames are, I doubt that. I mean, Lavos? Grendel? Yareli? I don't really pay attention to who came up with the abilities and themes of these frames in particular, but if Pablo had anything to do with 'em, then no, hes does not know what he's talking about.
  15. Problem with nukers is that DE actively supports it. Rather than balancing weapons around single targets like most melee or sidearms, they keep pumping out AoE weapons, one more powerful than the one before. Same applies to new 'frames. Enemies as well - they are so resistant to damage most of the time that single target weapons just don't have the damage to deal with them in a reasonable time frame. Back when I started playing we still had a stamina system, and frames like Nyx were actually considered a welcome addition to the team for the CC. These days nuking is the CC. By now, the game is so dominated by AoE damage that everything that can't wipe out an entire room is 2 seconds flat is beyond trash tier. Rivens? Oh yeah, they exist. Too bad that even low dispo AoE weapons are still far more powerful with even a bad riven, than the strongest single target weapon with a good riven and dispo. The opposite of what they were meant to do. Yeah, nukers have been around since the dawn of time. Even when I was new I often found myself lagging behind 3 other people wiping out entire civilizations before me. But at least back then that could largely be credited to them having better mods than me. These days you don't even need mods to nuke. Only fix here is to nerf AoE into the floor - and that's coming from someone who is actively against nerfing in general.
  16. Hell, I still have to endure the world without fibre internet. All I get is copper wires.
  17. I'm 85% sure you get 3 attempts on mastery tests. Unless they changed that.
  18. Well, honestly - nobody is gonna care about wether or not you complete the mission solo while limiting yourself with 4 dragon keys or not. This ain't a competition. You completed it solo? Great. More power to you. But does anyone actually care? No. But, to answer your question: I doubt it. There's no reason to do so. So congratulations, you're the only one. Probably.
  19. The problem is that, by the time DE figured out how to make RJ mostly fun (AI crew mates so you don't have to rely on leechers to do something for once), and fixed the biggest bugs, most people already abandoned it with a sour aftertaste. The only time you see people in RJ right now is if they're new to the game, farming for Sevagoth or Ash, or forced by a quest. I'm arguably the only person left who plays it for fun every now and then. If they'd just get rid of the on-foot section for most missions (other than maybe Sabotage or Spy), and allow the Pilot to use the big gun from their seat, we'd have a almost perfect RJ mode.
  20. Ya know, as someone who played a lot of railjack, I didn't even know you could get rad proc'd. I usually killed everything at that point kek
  21. The "problem" is that most players are well beyond the point of seeing something for the first time in-game. That Grinner Galleon you're on? Been there a thousand times, bathroom's that way -> That overhauled Corpus ship tileset? I was there when it was added, know it well. That horrible cluttered infested ship tileset? It's a pain to navigate, just let me out. PoE? Been there, done that. Orb Vallis? Same difference. Deimos? Yup. Zariman? Please. The new tileset we just got? Zariman 2.0, nothing to see here after the first run. You name it. If it's been there for more than a day, most people already looked at all there is to see. And when you're running through the same places over and over again, you stop caring about the novelty of the place and just want to get done whatever it is you're doing. Like, I still think PoE looks great, but good lord, I've ran, jumped and flown all over the place more often than I care to count. I have no reason to stop and smell the same, static rose for the hundredth time.
  22. Because having 4 people blasting her makes it faster, even if her health gets scaled for 4 people.
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