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Everything posted by o0Despair0o

  1. Personally, I'd recommend 2 gunners with 5 Gunnery each, and an engineer with repair 5 and as much endurance as you can get - then just hand the engineer your strongest weapon. That way, the gunners make short work of fighters and the engineer has enough survivability and firepower that the lower combat rank doesn't matter. All we need now is someone to handle the artillery so you don't need to switch seats all the time...
  2. What, you don't enjoy spending 20+ minutes in an arguably worse version of the age-old Defense type for a 10% drop chance? /s
  3. You've been told multiple times to contact support. Again, this has nothing to do with DE trying to scam you, you just happened to be in the wrong trade at the wrong time.
  4. Honestly I don't even remember what wally wanted in the first place. Can't remember the quest at all lol
  5. Only if your platinum goes in the negative again, which it shouldn't since the chance of getting handed illegal plat twice in a row is quite low. As I mentioned before; Well, maybe one of the siblings got handed bad plat before OP did.
  6. Negative plat balance, nothing new there. Basically, you traded with someone who acquired plat through illegal means (stolen credit cards for example), someone reported the theft, and DE pulled that illegal plat out of the system. Since it happened to be in your wallet at the time, and your remaining balance after that removal is less than zero, you went into the negative. It's not so much that DE is trying to blackmail you, it's just that you happened to become the victim of someone else's crime. That said, this is the user forums, not the support desk. We can't do anything to help you. All we can do is tell you that you're not the first who had this happen to them, and you won't be the last. All you can do is purchase the plat needed to get into the positive again. It sucks, but that's how it works. In the future, don't trade for stupid amounts like 2K, and never spend more plat at once than you'd be willing to purchase with real money.
  7. Eh, GTA online has always been a massive fustercluck. I played in on PS3 when it first released - and never got the free cash injection rockstar handed out to players. Still miffed about that to this day. Modded singleplayer on PC was the only thing that kept it interesting for a while. But that got boring eventually, too. So now that GTA6 is finally happening? Well, 10+ years is a little too late. I can't be bothered to even pretend to care at this point. Sure, I'll give it a go eventually. But I sure as hell won't go anywhere near multiplayer. They didn't learn from GTA:O and repeated it in RDR2:O but worse.
  8. Welp, and this right here is why we had that one thread not long ago about how consoles should not be allowed to host in crossplay.
  9. I'm not even going to try it. PvP just doesn't work in this game. Yeah, giving everyone the exact same stats makes it better than normal conclave, I give you that. But other than that? Same clown show as always.
  10. Last I checked, I'm sitting on MR24. I don't really care enough to rank up further. That said, whenever I try a new gun and end up getting the XP for the next MR rank, I'll take the test because "eh, why not." Though the only real reason for me to ever even consider trying to actively rank up would be to get to MR30 so I can play ESO with a unranked frame.
  11. I'mma go with space magic. Mind you, I've seen enough R34 to give you a detailed explanation on what it would look like if gender worked the same way.
  12. My guess would be that the console version uses their PSN/XLive profile or something.
  13. The argon RNG is more than enough. It's not like they're isekai protagonist-levels of overpowered compared to their non-prime counterpart. Only difference is some mild increases to certain base stats and altered polarities. And then one might argue about the platinum costs if we're talking trade.
  14. Not only that, the economy is based on the inconvenience of the seller, not in general. Like, if a prime part is easy to get, but the seller in question had a hard time getting it, they'll jack up the price and everyone else follows suit because why sell for less? Prime (get it?) example, Titania Prime. I already had the chassis, but needed the BP for everything else. Neuros, main BP and Systems. Main and Neuros costs like 7-10 plat on average. But the Systems? 50. Suck it up.
  15. Crossplay is a completely different thing from merging 2 accounts.
  16. I doubt it. They won't let you trade between 2 accounts you own, so they definitely won't let you merge them.
  17. On the bright side, you'll stop caring around the mid 10s. Been here since 2015 and I'm on, what, MR24 last I checked? Only reason I could possibly have to want to go to 30 is so I can get into ESO without a level 30 frame.
  18. All I want from survival is individual extraction. Please, I beg you, DE.
  19. Speak for yourself. I for once couldn't give a flying frick about Soulframe.
  20. And yet, the pain of red is nothing compared to the absolute agony of pure white. I swear if I had a cent for every time my eyes were burned by a pure white website, I'd be swimming in cash.
  21. I mean, the forced co-op was literally the worst part about RJ. Is RJ in a better state now than before? That's a matter for debate. But the addition of crew members that can replace leeches other players who refuse to cooperate? Absolute gold.
  22. Ya know what, believe what you want. I'm done trying to argue with PvP lovers. Y'all never listen to reason. If you believe the only problem here is the Devs being lazy, that's your choice. Have fun with the other 2 people who actually care about PvP.
  23. See, that's where you're wrong. Warframe is primarily a PvE Co-OP hordeshooter, and it primarily attracts players who are interested in this kind of game. Nobody downloads warframe for the PvP - literally nobody. Not-a-one. Some players might give PvP a try, sure - heck, I myself tried out conclave on several occasions - but it just doesn't fit. This game is fundamentally not suited for PvP. The mechanics, the movement, the gunplay... none of it works for PvP in any decent manner. So let's say they completely rebuild the game from scratch just for PvP. Different movement, different mechanics, you name it. Now we got a decent PvP game, great. But where's the "Warframe" we know in that? Gone. Look, I'm not gonna pretend that PvP is absolutely, 200% impossible to pull off. But in order to make it work, they'd basically have to make a whole different game inside the game. And for what? The 200 people who actually care about it? Out of millions?
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