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Posts posted by Th3Spaceman

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/536wps/followup_video_to_the_vacuum_gif_i_posted/


    Though I didn't make the video, it's definitely something I'd like to see how many others agree with.

    Please, I just want to use dethcube.

    Giving carrier such a good precept (Ammo conversion) would either make ammo conversion mods useless or not be good enough to make carrier worthwhile and would drop to 0% usage since people would likely just want to get rid of it after being forced to use it so long for its convenience. Instead, as a long term project, change other sentinel precepts to be useful in the late game like percent damage or be able to do some other thing but not have so much utility as something like vacuum.


    Anyone else agrees that the mod should stay the same but be applicable to all sentinels/ kavats/ kubrows? Better yet, why not just make it a feature to the game.


    Innate vacuum

  2. I'm long term player that's been playing since this game released on steam and I've recently come back from a hiatus and grinded my way up to MR 21. What's happened to the old "Edgy and Dark" theme that warframe used to be about? Also, I really do miss the "Ready to play" sound from the first launcher that had a blue button. Will we ever be able to switch sounds or at least be able to download those sound files? (I've been wanting to make it my message tone for years)

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