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Everything posted by PosieKing

  1. Reported this to twitch and they literally did not care. During the last couple devstreams with unique drops for the stream (the St Patricks Day grab bag, and the Tome modpacks), I ran into the same bug. Both times, the stream tracked my viewership for a while, and then stopped. They both registered something like, 20% or 22% of my way to the first goal. I tried refreshing the page, reopening, swapping things around, closing my browser, rebooting my system. Since it had happened once, the second time I was keeping a dedicated eye on it, and the exact same thing happened. I kept the window in focus, volume up, main screen, on top. Didnt matter. Refresh, reboot. Checked my accounts were linked, and lined up. Everything connected. Finally tried unlinking and relinking my account, and then logging out and back in to twitch. My tracker then resumed. On logging back into twitch I received notifications of failed login attempts from strange IPs and that my password wasnt secure enough. It's possible my account was flagged for some reason. I explained all of this to twitch and they didnt understand what I told them. They didnt try to understand. I explained every detail, and asked them to forward this to their tech team, and their support just told me to politely jump off a bridge. I hope this helps someone who is also having issues with twitch at some point. I really wanted those drops. I really dont care about a single lazulite toroid. Literally was sitting here at my PC with the stream on for hours. If you support people on twitch find other ways to support them. Also repeating other users requests for a dedicated Twitch Drops/Twitch Issues report page
  2. Strangely I would have thought this information should go to twitch, but they literally do not care at all. Drop tracking breaks constantly, and they just pretend that doesnt happen.
  3. Reporting here, errors with twitch drops tracking. Strangest thing, it would get to about 20 minutes during a stream, and then stop tracking. Hit a new warframe devstream, new set of drops, 20 minutes tracking and then stop. I checked everything was working correctly. Accounts linked, correct information. Window on top, main screen, active window. Everything. Eventually I unlinked my account, relinked my account, logged out, and logged in. On login I got a notif about someone trying to login to my account and how my password could be more safe did I want to change it. I reported this information to Twitch and they did not understand, and actually got mad at me. Obviously I'm the crazy one. twitch never has trouble tracking drops. Must be me.
  4. Been watching for an hour, got 50% of the 45 minute drop and it's stuck. I'm just straight watching the livestream on my PC, using Firefox, and at some point it just stops tracking. I've got screenshots, again. Total failure. I would have logged in to get my St Patricks day drops if they didnt break the exact same way. I would have logged in to get my Tome rewards, and played with them for a while. I'm not bothering to login, for this.
  5. Watched the whole stream start to finish. now at 77% of the first reward. twitch drops really falling off.
  6. Interesting. So it registered the correct number of kills to count as unlocked, and you flew to the exit, and it removed the unlock because your feet touch during the outro sequence? This but report is specifically for it not counting kills while you are latched to the wall. Did you encounter this bug at all?
  7. I want to point out something interesting about this riven/mission as well. The game seems programmed to prefer standing on the floor to wall latching. If there's even the slightest chance you were near touching the floor, in the ms delay from your action to the servers response, it will determine you touched the floor(any horizontal surface), regardless of your input. Attempts to latch a wall have been transformed into sudden glide manuvers that landed me on a platform above where I intended to latch. I've glided over thin/2D pieces of decoration and been told my feet touched the top of them. I've tried to latch in low corners of a room only to be told my feet touched the floor where I was latching. Between the server reconcilliation of your actions, the game prefers to put you on the floor. Which is where you want to be most of the time, and makes things simpler for the rest of the game, it just really sucks for this mission specifically.
  8. Addendum I dont know if this is working as intended; I got 19 counted confirmed kills. Riven unlocked. It was north of 25 actual kills, because twice I posted up on the wall latch, turned and shot a few guys, and saw it not counting. But once I was sure it was counting and I had infected several, I used Saryn's 4 to get the rest. Once the Riven was unlocked, I went to complete the rest of the mission and it immediately removed all my kills when I touched the floor. I had 19/19 riven unlocked, and it just went back to 0. This is counter to how many/most rivens work, where once it's unlocked you can ignore the special conditions required to unlock it. I JUST got this bug as well! but no, my initial report was of the much older bug, where it just isnt counting kills while you are latched. Not reseting the counter even after the riven is unlocked. Thanks for pointing out that post tho. Wish I had known about it 20 minutes ago.
  9. Yes! I discovered this! But no, I've tried this in various missions. About a dozen different locations. The best of which seems to be Oxomoco, because there is no alarm, and plenty of easy kills. I can cling to a wall or wallrun, while saryn gets kills and it will count 1....2.... (6 more enemies die. some from poison some from direct gunfire, none are counted)... 3 The alarm killing the riven is very clearly represented by the riven mission appearing on screen with a slice through it. If you touch ANY horizonal surface, anywhere, including little decorative underhangs an inch wide near the ceiling, the count resets to zero. It's strange because I could understand the game having difficulty tracking during a wall run, but during a wall latch, it's extremely clear you are latched and unmoving on a wall while getting those kills. I also did all of these missions solo so it's not like I wasnt getting kill credit.
  10. I've said it before. What is the value of plat? I thought I was supporting the game, by buying plat, that I could then trade for things exactly like this, and here we are, with plat being limited in value and use. Why did I buy it? It was supposed to be used to purchase stuff in warframe, but now it's just some useless crypto.
  11. this is a great thread. is there an updated one for 2023? because railjack is still broken af
  12. Just experienced a similar bug. I was in a full squad, and when we all got into the elevator, everyone else extracted except me (the host). Now I alone am stuck in the mission. ANyone figure out a way to exit without losing your stuff?
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