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Everything posted by Ascythian

  1. When you talk to Acrithis in the Dormizone you cannot escape her main UI window by pressing Escape. You can escape her sub-windows, just not her main one.
  2. Im wondering if DE will add more colour favourite slots, having added many palettes over the years we still cannot add any more for all these new colours and also cannot favourite palettes themselves.
  3. I'll make it ten otherwise I will be here all day. 1. Railjack Update - Great concept, needs a bigger push in terms of rewards/exploration imo. Railjack on open world too which Reb has talked about. 2. Allow us to refine multiple relics at the same time - if I have 10 of one type and 1000 Void Traces, why not? 3. Firestorm mod for Shotguns - Astilla, Corinth and Phantasm cry until they get this. 4. Allow Warframes to throw grenades - Enemies can, Kahl can, Tenno can't? 5. Allow Arch-Melee into Archwing Gun slot - To allow a choice between heavy ranged or melee, And to give arch-melee some usage. 6. Tileset Update - Been some time since we last had a tileset update. I'll vote for Grineer Ship/Asteroid/Europa. 7. Colourable helmets - Don't care what DE said in the past, I want to look like Red Hood. 8. More Leverian - Finish what you start DE, people like Leverian and want to see more of it. More lore. 9. Allow Warframe abilities on archwings - Currently we can semi-do this with some abilities before going into archwing. We have more than enough buttons on the keyboard to be able to activate our Warframe abilities in flight alongside archwing ones. Maybe it was planned with those modular archwings? 10. More kavats - There are still more Kubrows than Kavats, equalise a little eh DE? Still no Helminth Kavat creature either. Thanks for a great year DE!!!
  4. Im not sure how you can say most of them suck? The Warframe's or the skins? If Warframe's then I think its more of a case of you not knowing how their kit works or your own personal preference. Duviri I find to be surprisingly good, its a rogue-like game mode and I have gotten used to it by now. Complaining about Duviri is like complaining about puzzle games in Warframe. Its different and not the same as usual gameplay but does that automatically mean its invalid?
  5. There is plenty to do in Warframe, you just don't want to do it. The devs do not cater for you alone and anyway 6 months isn't a long time away from a game. This just screams that you don't know what you want to do. Is it DE's fault that you grind through everything superfast? Basically its a you problem. Maybe its time to find another game. Id suggest an MMO like EVE Online where you compete against players as well as pve.
  6. You should word your title better OP. The quest is short and sweet. I have no problem with it really as its surrounded by great content included in the update.
  7. Eve is a niche game, niches are also in-game, eve is basically a do what you want game, there is no pressure to see everything except for yourself, if that is your goal. I have been content in my niche without the need to see everything. You don't need to. Just because you don't understand solo playing doesn't mean people cannot have fun with it, sure I have flown with others and have had fun and I have flown solo and have had fun. Limits are what you place on yourself. I never alluded to that it didn't happen, I just said I never heard of it. Other things yes but not this, I don't read every bit of news about EVE. Im happy being in Gal Mil smashing the state, titans and super carriers are too slow anyway. I have achieved things in EVE that no-one else has done, not many others can say the same.
  8. Id say to the OP, spend more time in the game and then you will get a better picture of how things work. Yes some frames need a rework but not all the ones you listed. That isn't going to happen, its part of the balance of Warframe abilities, there are Warframes that do not have egg timer skills, you will either have to become more skilled in ability management or gravitate towards those Warframes that need less micro-management e.g Inaros.
  9. What massive gating? You can get two a week, its endgame stuff, its like complaining that a super rare mod isn't easy to get.
  10. Should we really expect the devs to write every single bit of detail about their game or let them develop the game and let us discover things for ourselves? Im fine with the in-game tutorials and the devstreams show-casing new content. One thing is that the Codex [which has tutorials] isn't really as well mentioned within the game itself. As an Eve Bittervet some of this is inaccurate, no you don't need many years experience, not everyone will aspire to a titan. I have played on one account with one monitor for many years. You don't have to be in a corporation, you can certainly play it solo, but its certainly a more socially minded game. I have never heard of anyone selling their car to pay for an eve ship, it might have happened once or twice but its certainly not commonplace.
  11. Warframe is full of cool characters but sometimes we don't see as much of them as I like. Sometimes we don't even see them at all! Whatever the reason for the lack of usage be it getting a voice actor in, dev time or plain forgetfulness that they exist here are my top 10 underutilised characters, 1. Doctor Tengus, last seen in the Warframe Fragment comic 'The Ascension' 2. Varzia Despite her being part of the Erra cinematic she is now stuffed into Maroo's Bazaar, which at the best of times tends to not be visited much. 3. Maroo Good old Maroo, eternally of the Bazaar, not seen in anything major for a long, long time. 4. Vala Glarios Creates sisters yes but could do with a bit more usage in the lore as a driven character. 5. Parvos Granum Has much to offer and is an interesting character who is a bit different from other Corpus. 6. Frohd_Bek Last seen 6 years ago in Ambulas Reborn, chairman of the Corpus, I wonder what interaction there is between him and Parvos. 7. Darvo Speaking of Bek, his son Darvo hasn't really done anything of note for the last few years. 8. General Sargas Ruk A soldier yet also a philosopher and collector. 9. Aria From the Styanax anime, seems very sure of herself. 10. Quinn I feel that the Zariman characters don't quite get their due, so i'll include the Zariman captain in this.
  12. Why did you stop doing Warframe profiles on your Youtube channel? The last Warframe profile is Caliban, bit outdated isn't it? Will Dr Tengus appear as a boss or indeed appear again in some capacity? Say replace Vor and Kril on Ceres? Id like to see more Leverian too, maybe even another Warframe Fragments comic.
  13. Much desire for this old bit of DE concept art for the Dojo Aquarium to get out of concept and make its way into the game. Looking forward to Hydroid too.
  14. Warframe 1999 and Whispers are all cool and that however Nothing about Railjack and giving a good reason to play spaceships. Nothing about certain weapons not getting primed [Baro relics] due to being a third weapon or straight up forgotten aka Akzani Prime/Fusilai Prime. 3rd Orb Mother. Tileset updates [looking at you Grineer spaceship]. Orbiter is massive, can we look around it? Better trade system. Infested liches. Modular archwing. More loadout slots. Dojo Somachord. Dojo aquarium. More Dojo room slots. More colour favourite slots. And so on.
  15. Got some more pathos clamps to save for the next Drifter weapon in two days time and some more Kullervo parts to build him with, will probably get some more Nightwave stuff done later too.
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