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Posts posted by -10no-GCoda

  1. Looks like DE forgot about those, they never updated droplist fro regular containers, been the same since moment of release.

    Same goes for derelict containers, atleast they can drop a orocin cell... XD


    Maybe i am wrong, but those rare containers can spawn everywhere excluding void parkour room, but might spawn inside derelict room with same chances, since derelict parkour rooms got exactly the same containers as regular rooms


    We should spam\submit those questions for livestreams )

  2. А мы хотели космических ниндзя и крутой стелс. А еще командной игры XD


    Шпионаж добавили, не командный но вполне себе ниндзя стелс.

    Спасение тоже вполне себе, только немного забили на него, допилить бы, чтобы без заложника на выход не пускало, хотябы, чтобы его враги схватить могли и в шкафчик запихать или телепортировать.

    Еще в новом големе общали ловушек добавить которые будут глотать тенно и перемещать его на пару этажей влево, чтоб сам без команды выживал. 

    Новые рейды обещают быть вполне себе командными, из того что показали уже не грайнд на одном месте. тут и буквы гринирские прочитать и на точку нужную стать, и реактор щитами провести, и это меньшая половина из того что будет.


    От бессмысленных бесконечных давлений кнопки макросом к чемуто интересному движемся...Медленными шагами двигаемся в непонятном направлении.


    Раньше у них все таки были правильные мысли, и цели которые менялись и комнаты с полосами препятствий на время с редкими модулями, количество которых зависело от проворности, пока не начали требовать ендгейма и писать кипятком от новой бесконечной обороны. 


    Это все ноющие эндгеймеры виноваты - "зделайте нам уровень мобов 9999", ну сделали, ну все ноют, разрабы балансят, не хотят чтоб ходили по 3 часа на оборону, нерфят фреймов, сочиняют нулифаеров, отвлекаются от придумывания нового геймплея. Нужно меньше эндгейма и больше разного гейма )

  3. I wouldn't mind seeing more tilesets to explore. Try something different. Maybe a ruined city, thick forest, swampy areas, different ships that don't look like floating warehouses.... 


    Orokin "secret" rooms are awesome, but looks like they forgot about them, derelict obstacle courses still got regular containers, and mod drop for void rooms have not been updated with new mods for more than one year

  4. Yeah, another augment that fixes broken powers.


    I don't mind, but a lot of augments should do stuff they do by default, and augment should really augment.

    I hope if they do Rhino Stomp augment they will fix "power in use" for unaugmented power.

    Really glad it happened to Nekros, they fixed his powers and augments really augmenting, just imagine how terrible Terrify augment would sound, but they fixed "power in use" stuff on nekros, i am really hopeful that Rhino and maybe Volt will get some "power in use" adjustments 

  5. Weirdly enough, there is no real warframe builds with more than 400 Conclave

    50 conclave for Scindo 

    40 for Carrier


    And more than enough left for all 3 maxed Power Strength mods and some maxed primed mods...

    What is the point of weapon type limitations if a lot of warframe powers can do much more damage?


    I feel like limits for only warframe conclave would be more challenging


  6. Try disabling stuff one by one, maybe stuff like particles or new ambient occlusions doing that.

    Did you checked your temp on gpu? maybe it is slowing down to compensate overheating on 330fps. at least this happened to me, 400fps on ship, and maxed gpu utilization, so i turned on vsync, but there is other ways of limiting fps.


    Also check launcher settings, maybe u disable multithreaded rendering or something

  7. The use of hyperbole is not necessary.


    Use of any words is not necessary, and it was a sarcasm... and not even offensive


    Looks like everyone on console will get statue too?


    1. TacticalKi773r 2,142,158,336
    2. GrowlingMass183 2,142,158,336
    3. ZeRo MeRcY 2,142,158,336
    4. FalseReaction 2,142,158,336
    5. USMARINE RECON9 2,139,793,920
    6. SocietalMenace 2,139,793,920
    7. IKraeze 2,139,793,920
    8. rumpl3st1lskin3 2,139,793,920
    9. LONDOS08 2,060,550,528
    10. ChaseA32 2,060,550,528
  8. Do what steam does.


    Some items purchased for %VALVE_GAME% either in-game or on the Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for one week after purchase. 


    You can make trading lock last long depending on price or just set values manually.


    Maxed serration is not tradable for a week, if you sold another one few days ago it will be locked for longer, additional locks for each 10pt you paid.

    More serrations you already have more lock time you will get on new one you bought, something like that will decrease speculations with prime parts but wont help with event mods and time limited offers.

  9. and what are 2 wipes?  


    even leaderboards wipe

    on the second or third day of event

    on the end of event they wiped everything above 1bil points and friendship won the competition XD



    They are too busy making new content at this stage for U16 due to being behind so far, so they couldn't fix up eyes of blight.


    Yes, but they got separate team for consoles, atleast they told us they do. They even told us console guys optimized game so good that some of console optimizations going to PC, looks like they doing only hardcore guru machine code stuff not related to gameplay...

  10. I watching live stream, and Rebecca mentioned 2 digits from a single shot, i don't want to go further in case there are no plans to fix it, maybe it is something different but looks like same "exploits" are still online for console players.


    This is kinda weird, this was mentioned in discussions about big scores, a lot of people got angry, 2 wipes followed forum rage. And same bugs are still around. I dont really sure how i am feeling about this, but it made me smile.


    This should be moved Off Topic? i dont even know why i am making this post, no real point here...i am just confused


    - RoF is the issue here not because they are firing off rockets at 100mph but because its at a consecutive pace that creates a stream of airborne missiles


    If bombard is firing from long range, even after you spot him and killed him there will be 10 rockets to catch XD


    - This is not a "game to hard make it easy" cry thread the majority of this community already understands that bombards are unbalanced


    Game need something to prevent you from going for 1000 waves, even if it is something unbalanced or buggy.

    I am not even sure they fixed wave 255 bugs, this is not that relevant, at low levels bombards a not that scary even if they broken. we already know that game is balanced for 20 - 30 minutes missions, and this is just not a big problem for such mission, this is why all explosive\fire problems was ignored for so long.


    I just offered some examples, It doesnt matter if there are "better" ways to buff excal or not. because every other way is better than rhino's roar.



    This what i meant, kinda agreeing, they introduced first wave of augments, and buffs were better, even stack in a weird ways, after a while even added more time on them, so people use them more often


    I just want to share my opinion. For me as a player it s simply feels bad designed.

    I dont know how to solve the "problem". I dont even know if there is a "problem".


    I believe, this is just a minor form of power creep at this point, so this was a conscious decision, Rhino is pretty old frame it needs to be rebalanced often to stay in line, not just in damage output but in a mechanics too. We got more ways to CC, new ways to take more damage, ways to stay alive while getting shot at, and more ways to increase damage output of a team. Rhino is old, he doesn't know new and hip ways of tenno XD


    i hope even with my bad English you can understand what i am trying to say

  13. Bombards, nades and flamethrowers was in warframe for a long time, they all damaging thru frost globe and scaling like crazy, from the looks of it, this is only stopping power greneer have, and DE want us to deal with it. If not for bombards and nades it would be really easy for insanely long missions to happen.

  14. Ember/Volt/Frost/Saryn/oberons first ability +augment mod are way better than rhino's roar too.

    adding different damage types is even more usefull than just a plain damage buff.

    (usually you only need to buff 1-2 teammates anyways. e.g. excalibur if you do run on ceres-draco)


    They are even better on Frost and Volt, they got power strength arcane helmet


    e.g. excalibur if you do run on ceres-draco


    i might be wrong, but looks like excal buffed by mirage for about 250% no 560%



    Edit: i dont want to say "please buff rhino because he is c**p" , i want to say that some augment mods are badly designed in my opinion.


    So what are you saying? Nerf augments to be more inline with rhino buffs?

  15. Person who starts clan will have privileges over other warlords, i am sure i read about it in patch notes some time ago.


    Even if so, clan starter can leave clan and someone else can invite him back, i think this might broke this "protection".


    And dont forget you can rename ranks, and edit privileges, you can create a fake warlords from generals XD

  16.  I have made a couple posts about this over the last couple weeks as well, but there was no posts in them by any DE staff so I have no idea how aware of the problem they are. 


    I am sure grenades was part of warframe for a long time, but just lately they got proper scaling. For some reasons DE decided not give them to tenno but keep on enemies. This was mentioned in one of livestreams, in regards of some people desire to throw nades themselves but they never talked about long missions where frost is must only because of nades.


    Now nades are deadly on 30m T4 Survival, even if you real fast\invisible\turbulent you can catch one and diy, this feels like a cheap trick, and now we got nullifiers too, but they are somewhat reasonable and visible threat XD

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