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Posts posted by Mr._Cup_of_Fail

  1. This is such a idiotic question.

    First off, the old vacuum mod was change to Ammo Case. Which by the looks of your profile and sense you are around the forums, you really don't need vacuum anymore.
    Second, after people disliked vacuum being a passive for all Sentinel, they brought it back as a mod but for all Sentinels now, along with making the rang from 6m to 12m at max rank.
    Third, after the 2nd hotfix to Vacuum Within of now having a new Vaccum mod, it had been said in the hotfix " All current Sentinel owners will receive this Mod instantly, as well as retroactively with every Sentinel crafted or purchased- much like other default Precepts ".

    It was once a big problem but now it's no longer a problem, especially sense you can easily get the new vacuum mod to max rank right there and now. Ignoring that we can now use it on other Sentinel along side their other mods like Helios and Shadem. Along with knowing that there maybe one point in time, a chance that Baro may bring a Vacuum Prime mod.
    So what the hell is the problem, because I don't see it with the Vacuum anymore, all I see is a veteran player making himself look like a child wanting more.

  2. It's a Palatine Skin, which is a deluxe skin for him, and it cost 165p in the market.

    But there's a Palatine Pack (which I recommend getting that instead of just the Rhino skin) obviously have Rhino skin in that pack, and has Palatine Syandana and Jat Kittag Palatine Skin; which the pack cost 215p.

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